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FAQ's and Fixes

sharkykh edited this page Jun 11, 2018 · 6 revisions

Where are the LOG files located?

You can find the log files path in Config->Help & Info, look for SR Log Dir.

Note: Synology users can use WinSCP to gain access/browse to the root where the Medusa log is located: /volume1/@appstore/medusa/var/Logs/application.log

How do i enable debug logs to get more detailed information in my logs?

Go to settings (gearwheels) ---> General ---> Advanced Settings. Enable the setting Enable debug. Or set in manually in your config.ini. The line is called debug = 0 replace the 0 with 1 and save. (Make sure Medusa is not running!) If you like to upload the log you can use [pastebin] ( or an equivalent site.

Does Medusa support NAS devices?

Yes. There are pre-built NAS versions of Medusa:

(scene exceptions) Releases have a different show name than in Medusa, and are not snatched?

If you encounter torrents/nzbs that use different show names than the one supplied from TheTVDb or TVRage, you can add a Scene Exception to your show [Go to Show, Edit Show] with the name that the releases are using. An example is when you have two shows with the same name. To differentiate between the two, uploaders generally will add the premiere year of the show. i.e. Revolution, i.e. Revolution (2012) For more information see the Scene exceptions and numbering section.

Error while searching ..., skipping: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

Close Medusa, then delete cache.db in your Medusa directory. This may solve the problem.

If you still have the same issues, search the repository for the error message (without the specific provider name) and if there's an open issue, copy your log (at Debug level). If no such issue exists, open a new one.

Reverse Proxy is not working.

Make the following changes to your config.ini file:

  • web_host=
  • localhost_ip=[your LAN IP]

I have problems with special characters (é etc.) What can i do?

It's always a good idea to make sure you're using UTF-8 locale to avoid unicode decoding issues so please perform the following commands if you're using a unix operating system.

Add the following lines of code to your ~/.bashrc and ~/.profile files:

export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8  
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8  
export LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8  

Then run source ~/.bashrc in a terminal window.

I have problems updating or my installation got corrupt. What now?

You can enable the Git Reset setting under general --> advanced settings. Or you can do a manual Git reset so that your installation is refreshed.

git remote remove origin
git remote add origin
git fetch origin --prune
git checkout master
git branch -u origin/master
git reset --hard origin/master
git pull

I'm currently using the SABtoSickbeard script with SABNZB, however failed downloads dont work.

Switch to the NZBtoMedia scripts. The package contains a script called NZBtoSickbeard. This will provide full and automatic failed download handling. Installation is almost identical as the SABtoSickbeard script.

Error: Rar Not Supported: No suitable RAR unpacker installed

Medusa has the ability to unpack RAR-archived releases but require the external unrar command on Linux, Mac, FreeBSD and other Unix OS. In Windows, it use unrar.dll(x86) or unrar64.dll(x86_64) which are included in Medusa.

If you get this error, you need to make sure unrar is installed and available into PATH.

To install unrar:

  • Fedora:
  • Ubuntu, Mint, Debian(non-free repo):
    • apt-get install unrar
  • openSUSE:
    • zypper install unrar
  • Arch:
    • pacman -S unrar
  • Mac (brew):
    • brew install unrar
  • Mac (ports):
    • port install unrar

I'm getting SSL errors what now?

A SSL error looks generally something like this: _ssl.c:499: error:14077438:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:tlsv1 alert internal error
They are mainly the cause of not having Python installed correctly. Python needs to have the pyOpenSSL & cryptography modules installed to handle HTTPS connections. For more information see the SSL Errors section. Note, QNAP users need to have a recent Medusa package installed.

Can i support Medusa? How?

Yes, of course you can! We are always looking for help. If you are familiar with Python, HTML, Java or other programming languages, please give a shout. Also, if you have experience moderating and want to help users by solving/answering their basic questions regarding Medusa, feel free to help on the Medusa Issue Tracker and IRC Channel. Last there is, of course, the option to Donate that helps us pay for the upkeep/maintaining cost of the Medusa project.

What does the Episode Status mean and what does it do?

The Episode Status shows (like the name implies) the status of an episode. So is it downloaded and in what quality? Or is it still Wanted? Or skipped? For an extended explanation see the Episode Status section.

One of my shows has a missing Network logo.

Medusa uses a network logo to indicate the network on which the show aired. However with countless networks world wide it's impossible to keep track/add every logo. If you come across a missing logo please report it (or, when you are able, submit it). For more information see the Network logos section.

What is post processing?

After an episode is downloaded you can automatically modify/change/work on the file. Post processing is the name for this process. It can include a message from your download client (Sabnzb) to Medusa that the file was downloaded, to renaming the episode, or any other form of modifying/testing. Out of the box Medusa contains many options you can use, but if you want even more options then check out the NZBToMedia scripts. Also see the Post-Processing section.

