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Jason edited this page Nov 5, 2013 · 8 revisions


Welcome to the PyDataNYC2013 community wiki!

This will be a way for us to share information about the conference.

Hashtag for the conference is #PyData

Photos can be shared on Flickr Group Page

Usage of Wiki:

  1. Clone wiki link git clone
  2. cd
  3. Find the page to update, a file with name of [Date-Title].md
  4. Write your notes and save it.
  5. git commit -a -m "your commit message"
  6. git push origin master


Links below go to respective pages


Lightning Talks

List here


Add announcements below.

###Networking Opportunities

  • Tuesday, Nov 5th PyData NYC Talk Rehearsals
  • Friday, Nov 8th PyData NYC Kickoff Drinks N Data
  • Friday, Nov 8th Women in Technology Track for high school girls
  • Sunday, Nov 10th Job Fair

###Room Shares

If you are willing to share a couch or floor with a fellow PyData conference goer, list your contact information below.

Visitors of the Big Apple, list your information below.

from foos import ball

Anyone interested in getting together for some friendly foosball with other please contact me at

  • wirth(dot)jason(a)gmail
  • twitter: @Jason_Wirth
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