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An interactive TCP client abstraction for the Telos VX Prime phone server.


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An interactive TCP client abstraction for the Telos VX Prime phone server.

Table Of Contents


Telos Client is Node.js implementation of the interactive TCP protocol used by "Telos VX Prime" VoIP (Voice over IP) phone systems. The Livewire Control Protocol "LWCP" used by the VX-Prime server is designed to allow direct interaction with the system to monitor the state of the studio and its phone lines, and perform actions on the system. Telos client is a simple, clean API for managing a connection with the VX-Prime server, listening for studio changes, and performing actions within the studio.

Telos Client vs. VX Client

Telos Client can be considered as version 1.0.0 of the package "vx-client" as it performs the same functionality. The reason that telos client is a seperate package is because it does not offer legacy syntax support for systems already using vx-client. Telos Client has a nearly identical set of methods, but the logging system is brand new and the entire library is strictly Promise based to adopt a more modern feel whereas vx-client is strictly callback based.

Note on Promises

The decision to adopt a Promise based system for Telos Client was made to result in a cleaner implementation when incoporated into an application.

PLEASE READ THIS: Every implementation of Promises in this library will NEVER "reject", but instead will resolve a "null" value in the case of an error. This was decided to reduce the subjectively unappealing usage of try/catch statements in application code to catch errors. Instead, if the Promise resolves a null value, you can use the built in logging system to print out errors, warnings, stack traces, and I/O messages from the server in order to debug unexpected behavior.


This library is in active developement and will be tested over time. The syntax of this library will not change dramatically over the period of testing, but the functionality may change. Use at your own risk.



$ yarn add telos-client


$ npm install --save telos-client

Basic Usage

const TelosClient = require('telos-client');
const client = new TelosClient();


client.connect().then(async function(success){
        var server = await client.getServer();

Configuring the Client

  • Most configuration details can be initialized when creating the client. These configuration settings can also easily be overwritten with applicable configuration methods

Via Options

new TelosClient([options]);

Property Description Type Required Default
log Specify the types of log messages to display. Formatted as a colon separated string (ex. "err:warn:input"). String NO
host Specify the host address to connect to String NO
port Specify the port to connect on Number NO 20518
studioId Specify the default studio id to connect to Number NO 1
username Specify the username for logging in to the server String NO 'user'
password Specify the password for logging in to the server String NO ''

Via Methods

Set Host Address

client.setHost(host: String)

Set Port Number

client.setPort(port: Number)

Set Studio ID

client.setStudioId(studioId: Number)

Set Username

client.setUsername(username: String)

Set Password

client.setPassword(password: String)

Console Logging

Telos Client includes a logging system to optimize application building and debugging. There are various different message types that are used throughout the system and can be toggled with the "log" option when configuring the client.

Message Type Color Description Aliases
error red Error messages are displayed whenever a fatal error occurs as a result of using the library incorrectly or passing an invalid message. Errors will not terminate the application so it is important to enable this option whenever developing to ensure that all errors are noticed. error, errors, err
warning orange Warning messages are displayed whenever an error occurs that does not affect the performance of the client and are typically mitigated through the use of default values. warning, warnings, warn
trace magenta Trace messages are displayed in tandem with error messages if the end-user needs to see the stack trace leading to the error. They will only display if the error type is also enabled. trace, stack, stack trace, stacktrace
input green Input messages are displayed whenever TCP message is received by the client. Input messages are not parsed other than ignoring trailing or leading whitespace. input, in, request, req
output green Output messages are displayed whenever a TCP message is sent by the client. Output messages are the actual representation of what is sent. output, out, response, res

Enabling console message types

const TelosClient = require('telos-client');
const client = new TelosClient({
    // Enable message types by passing a ":" seperated string of any combination of message type aliases
    log: "err:in:out"


The Telos VX system takes input from many different sources and thus changes frequently while being used. For many methods that retrieve data, they are tracked and resolved internally as part of the Promise resolution flow. For any other event triggered by the system, you will need to listen and track them using the events detailed below.


