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ENH #4163 Use SQLAlchemy for DB abstraction
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
TST Import sqlalchemy on Travis.

DOC add docstrings to read sql

ENH read_sql connects via Connection, Engine, file path, or :memory: string

CLN Separate legacy code into new file, and fallback so that all old tests pass.

TST to use sqlachemy syntax in tests

CLN sql into classes, legacy passes

FIX few engine vs con calls

CLN pep8 cleanup

add postgres support for

WIP: cleaup of sql io module - imported correct SQLALCHEMY type, delete redundant PandasSQLWithCon

TODO: renamed _engine_read_table, need to think of a better name.
TODO: clean up get_conneciton function

ENH: cleanup of SQL io

TODO: check that legacy mode works
TODO: run tests

correctly enabled coerce_float option

Cleanup and bug-fixing mainly on legacy mode sql.
IMPORTANT - changed legacy to require connection rather than cursor. This is still not yet finalized.
TODO: tests and doc

Added Test coverage for basic functionality using in-memory SQLite database

Simplified API by automatically distinguishing between engine and connection. Added warnings
  • Loading branch information
danielballan authored and mangecoeur committed Feb 6, 2014
1 parent cc6ee40 commit 0ea6483
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Collection of query wrappers / abstractions to both facilitate data
retrieval and to reduce dependency on DB-specific API.
from datetime import datetime, date

import numpy as np
import traceback

from pandas.core.datetools import format as date_format
from pandas.core.api import DataFrame, isnull

# Helper execution function

def execute(sql, con, retry=True, cur=None, params=None):
Execute the given SQL query using the provided connection object.
sql: string
Query to be executed
con: database connection instance
Database connection. Must implement PEP249 (Database API v2.0).
retry: bool
Not currently implemented
cur: database cursor, optional
Must implement PEP249 (Datbase API v2.0). If cursor is not provided,
one will be obtained from the database connection.
params: list or tuple, optional
List of parameters to pass to execute method.
Cursor object
if cur is None:
cur = con.cursor()

if params is None:
cur.execute(sql, params)
return cur
except Exception:
except Exception: # pragma: no cover

print ('Error on sql %s' % sql)

def _safe_fetch(cur):
result = cur.fetchall()
if not isinstance(result, list):
result = list(result)
return result
except Exception, e: # pragma: no cover
excName = e.__class__.__name__
if excName == 'OperationalError':
return []

def tquery(sql, con=None, cur=None, retry=True):
Returns list of tuples corresponding to each row in given sql
If only one column selected, then plain list is returned.
sql: string
SQL query to be executed
con: SQLConnection or DB API 2.0-compliant connection
cur: DB API 2.0 cursor
Provide a specific connection or a specific cursor if you are executing a
lot of sequential statements and want to commit outside.
cur = execute(sql, con, cur=cur)
result = _safe_fetch(cur)

if con is not None:
except Exception as e:
excName = e.__class__.__name__
if excName == 'OperationalError': # pragma: no cover
print ('Failed to commit, may need to restart interpreter')

if retry:
return tquery(sql, con=con, retry=False)

if result and len(result[0]) == 1:
# python 3 compat
result = list(list(zip(*result))[0])
elif result is None: # pragma: no cover
result = []

return result

def uquery(sql, con=None, cur=None, retry=True, params=None):
Does the same thing as tquery, but instead of returning results, it
returns the number of rows affected. Good for update queries.
cur = execute(sql, con, cur=cur, retry=retry, params=params)

result = cur.rowcount
except Exception as e:
excName = e.__class__.__name__
if excName != 'OperationalError':

if retry:
print ('Looks like your connection failed, reconnecting...')
return uquery(sql, con, retry=False)
return result

def read_frame(sql, con, index_col=None, coerce_float=True, params=None):
Returns a DataFrame corresponding to the result set of the query
Optionally provide an index_col parameter to use one of the
columns as the index. Otherwise will be 0 to len(results) - 1.
sql: string
SQL query to be executed
con: DB connection object, optional
index_col: string, optional
column name to use for the returned DataFrame object.
coerce_float : boolean, default True
Attempt to convert values to non-string, non-numeric objects (like
decimal.Decimal) to floating point, useful for SQL result sets
params: list or tuple, optional
List of parameters to pass to execute method.
cur = execute(sql, con, params=params)
rows = _safe_fetch(cur)
columns = [col_desc[0] for col_desc in cur.description]


result = DataFrame.from_records(rows, columns=columns,

if index_col is not None:
result = result.set_index(index_col)

return result

frame_query = read_frame
read_sql = read_frame

def write_frame(frame, name, con, flavor='sqlite', if_exists='fail', **kwargs):
Write records stored in a DataFrame to a SQL database.
frame: DataFrame
name: name of SQL table
con: an open SQL database connection object
flavor: {'sqlite', 'mysql', 'oracle'}, default 'sqlite'
if_exists: {'fail', 'replace', 'append'}, default 'fail'
fail: If table exists, do nothing.
replace: If table exists, drop it, recreate it, and insert data.
append: If table exists, insert data. Create if does not exist.

if 'append' in kwargs:
import warnings
warnings.warn("append is deprecated, use if_exists instead",
if kwargs['append']:
exists = table_exists(name, con, flavor)
if if_exists == 'fail' and exists:
raise ValueError, "Table '%s' already exists." % name

#create or drop-recreate if necessary
create = None
if exists and if_exists == 'replace':
create = "DROP TABLE %s" % name
elif not exists:
create = get_schema(frame, name, flavor)

if create is not None:
cur = con.cursor()

cur = con.cursor()
# Replace spaces in DataFrame column names with _.
safe_names = [s.replace(' ', '_').strip() for s in frame.columns]
flavor_picker = {'sqlite' : _write_sqlite,
'mysql' : _write_mysql}

func = flavor_picker.get(flavor, None)
if func is None:
raise NotImplementedError
func(frame, name, safe_names, cur)

def _write_sqlite(frame, table, names, cur):
bracketed_names = ['[' + column + ']' for column in names]
col_names = ','.join(bracketed_names)
wildcards = ','.join(['?'] * len(names))
insert_query = 'INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)' % (
table, col_names, wildcards)
# pandas types are badly handled if there is only 1 column ( