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Try heap (#744)
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* start try_free_parser

* try_free_parser done, tests written

* add try_free to

* rename current_heap to allocator
  • Loading branch information
GrosQuildu committed Apr 27, 2020
1 parent 4281583 commit e3b910c
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Showing 12 changed files with 834 additions and 7 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -155,7 +155,8 @@ Pwndbg enables introspection of the glibc allocator, ptmalloc2, via a handful of

## IDA Pro Integration

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File renamed without changes
Binary file added caps/heap_try_free.png
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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions docs/commands/heap/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
## Command: try_free ##
usage: try_free [-h] [addr]
Check what would happen if free was called with given address

| Positional Argument | Info |
| addr | Address passed to free |

| Optional Argument | Info |
| --help | show this help message and exit |
332 changes: 332 additions & 0 deletions pwndbg/commands/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import argparse
import ctypes
import struct

import gdb
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,6 +124,11 @@ def heap(addr=None, verbose=False):
# in GLIBC versions >= 2.27.
cursor += (allocator.malloc_state.sizeof + ptr_size) & ~allocator.malloc_align_mask

# i686 alignment heuristic
first_chunk_size = pwndbg.arch.unpack( + ptr_size, ptr_size))
if first_chunk_size == 0:
cursor += ptr_size * 2

while cursor in heap_region:
old_cursor = cursor
size_field = pwndbg.memory.u(cursor + allocator.chunk_key_offset('size'))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,6 +291,9 @@ def malloc_chunk(addr,fake=False):
arena = allocator.get_heap(addr)['ar_ptr']

fastbins = [] if fake else allocator.fastbins(arena)
if not fastbins:
fastbins = []

header = M.get(addr)
if fake:
header += message.prompt(' FAKE')
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -648,3 +657,326 @@ def bin_addrs(b, bins_type):
else: # normal bin
addrs, _, _ = b
return addrs

try_free_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Check what would happen if free was called with given address')
try_free_parser.add_argument('addr', nargs='?', help='Address passed to free')
def try_free(addr):
addr = int(addr)

# check hook
free_hook = pwndbg.symbol.address('__free_hook')
if free_hook is not None:
if pwndbg.memory.pvoid(free_hook) != 0:
message.success('__libc_free: will execute __free_hook')

# free(0) has no effect
if addr == 0:
message.success('__libc_free: addr is 0, nothing to do')

# constants
allocator = pwndbg.heap.current
arena = allocator.get_arena()

aligned_lsb = allocator.malloc_align_mask.bit_length()
size_sz = allocator.size_sz
malloc_alignment = allocator.malloc_alignment
malloc_align_mask = allocator.malloc_align_mask
chunk_minsize = allocator.minsize

ptr_size = pwndbg.arch.ptrsize

def unsigned_size(size):
# read_chunk()['size'] is signed in pwndbg ;/
# there may be better way to handle that
if ptr_size < 8:
return ctypes.c_uint32(size).value
x = ctypes.c_uint64(size).value
return x

def chunksize(chunk_size):
# maybe move this to
return chunk_size & (~7)

def finalize(errors_found, returned_before_error):
if returned_before_error:
print(message.success('Free should succeed!'))
elif errors_found > 0:
print(message.error('Errors found!'))
print(message.success('All checks passed!'))

# mem2chunk
addr -= 2 * size_sz

# try to get the chunk
chunk = read_chunk(addr)
except gdb.MemoryError as e:
print(message.error('Can\'t read chunk at address 0x{:x}, memory error'.format(addr)))

chunk_size = unsigned_size(chunk['size'])
chunk_size_unmasked = chunksize(chunk_size)
_, is_mmapped, _ = allocator.chunk_flags(chunk_size)

if is_mmapped:
print(message.notice('__libc_free: Doing munmap_chunk'))

errors_found = False
returned_before_error = False

# chunk doesn't overlap memory
print(message.notice('General checks'))
max_mem = (1 << (ptr_size*8)) - 1
if addr + chunk_size >= max_mem:
err = 'free(): invalid pointer -> &chunk + chunk->size > max memory\n'
err += ' 0x{:x} + 0x{:x} > 0x{:x}'
err = err.format(addr, chunk_size, max_mem)
errors_found += 1

# chunk address is aligned
addr_tmp = addr
if malloc_alignment != 2 * size_sz:
addr_tmp = addr + 2 * size_sz

if addr_tmp & malloc_align_mask != 0:
err = 'free(): invalid pointer -> misaligned chunk\n'
err += ' LSB of 0x{:x} are 0b{}, should be 0b{}'
if addr_tmp != addr:
err += ' (0x{:x} was added to the address)'.format(2*size_sz)
err = err.format(addr_tmp, bin(addr_tmp)[-aligned_lsb:], '0'*aligned_lsb)
errors_found += 1

# chunk's size is big enough
if chunk_size_unmasked < chunk_minsize:
err = 'free(): invalid size -> chunk\'s size smaller than MINSIZE\n'
err += ' size is 0x{:x}, MINSIZE is 0x{:x}'
err = err.format(chunk_size_unmasked, chunk_minsize)
errors_found += 1