Studio events are fired whenever a change within the studio has been made. Primarily these are called in response to changes of attributes within the studio such as setting the studio to the "busy all" state.

client.on('studio', (data) => {
    // Analyze studio changes here


Line events are fired whenever a change is made to a studio line. These can occur from a change requested by the end-user or naturally by the making and receive of calls on the line. This should be the application's primary way of reacting to changes within the system and staying up to date. NOTE: The "callerId" attribute may not be sent with the line event or the studio even. Be sure to manually request callerId fields if they are not returned and desired.

client.on('line', (data) => {
    // Analyze line changes here

    // Line events will always include the additional "line" property
    //   This indicates the number of the line that has triggered the event
    console.log(`Line Number: ${data.line}`);


The book system is not thoroughly documented here as it has been untested. But if you decide to test the methods related to "", you can listen to the changes here.

client.on('book', (data) => {
    // Analyze book changes here


Instant messages can be tracked within the selected studio using the 'im' event. Refer to the im method for more details on sending messages. Keep in mind that you will only receive instant messages that have been sent within the studio that has been selected.

client.on('im', (data) => {
    console.log(`A message has been sent from "${data.from}": ${data.message}`)

Getting Started

NOTE: The next three "sub-sections" describe the manual way to connect to the server, login, and select a studio, while the forth section provides a nice shortcut to condense it all.


client.connect() : Promise<boolean>



    console.log(success? "Connected" : "Failed to connect");

Logging In

NOTE: Logging in is a prerequisite for ALL methods except getServer.

client.login([username: String [, password: String]]) : Promise<boolean>

  • If a username is not passed, it will default to 'user'
  • If a password is not passed, it will default to the empty string ''
  • The client instance will keep track of whether or not you are logged in for you


/** assume we are inside an async function **/
var loggedIn = await client.login('myusername', 'somepassword');
console.log(loggedIn? "Logged in" : "Failed to log in");

Selecting A Studio

NOTE: Selecting a studio is a prerequisite for ALL methods except studioList, date, getServer, setMode, and ping.

client.selectStudio(studioId: Number) : Promise<boolean>

  • The studio Id must be greater than 0
  • The client instance will keep track of whether or not you are in a studio for you.


var studioSelected = await client.selectStudio(1);
console.log(studioSelected? "Studio selected": "Studio NOT selected");


Flow without shortcut

  • Because almost every method requires you to be connected, authenticated, and have a studio selected, you will often see this repetitive flow of events.
  |client.connect()| <-------+
  +----------------+         |
          |                  |
          |                  |
          v                  |
   +--------------+          |
   |client.login()|          |
   +--------------+          |
          |                  |
          |                  |
          |                  |
+---------------------+      |
|client.selectStudio()|      |
+---------------------+      |
          |                  |
          |                  |
          v                  |
  +----------------+         |
  |Still Connected?+-----NO--+
          |     ^
         YES    |
          |     |
          |     |
          v     |
|client.*() //Execute some other method|

Shortcut Method

  • Since this flow is so common, a built-in method has been included to simplify it

client.connectLoginSelect() : Promise<boolean>

  • This method performs all three actions for you


var initialized = await client.connectLoginSelect();
console.log(initialized? "Ready to go" : "Something went wrong");

Flow with shortcut

+------------+--------------+       |
             |                      |
             |                      |
             v                      |
     +-------+--------+             |
     |Still Connected?+-----NO------+
          |     ^
         YES    |
          |     |
          |     |
          v     |
|client.*() //Execute some other method|

Server Methods

  • Each section below outlines the getter and action methods for the respective "object" and "subobject" combinations According to the Livewire Control Protocol Spec pertaining to the VX Prime system

cc -- general server methods

GET: getServer


  • Get the current state of attributes related to the server


getServer() : Promise<Object>


var Data = await client.getServer();

--Output "Data"

Property Description Type
serverId This is a read-only string property containing server identification string String
serverVersion This is a read-only string property containing server version string String
serverCapabilites This is a read-only string property containing server capabilities string String
lwcpVersion This is a read-only integer property containing the VX LWCP version the server is using Number

GET: studioList


  • Get a read-only list of available studios.


studioList() : Promise<Object>


var Data = await client.studioList();

--Output "Data"

Property Description Type
studioList This is a read-only list property containing the list of available studios Array of Objects

--studioList Array element object definition

Property Description Type
studioId A read-only property for the id of a studio Number
studioName A read-only property for the name of the studio String

GET: date


  • Get a read-only string property mostly used for the VX phones to set their time because they don't have any RTC. ISO 8601 Date String Format.


date() : Promise<Object>


var Data = await;

--Output "Data"

Property Description Type
date This is a read-only string property mostly used for the VX phones to set their time because they don't have any RTC. ISO 8601 Formatted. String

