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Releases: pvaiko/course-generator

Release Candidate with Courseplay

22 Jun 13:19
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Fixed some bugs, added graceful error handling (pop up), using CP debug channels and a default fixed 10% headland overlap for nicer corners.

This should now be good enough to go into Courseplay.

There's one known minor bug (#24) and of course a lot of optimization to do.

Course Generator V1.0 Integrated with CoursePlay

12 Jun 13:19
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I made a first usable version with the new generator integrated at, see the last commit.

This release ( contains Courseplay v5.01.00145 with the Course Generator v1.0 integrated. To test it, you'll have to remove your existing Courseplay installation from the mods folder and copy this zip there instead.


Updated HUD and hooked up settings

You can now select 'Vehicle location' in the HUD as
starting corner. If you do so, Starting Direction is set to
automatic too and one headland is selected (can't yet generate
without headland)

Also, hooked up the number of headlands, clockwise/counterclockwise
and headland/center order to the new generator.

If you select anything other than 'Vehicle location' for the
starting corner, the old generator is invoked.

Release 1.0

25 Apr 16:26
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Fixed a couple of minor bugs and added a corner rounding feature (you can toggle it with 'd'). Not sure how useful it is, when turned on there will be no crop left between the headland passes but the field corners are rounded.


Corner with rounding:


Corner without rounding:


Release Candidate

15 Apr 01:45
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Release Candidate Pre-release

This is a good enough version to be a release candidate. Has no known bugs.


Non-convex (a.k.a weird) fields

31 Mar 00:13
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This version now has rudimentary support for non-convex fields (see #12). It will cover the entire field and won't move beyond the field boundaries. It divides the field into blocks and works each block one after the other.
The track direction within the blocks, the order of the blocks and moving between the blocks (highlighted in red) is far from the optimal solution but will do for now.

Refactored a number of other things and everything seems to be fine, convex fields should be generated as before, automated tests pass but I have not tested this with the game. I appreciate if you try it and let me know how it worked, but unless you want to work on non-convex fields it is probably not worth to upgrade to this release.


Smoothing headland corners

15 Mar 11:50
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Refactored headland generation now using grass fire algorithm. You can toggle smoothing corners and tweak two new parameters, the minimum distance between two waypoints and the angle threshold where the smoothing kicks in.


Limited saved course folder support and extending tracks into headland

09 Mar 00:19
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Resolves issue #10:
When a new course is created from an existing one
it'll be in the same folder as the original.

If created from a field, it'll be in the root folder.

Resolves issue #9:
Use x/X to extend the tracks in the center of the field into the headland.

Bugfix Release

07 Mar 12:42
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Bugfix Release Pre-release

Fixes Issue #8 in v.03.

Overlapping headland tracks and new pattern for field body

05 Mar 22:57
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  1. You can now set and overlap in percent for the headland tracks. 10-25% overlap may help to get rid of the skipped fruit "crescents" in the field corners. Also made some enhancements to visualize the headland tracks to see the results of the overlap setting.

  2. New field body pattern enables skipping a number of tracks when turning, working up to the end of the field and then back again as many times as needed to cover the entire center area. If you skip the right amount of tracks (depending on the implement width and the turning radius), the vehicle will turn from one track to the other without reversing. For example, in the screenshot below we are skipping 3 tracks which is obviously one too many as the blue curve shows the tractor would make the turn without reversing even if we skipped only 2.


Loading saved fields

03 Mar 02:51
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This fixes #2 and can load saved fields. See the updated README.

You can now start the course generator with a savegame folder.