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Audio voice/noice detection from IP camera feed. If a audio/voice detect it can also stream to a icecast server for playing with SONOS.

It take very small CPU performance. On Raspberry Pi2 B run the scan with 1.6% CPU usage. If it detect a noise/voice in the audio stream they can encode it as mp3 and send that to icecast. This is optional but very usefully for some situation.The encoding process use 5-6% of cpu usage.

I wrote this program for use openHab with a IP-Cam (D-Link 2332L) as baby monitor.

Audio filtering

Default it is optimize for human voice sound. It use a highpass filter with 300Hz and a lowpass filter from 2500Hz. This filter all frequenze with none human voice. Use this filter for reduce background noice.

Audio silence detection

It detects that the input audio volume is less or equal to a noise tolerance value for a duration greater or equal to the minimum detected noise duration.


Start process: --start [--pidFile=/tmp/] [--pipeFile=/tmp/] [--logFile=/tmp/myDetection.log] [--ffmpegBin=ffmpeg] [--curlBin=curl] --openHabUrl= --openHabItem=Baby_Alarm --ipCamUrl=rtsp:// [[--intPort=9554] --iceCastUrl=icecast://user:pw@ [--iceCastLegacy] [--iceCastVol=2]] [--highpass=300] [--lowpass=2500] [--silenceDb=-30] [--silenceSec=20]

Stop process: --stop [--pidFile=/tmp/]


  • --openHabUrl URL to OpenHab web interface for rest API.
  • --openHabItem Name of switch item for trigger the alarm.
  • --ipCamUrl URL for cam live feed. It will ignore the video so you can use the live feed with low bandwidth.
  • --intPort Port for internal RTP streaming. Default port is 9554.
  • --iceCastUrl FFMPEG icecast URL. Is no URL defined, it'will not send the stream to icecast server.
  • --iceCastLegacy Is the icecast server older than 2.4, set this flag.
  • --iceCastVol Multi input volume with this value for output.
  • --highpass Cut all frequence lower than this value. Default is 300Hz.
  • --lowpass Cut all frequence higher than this value. Default is 2500Hz.
  • --silenceDb Noise tolerance value in Db. Default is -30Db.
  • --silenceSec Duration of the minimum detected noise time. Default is 20 Sec.
  • --sampleRate Scale up audio sample rate. For SONOS use minimal 16000 that is also the default value.
  • --pidFile Set the pid file for deamon. For multible instance use multible pid file.
  • --pipeFile Set the pipe file for IPC communication. Default is pidFile.pipe.
  • --logFile Use a logfile for debug ouput. If don't set a file (default) it dosn't log.
  • --start Start the program as daemon.
  • --stop Stop a running daemon.
  • --ffmpegBin Ffmpeg binary to use. Default is ffmpeg without a path.
  • --curlBin Curl binary to use. Default is curl without a path.
  • --version Print the version of the script.
  • --help Print this URL out.


If you have trouble please us the --logFile option to write a debug log. That will help in some cases.


This script use ffmpeg (not libav!) for audio analysing and streaming and curl for calling openHab rest API. Theoretical it work an all system they have perl, ffmpeg and curl. But for process handling I've only implement POSIX systems to use my script. Windows have a other process/service handling and I use this script on my raspberry. I've no time to spend for windows compatibility but you are free to delete all POSIX stuff in my script for use it on windows.


  • Perl with Proc::Daemon
  • ffmpeg with libmp3lame support
  • curl
  • icecast2 (Optional) for stream audio to i.e. SONOS
  • openhab-addon-binding-exec

Copy the script to path they have access from openhab. That is all. Start an stop is possible from openhab with a switch.


Install ffmpeg from multimedia backports

sudo apt-get install curl libproc-daemon-perl icecast2

If you have a older icecast2 Server than 2.4, in my case Raspbian with Whessy, you need the flag --iceCastLegacy to work with older version.


If you have Raspbian with jessie you can use multimedia backports if you don't need HW h264 support. For all other you need compile self. You need time for that...


sudo apt-get remove --purge libtool libaacplus-* libx264 libvpx librtmp ffmpeg
sudo apt-get install curl libproc-daemon-perl icecast2 libmp3lame-dev


git clone git://
cd x264
./configure --enable-static --disable-opengl
sudo make install


git clone --depth 1 git://
cd ffmpeg
./configure --enable-gpl --enable-libx264 --enable-nonfree --enable-libmp3lame
sudo make install



Note: on Raspberry/Debien it is importet to use option --ffmpegBin/--curlBin with full path. The user openhab dosn't have the same PATH as a normal user.

Switch Babyphone_Alarm "Babyphone Alarm" (Child)
Switch Baby_Monitor "Babyphone" (Child) { exec="," }





  • 0.7: Set default silent time to 60s and stop alarm event if close ffmpeg
  • 0.6: Reconnect with pipe handling
  • 0.5: Fix iceCast2 bug in streaming and add option --iceCastVol
  • 0.4: Fix high/low pass filtering bug. Use pipe for IPC
  • 0.3: If the connection break to camera, it reconnect after 10 sec
  • 0.2: Add commands --fmpegBin, --curlBin and --logFile


That's my babephone :)


Audio voice/noice detection from IP camera feed







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