ACTION: ping


  • To test if VX server is still alive.


ping() : Promise<Boolean>


var pong = await;
    console.log("Server connection has died");

ACTION: setMode


  • Write-only operation to tell the server of the current client's mode


setMode(mode: String) : Promise


Property Description Default Type
mode This is a write-only enumerated property that tells server of a current client mode. Must be one of two possible values: "TALENT" or "PRODUCER" (case insensitive) TALENT String


//This method does not produce a response
await client.setMode();

ACTION: login

studio -- Studio Methods

GET: getStudio


  • Get the state of attributes related to the currently selected studio


getStudio() : Promise<Object>


var Data = await client.getStudio()

--Output "Data"

Property Description Type
studioId This is a read-only integer property containing studio ID. Number
studioName This is a read-only string property containing studio name. String
showId This is a read-only integer property containing currently selected show ID. Number
showName This is a read-only string property containing the name of currently selected show. String
numberOfLines This is a read-only integer property containing the total number of lines in the selected studio. Number
numberOfHybrids This is a read-only integer property containing the total number of configured hybrids (fixed + selectable) in this studio. Number
numberOfFixedHybrids This is a read-only integer property containing the number of configured fixed hybrids in this studio. Number
next This is a read-only integer property which holds the ID number of the line that will be taken when take next operation is used. This is the queue for “TALENT” mode. Number
producerNext This is a read-only integer property which holds the ID number of the line that will be taken when take next operation is used. This is the queue for “PRODUCER” mode. Number
allBusy This is a read-only enumerated boolean property that tells if the studio is in “busy all” state. Boolean
muted This is a read-only enumerated boolean property that tells if the “mute” flag was set in this studio. Boolean
showLocked This is a read-only enumerated boolean property that tells if the selected show is locked in this studio. Boolean
autoAnswerOn This is a read-only enumerated boolean property that tells if the “auto_answer” flag was set in this studio. Boolean

GET: showList


  • Get the list of shows in the currently selected studio


showList() : Promise<Object>


var Data = await client.showList();

--Output "Data"

Property Description Type
showList This is a read-only list property containing the list of available shows for this studio. Array of Objects

--studioList Array element object definition

Property Description Type
showId The unique id of the show Number
showName The name of the show String

GET: lineList


  • Get the list of lines and their attributes in the currently selected studio


lineList() : Promise<Object>


var Data = await client.lineList();

--Output "Data"

Property Description Type
lineList This is a read-only list property containing the list of available lines. Array of Objects

--lineList Array element object definition

Property Description Type
state This is a read-only enumerated property that holds the current state of the line. String
callstate This is a read-only enumerated property that holds the current state of the call that resides on this line. String
name This is a read-only string property that holds the name of the line. String
local This is a read-only string property that holds the local number of the line dialing which the call will be assigned to this line. String
remote This is a read-only string property that holds the remote number which has called this line. Number
hybrid This is a read-only integer property that holds the hybrid currently assigned to this line. Number
time This is a read-only integer property that holds the time that passed from the beginning of the call in seconds. It resets when the line state is changed to a different one. Number
comment This is a read-write string property that holds the comment assigned to this line. Comment will reset when the call is dropped. Also comment can only be set when line state is not idle, when there is an active call. String
direction This is a read-only enumerated property that holds the direction of the call. Can be on of three values String

GET: hybridList


  • Get the list of hybrid lines in the currently selected studio


hybridList() : Promise<Object>


var Data = await client.hybridList();

--Output "Data"

Property Description Type
hybridList This is a read-only list property containing the list of configured hybrids in this studio. List elements are strings with hybrid names. Array

ACTION: selectStudio


  • Selected a studio on the server


selectStudio(studioId: Number) : Promise<Boolean>


Property Description Default Type
studioId The ID or Number of the studio Number


var selected = await client.selectStudio(1);
    console.log("Failed to select a studio");

ACTION: selectShow


  • Select a show within the currently selected studio


selectShow(showId: Number) : Promise<Boolean>


Property Description Default Type
showId The ID or Number of the show within the selected studio 1 Number


var selected = await client.selectShow(1);
    console.log("Failed to select a show");



  • Send an instant message to all other clients within the currently selected studio


im(from: String, message: String) : Promise


Property Description Default Type
from Sender's name String
message Message to send String


await"Me", "Hello World");

