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Extensible Inferred System

This library aims to provide a starting point from which one can create ASDF system classes similar to package-inferred-system, i.e. systems that are implicitly inferred based on naming conventions, file layout or certain forms.

Currently a few systems are provided for demonstration purposes. They are described below.


The system requires-system (a subclass of asdf:system) works a bit like package-inferred-system, except that instead of determining dependencies from defpackage or define-package forms like package-inferred-system, it looks for forms like (requires :alexandria "package" "util"). Symbols indicate “normal” dependencies, while strings indicate “relative” dependencies whose names are computed based on the location of the current file. In addition, if a dependency signifies a directory, then it is assumed that the directory contains a lisp file with the same name as the directory (i.e. foo/foo.lisp). It’s worth noting that this system does not care about packages like package-inferred-system does, it only cares about files. In other words, it does not require that the source files follow one-package-per-file style.

A requires-system (file or directory) may be loaded normally with ASDF. For example, if we have a lisp file called start-server.lisp or a directory called start-server in the same directory as the system definition file my-app.asd, then it can be loaded (along with its dependencies) by calling:

(asdf:load-system "my-app/start-server")

Example requires-system

To better illustrate how it works, suppose we have a project with the following files:

  • my-lib.asd
  • package.lisp
  • utils.lisp
  • my-lib.lisp
  • module/
    • module.lisp
    • module-utils.lisp

Then the contents of each file could look like this:

  • my-lib.asd
(asdf:defsystem #:my-lib
  :defsystem-depends-on ("extensible-inferred-system")
  :class "extensible-inferred-system:requires-system")
  • package.lisp
(defpackage :my-lib ...)
  • utils.lisp
(extensible-inferred-system:requires :alexandria "package")

(in-package :my-lib)
  • my-lib.lisp
(extensible-inferred-system:requires :hunchentoot
(in-package :my-lib)
  • module/module.lisp
(extensible-inferred-system:requires :my-lib/package "module-utils")

(in-package :my-lib)
  • module/module-utils.lisp
(extensible-inferred-system:requires :cl-ppcre)

(defpackage :my-lib-module-utils (:use :cl))
(in-package :my-lib-module-utils)


This system is a subclass of requires-system and behaves in a similar way, except that dependencies are specified in a comment at the beginning of a file. The format of the comment is requires dep1 dep2 ... and it may be a single line, or it may span multiple lines. A non-comment line ends the dependency specification. A different initial symbol (instead of requires) may be specified with the initarg :initial-symbol-name. It should be a string, and will be read-from-string into a temporary package. Lines containing certain strings can be ignored with the :ignore-lines initarg. The argument should be a string or a list of strings. Its main use is to skip lines with Emacs file local variables (-*-).


;;;; Requires
;;;;   alexandria
;;;;   cl-ppcre
;;;;   my-app/some/module
;;;;   "package"
;;;;   "util/logging"
;;;;   "util/strings"

(in-package :my-app)

In order to use this system class, create an asd file like this in your source directory:

(asdf:defsystem #:my-app
  :defsystem-depends-on ("extensible-inferred-system")
  :class "extensible-inferred-system:comment-system"
  :ignore-lines "-*-" ; Optional
  :initial-symbol-name "dependencies") ; Optional, default is "requires".


This system is also a subclass of requires-system and behaves in a similar way, except that dependencies are specified with a quote form at the beginning of a file.


(quote (:alexandria

(in-package :my-app)

In order to use this system class, create an asd file like this in your source directory:

(asdf:defsystem #:my-app
  :defsystem-depends-on ("extensible-inferred-system")
  :class "extensible-inferred-system:quote-system")


This system is also a subclass of requires-system and behaves in a similar way, except that dependencies are specified with the reader conditional expression #+requires (...) at the beginning of a file. It is assumed that no such feature is normally present. In order to recognize whether no dependencies have been specified, the system will look for the reader conditional “#+requires” at the beginning of the file before attempting to extract dependencies. A different feature expression may be specified with the initarg :feature-expression. The argument should be a string, and will be read-from-string with *package* bound to the keyword package (so ~”FOO”~ becomes :FOO).

Initial comment lines will be skipped by default. If comments should not be skipped, the initarg :skip-comments nil can be used.


#+requires (:alexandria

(in-package :my-app)

In order to use this system class, create an asd file like this in your source directory:

(asdf:defsystem #:my-app
  :defsystem-depends-on ("extensible-inferred-system")
  :class "extensible-inferred-system:feature-system"
  :feature-expression "dependencies") ; optional


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