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Contributing to Cricket

If you experience problems with cricket, log them on GitHub. If you want to contribute code, please fork the code and submit a pull request.

Setting up your development environment

The recommended way of setting up your development envrionment for cricket is to install a virtual environment, install the required dependencies and start coding. Assuming that you are using virtualenvwrapper, you only have to run:

$ git clone
$ cd cricket
$ mkvirtualenv cricket

Cricket uses unittest (or unittest2 for Python < 2.7) for its own test suite as well as additional helper modules for testing. To install all the requirements for cricket, you have to run the following commands within your virtual environment:

$ pip install -e .
$ pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

In case you are running a python version < 2.7 please use the requirements_dev_python2.7.txt instead because unittest2 is not part of the standard library for these version.

Now you are ready to start hacking! Have fun!