ACTION: setBusyAll


  • Set the state of all lines in the studio to busy or not busy


setBusyAll(state: Boolean) : Promise


Property Description Default Type
state Whether to set all lines to busy or not true Boolean


await client.setBusyAll(false);

ACTION: dropHybrid


  • Drop the call on a hybrid line


dropHybrid(hybrid: Number) : Promise


Property Description Default Type
hybrid The id for the hybrid line Number


await client.dropHybrid(1);

ACTION: holdHybrid


  • Hold the call on a hybrid line


holdHybrid(hybrid: Number) : Promise


Property Description Default Type
hybrid The id for the hybrid line Number


await client.holdHybrid(1);

studio.line -- studio line methods

GET: getLine


  • Get the attributes of a specific line


getLine(lineId: Number) : Promise<Object>


Property Description Default Type
lineId The number of the line to operate on Number


var Data = await client.getLine(1);

--Output "Data"

GET: getCallerId


  • Get the caller ID value of a specific line


getCallerId(lineId: Number) : Promise<Object>


Property Description Default Type
lineId The number of the line to operate on Number


var Data = await client.getCallerId(1);

--Output "Data"

ACTION: setLineComment


  • Set the comment string of a specific line. Can only be set when not "IDLE"


setLineComment(lineId: Number, comment: String) : Promise


Property Description Default Type
lineId The number of the line to operate on Number
comment The comment text to assign to the line String


await client.setLineComment(1, "Caller Name: John Smith, Topic: Programming");

ACTION: setCallerId


  • Set the caller ID string of a specific line. Can only be set when not "IDLE"


setCallerId(lineId: Number, callerId: String) : Promise


Property Description Default Type
lineId The number of the line to operate on Number
callerId The caller id string to assign to the line String


await client.setCallerId(1, "John Smith");

ACTION: seizeLine


  • Reserve the specified line for the current client so that nobody can call from it except the client


seizeLine(lineId: Number) : Promise


Property Description Default Type
lineId The number of the line to operate on Number


await client.seizeLine(3);

ACTION: callLine


  • Creates all call to the specified number and puts it on a hybrid or handset


callLine(lineId: Number, number: String [, additionalConfig: Object]) : Promise


Property Description Default Type
lineId The number of the line to operate on Number
number The remote number to call String
additionalConfig Additional configuration settings detailed below Object

--additionalConfig - Definition

Property Description Default Type Required
handset If true the hybrid option will be considered otherwise the port option will be considered Boolean No
hybrid The identifier for which hybrid to use in the call Number No
port The port to use in the call Number No


await client.callLine(1,'18001231234');

ACTION: takeLine


  • Takes the call on the specified line to the air on.


takeLine(lineId: Number [, additionalConfig: Object]) : Promise


Property Description Default Type
lineId The number of the line to take Number
additionalConfig Additional configuration settings detailed below Object

--additionalConfig - Definition

Property Description Default Type Required
handset Whether to use the handset Boolean NO
hybrid The hybrid id to use Number NO


await client.takeLine();

ACTION: takeNext


  • Takes the call on the air specified by the next or producerNext studio attribute depending on the client mode (TALENT or PRODUCER)


takeNext() : Promise


await client.takeNext();

ACTION: dropLine


  • Drops the call on the line specified.


dropLine(lineId: Number) : Promise



await client.dropLine(2);

ACTION: lockLine


  • Locks the call on the line specified if the call is "ON_AIR"


lockLine(lineId: Number) : Promise


Property Description Default Type
lineId The number of the line to operate on Number


await client.lockLine(4);

ACTION: unlockLine


  • Unlocks the call on the line specified if the call is "ON_AIR_LOCKED"


unlockLine(lineId: Number) : Promise


Property Description Default Type
lineId The number of the line to operate on Number


await client.unlockLine(4);

ACTION: holdLine


  • Holds a call in either the "ON_HOLD" OR "ON_HOLD_READ" state


holdLine(lineId: Number, ready: Boolean) : Promise


Property Description Default Type
lineId The number of the line to operate on Number
ready Specifying true will set the line to "ON_HOLD_READY", whereas setting it to false will set the line to "ON_HOLD" false String


await client.holdLine(2, false);

ACTION: raiseLine


  • Raises the priority of the selected line in the next queue.


raiseLine(lineId: Number) : Promise


Property Description Default Type
lineId The number of the line to operate on Number


await client.raiseLine(2);


An interactive TCP client abstraction for the Telos VX Prime phone server.







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