# chunk's size is aligned
if chunk_size_unmasked & malloc_align_mask != 0:
err = 'free(): invalid size -> chunk\'s size is not aligned\n'
err += ' LSB of size 0x{:x} are 0b{}, should be 0b{}'
err = err.format(chunk_size_unmasked, bin(chunk_size_unmasked)[-aligned_lsb:], '0'*aligned_lsb)
errors_found += 1

# tcache
if allocator.has_tcache() and 'key' in allocator.tcache_entry.keys():
tc_idx = (chunk_size_unmasked - chunk_minsize + malloc_alignment - 1) // malloc_alignment
if tc_idx <['tcache_bins']:
print(message.notice('Tcache checks'))
e = addr + 2*size_sz
e += allocator.tcache_entry.keys().index('key') * ptr_size
e = pwndbg.memory.pvoid(e)
tcache_addr = int(allocator.thread_cache.address)
if e == tcache_addr:
# todo, actually do checks
print(message.error('Will do checks for tcache double-free (memory_tcache_double_free)'))
errors_found += 1

if int(allocator.get_tcache()['counts'][tc_idx]) < int(['tcache_count']):
print(message.success('Using tcache_put'))
if errors_found == 0:
returned_before_error = True

if errors_found > 0:
finalize(errors_found, returned_before_error)

# is fastbin
if chunk_size_unmasked <= allocator.global_max_fast:
print(message.notice('Fastbin checks'))
chunk_fastbin_idx = allocator.fastbin_index(chunk_size_unmasked)
fastbin_list = allocator.fastbins(int(arena.address))[(chunk_fastbin_idx+2)*(ptr_size*2)]

next_chunk = read_chunk(addr + chunk_size_unmasked)
except gdb.MemoryError as e:
print(message.error('Can\'t read next chunk at address 0x{:x}, memory error'.format(chunk + chunk_size_unmasked)))
finalize(errors_found, returned_before_error)

# next chunk's size is big enough and small enough
next_chunk_size = unsigned_size(next_chunk['size'])
if next_chunk_size <= 2*size_sz or chunksize(next_chunk_size) >= int(arena['system_mem']):
err = 'free(): invalid next size (fast) -> next chunk\'s size not in [2*size_sz; av->system_mem]\n'
err += ' next chunk\'s size is 0x{:x}, 2*size_sz is 0x{:x}, system_mem is 0x{:x}'
err = err.format(next_chunk_size, 2*size_sz, int(arena['system_mem']))
errors_found += 1

# chunk is not the same as the one on top of fastbin[idx]
if int(fastbin_list[0]) == addr:
err = 'double free or corruption (fasttop) -> chunk already is on top of fastbin list\n'
err += ' fastbin idx == {}'
err = err.format(chunk_fastbin_idx)
errors_found += 1

# chunk's size is ~same as top chunk's size
fastbin_top_chunk = int(fastbin_list[0])
if fastbin_top_chunk != 0:
fastbin_top_chunk = read_chunk(fastbin_top_chunk)
except gdb.MemoryError as e:
print(message.error('Can\'t read top fastbin chunk at address 0x{:x}, memory error'.format(fastbin_top_chunk)))
finalize(errors_found, returned_before_error)

fastbin_top_chunk_size = chunksize(unsigned_size(fastbin_top_chunk['size']))
if chunk_fastbin_idx != allocator.fastbin_index(fastbin_top_chunk_size):
err = 'invalid fastbin entry (free) -> chunk\'s size is not near top chunk\'s size\n'
err += ' chunk\'s size == {}, idx == {}\n'
err += ' top chunk\'s size == {}, idx == {}'
err += ' if `have_lock` is false then the error is invalid'
err = err.format(chunk['size'], chunk_fastbin_idx,
fastbin_top_chunk_size, allocator.fastbin_index(fastbin_top_chunk_size))
errors_found += 1

# is not mapped
elif is_mmapped == 0:
print(message.notice('Not mapped checks'))

# chunks is not top chunk
if addr == int(arena['top']):
err = 'double free or corruption (top) -> chunk is top chunk'
errors_found += 1

# next chunk is not beyond the boundaries of the arena
top_chunk_addr = (int(arena['top']))
top_chunk = read_chunk(top_chunk_addr)
next_chunk_addr = addr + chunk_size_unmasked

# todo: in libc, addition may overflow
if (arena['flags'] & NONCONTIGUOUS_BIT == 0) and next_chunk_addr >= top_chunk_addr + chunksize(top_chunk['size']):
err = 'double free or corruption (out) -> next chunk is beyond arena and arena is contiguous\n'
err += 'next chunk at 0x{:x}, end of arena at 0x{:x}'
err = err.format(next_chunk_addr, top_chunk_addr + chunksize(unsigned_size(top_chunk['size'])))
errors_found += 1