How do the quality settings for a show work?

One of the most important things in Medusa are the Quality Settings. The Quality Settings allow you to instruct Medusa what the quality should be and if it should be snatched, or left alone. For a more detailed explanation see the Quality Settings section.

Newly aired shows are not downloading and set to skipped/ignored?

This is due to a fix for a very old bug in Medusa recently. (July 2015)

Previously, when you added a show you had the option for Default Episode Status to set the status for episodes that had aired in the past, and all new episodes were automatically set to wanted regardless of your setting, which could be seen from the show page. Now, we have 2 settings when adding a show, Default Episode Status for past episodes, and a Default Episode Status for future episodes. If your shows were added before this change, then your Default Episode Status for future episodes is still set to whatever you added the show with.

Solution Edit each show (or mass update) and correct the Default Episode Status to WANTED (You can also change from wanted to another on shows where you don't want new episodes to be downloaded automatically)

Update problems? Try this:

Stop Medusa, SSH(Linux)/CMD(Windows) and enter Medusa folder

git remote set-url origin
git fetch origin
git checkout master
git branch -u origin/master
git reset --hard origin/master
git pull

When you get the below error and cant update, then check the line git_remote = origin in your config.ini.
Its probbebly missing the origin. If so, shutdown Medusa and add it. Then restart.

git pull -f master returned : fatal: 'master' does not appear to be a git repository


  1. Open SR interface
  2. Menu General Settings > Advanced Settings
  3. Enable 'Enable debug'

Synology & QNAP users can use WinSCP to access/browse SSH to extract the full Medusa log. For example: /volume1/@appstore/medusa/var/Logs/application.log

How to switch to the new Repo?

Luckily it's very easy, but it depends a little on what device you are running Medusa. The quickest way is to switch with a few simple Git commands, which is explained below:

First make a backup from within Medusa, or manually backup config.ini & sickbeard.db.

Note: You need to run the below commands in your Medusa folder. And make sure you run the commands with the same User as you run Medusa with, or permission problems may occur.

  • First stop the Medusa service
git remote set-url origin
git fetch origin
git prune && git remote prune origin
git reset --hard origin/master
  • Start the Medusa service
  • Do another restart of Medusa so all changes can take effect

If you installed Medusa with an installer than check the installation packages wiki for a new version. Then simply reinstall with that new installer, and restore the backup. The above procedure isn't necessary than. But it also works.
Synology users can find a How-to here. And for Windows users making a backup, and reinstalling with the latest Windows installer is advised.
More info on packages/installers you can find here

Note : As of February 2016 the old repo has bumped the database version (sickbeard.db) from v42 to v44 without any changes. Just to frustrate/discourage users from switching. It still works fine, but you will get a warning during startup that its outdated. If you are annoyed with the warning message and are familiar with SQL than you can run the below commands.:
sqlite3 sickbeard.db 'UPDATE db_version SET db_version=42, db_minor_version=1'
(Or use any other preferred tool to set the db_version to 42.)
And off-course you can always build a new database using Meta-data

Post Processing shows a negative time

In rare cases the Post Processing stops working and will show a negative time in the server status overview. The cause is a lone/bad/corrupt file where PP hangs on, and therefor can't be processed/finished. Your log should be able to tell you which file, than you simply need to remove it.

What is a network time zone warning?

Medusa uses a file called network_timezones.txt to check the timezone of a tv channel. This allows Medusa to calculate the exact time that a show airs in your OWN timezone. When it's 12:00 in Europe its 04:00-06:00 in the US etc. By knowing this Medusa can start searching on a more precise time. This might help downloading an episode quicker. (depending on the timezone where you are located.) If there isn't a tv timezone known to Medusa it will start searching by date, so at 0:00 midnight local time.

An network time zone warning will look like this:

Thread-64 :: Network was not found in the network time zones: Sky Atlantic (IT)

When you come across such a warning you can add the tv channel and timezone to the network_timezones.txt here.

Unable to sent torrent to Synology Download station.

Medusa supports Synology's Download Station, but some users can run into problems setting it up correctly.
One of those is : WARNING SEARCHQUEUE-BACKLOG-281620 :: [9149089] DownloadStation: Unable to send Torrent

There are a few things you should check if this happens.
First check it the connection test works in the search settings. If that does work than the authentication with DSM is Ok. Than check the following. :

  • If its a new DSM account then you first need to login with the account to set a default download folder in DownloadStation.
  • Does it work with an administrator account.?
  • If its a custom created folder than set share (folder) permissions in the sc-media & sc-download user-groups.
  • If using DSM 6 than remove /volume1/ from the path in the search settings.

When all fails than you could also use the black-hole method as a work around. Medusa will store the nzb/torrent in a folder of your choosing. Then simply set DS to monitor that folder for nzbs and torrents. As soon as one is found the download will start.