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bam_alt: a tiny bit of documentation
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pveber committed Aug 19, 2014
1 parent 0e560b5 commit f87cc84
Showing 1 changed file with 18 additions and 1 deletion.
19 changes: 18 additions & 1 deletion src/lib/biocaml_bam_alt.mli
@@ -1,13 +1,30 @@
(** Parsing and printing of BAM files. *)
(** Read and write BAM format.
The implementation does its best to comply with the {{: } official

open Core.Std

(** A BAM file is composed of a header and a list of alignment
records. The datatypes used in this module are the same than in
the {!Biocaml.SAM} module. *)

type header = Biocaml_sam.header

type alignment = Biocaml_sam.alignment

val read : in_channel -> (header * alignment Or_error.t Stream.t) Or_error.t
(** [read ic] returns an error if a valid header cannot be read from
[ic] or a pair containing a header and a stream of possibly
errored alignments. The stream stops after the first error. *)

val with_file : string -> f:(header -> alignment Or_error.t Stream.t -> 'a) -> 'a Or_error.t
(** [with_file fn ~f] opens a BAM file for reading, applies [f] and
closes the file after that, even if [f] raises an exception. {b
Beware}: the result of [f] {b should not} lazily depend on the
stream it receives as a second argument, since after the call to
[with_file] the underlying channel is closed. *)

(* val write : header -> alignment Stream.t -> out_channel -> unit *)

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