# now we need to dereference chunk
try :
next_chunk = read_chunk(next_chunk_addr)
next_chunk_size = chunksize(unsigned_size(next_chunk['size']))
except (OverflowError, gdb.MemoryError) as e:
print(message.error('Can\'t read next chunk at address 0x{:x}'.format(next_chunk_addr)))
finalize(errors_found, returned_before_error)

# next chunk's P bit is set
prev_inuse,_,_ = allocator.chunk_flags(next_chunk['size'])
if prev_inuse == 0:
err = 'double free or corruption (!prev) -> next chunk\'s previous-in-use bit is 0\n'
errors_found += 1

# next chunk's size is big enough and small enough
if next_chunk_size <= 2*size_sz or next_chunk_size >= int(arena['system_mem']):
err = 'free(): invalid next size (normal) -> next chunk\'s size not in [2*size_sz; system_mem]\n'
err += 'next chunk\'s size is 0x{:x}, 2*size_sz is 0x{:x}, system_mem is 0x{:x}'
err = err.format(next_chunk_size, 2*size_sz, int(arena['system_mem']))
errors_found += 1

# consolidate backward
prev_inuse,_,_ = allocator.chunk_flags(chunk['size'])
if prev_inuse == 0:
print(message.notice('Backward consolidation'))
prev_size = chunksize(unsigned_size(chunk['prev_size']))
prev_chunk_addr = addr - prev_size

try :
prev_chunk = read_chunk(prev_chunk_addr)
prev_chunk_size = chunksize(unsigned_size(prev_chunk['size']))
except (OverflowError, gdb.MemoryError) as e:
print(message.error('Can\'t read next chunk at address 0x{:x}'.format(prev_chunk_addr)))
finalize(errors_found, returned_before_error)

if unsigned_size(prev_chunk['size']) != prev_size:
err = 'corrupted size vs. prev_size while consolidating\n'
err += 'prev_size field is 0x{:x}, prev chunk at 0x{:x}, prev chunk size is 0x{:x}'
err = err.format(prev_size, prev_chunk_addr, unsigned_size(prev_chunk['size']))
errors_found += 1
addr = prev_chunk_addr
chunk_size += prev_size
chunk_size_unmasked += prev_size

# consolidate forward
if next_chunk_addr != top_chunk_addr:
print(message.notice('Next chunk is not top chunk'))
try :
next_next_chunk_addr = next_chunk_addr + next_chunk_size
next_next_chunk = read_chunk(next_next_chunk_addr)
except (OverflowError, gdb.MemoryError) as e:
print(message.error('Can\'t read next chunk at address 0x{:x}'.format(next_next_chunk_addr)))
finalize(errors_found, returned_before_error)

prev_inuse,_,_ = allocator.chunk_flags(next_next_chunk['size'])
if prev_inuse == 0:
print(message.notice('Forward consolidation'))
chunk_size += next_chunk_size
chunk_size_unmasked += next_chunk_size
print(message.notice('Clearing next chunk\'s P bit'))

# unsorted bin fd->bk should be unsorted bean
unsorted_addr = int(arena['bins']) - 2*ptr_size
unsorted = read_chunk(unsorted_addr)
if read_chunk(unsorted['fd'])['bk'] != unsorted_addr:
err = 'free(): corrupted unsorted chunks -> unsorted_chunk->fd->bk != unsorted_chunk\n'
err += 'unsorted at 0x{:x}, unsorted->fd == 0x{:x}, unsorted->fd->bk == 0x{:x}'
err = err.format(unsorted_addr, unsorted['fd'], read_chunk(unsorted['fd'])['bk'])
errors_found += 1
except (OverflowError, gdb.MemoryError) as e:
print(message.error('Can\'t read chunk at 0x{:x}, it is unsorted bin fd'.format(unsorted['fd'])))
errors_found += 1
except (OverflowError, gdb.MemoryError) as e:
print(message.error('Can\'t read unsorted bin chunk at 0x{:x}'.format(unsorted_addr)))
errors_found += 1

print(message.notice('Next chunk is top chunk'))
chunk_size += next_chunk_size
chunk_size_unmasked += next_chunk_size

# todo: this may vary strongly
if chunk_size_unmasked >= FASTBIN_CONSOLIDATION_THRESHOLD:
print(message.notice('Doing malloc_consolidate and systrim/heap_trim'))

#is mapped
message.notice('Doing munmap_chunk')

finalize(errors_found, returned_before_error)

def try_unlink(addr):

6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion pwndbg/heap/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -333,7 +333,11 @@ def get_arena(self, arena_addr=None):

return self.main_arena

return pwndbg.memory.poi(self.malloc_state, arena_addr)
return pwndbg.memory.poi(self.malloc_state, arena_addr)
except gdb.MemoryError:
# print(message.warn('Bad arena address {}'.format(arena_addr.address)))
return None

def get_arena_for_chunk(self, addr):
chunk = pwndbg.commands.heap.read_chunk(addr)
Expand Down

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