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Typed Route Builder

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A proof of concept demonstrating that it is possible to automatically build type-safe routes in TypeScript.


Run yarn add typed-route-builder (or npm install --save typed-route-builder) to install this package as a dependency. TypeScript definitions are included with the package.


This code was designed with react-router in mind. By using any of the functions provided, a path will be generated that is compatible with the Route component. This concept was conceived while looking for an alternative way to store application routes for react-router, while simultaneously having a way for these routes to be typed.


  • Run yarn to install dependencies.
  • Run yarn build to build the TypeScript project.
  • Run yarn start to run the example file.

This repository includes a configuration for Visual Studio Code, allowing for easier debugging.


The ITypedRoute interface contains a number of members:

  • The template string is the string that should be passed to the Route component as the path prop.
  • The paramemeters member is always undefined and should not be used directly. Instead, its type should be used. It is possible to use this type as a generic argument of the RouteComponentProps type, so that the routing parameters are typed automatically. For example:
    type PropsType = RouteComponentProps<typeof typedRoute.params>;
  • The fill member is either a string or a function, depending on whether parameters are present in the typed route. If there are no parameters, this field will be equal to the template string. If there are parameters, it is possible to fill them in as follows:
    const url = typedRoute.fill(param1)(param2)(param3);


There are several functions that create or update ITypedRoute objects. These functions do not mutate the objects passed into them.

  • createTypedRoute constructs a route object. It has one optional parameter, which can be used to define a base path. This parameter should not have a trailing slash.
    const route = createTypedRoute();
  • addSegment accepts one parameter, the segment to add. It returns a function that accepts an ITypedRoute object and returns a new ITypedRoute with the segment added.
    const withSegment = addSegment('users')(route);
  • addParam accepts one parameter. It returns a function that accepts an ITypedRoute object and returns a new ITypedRoute with the parameter added. The parameter type is always string.
    const withParam = addParam('id')(withSegment);
  • addOptionalParam accepts one parameter. It does roughly the same as addParam, except that the value can now be optional (and thus undefined). It returns a function that accepts an ITypedRoute object and returns a new ITypedRoute with the parameter added. The parameter type is always string?.
    const withOptionalParam = addParam('tab')(withParam);

After executing the above lines of code, we will see the following output:

// /users/:id/:tab?

// undefined

// /users/42/password


This entire API is wrapped in a builder class, TypedRouteBuilder, which can be used as follows:

const builtRoute = new TypedRouteBuilder()

Using this builder, builtRoute will now be identical to the withOptionalParam object from the example above.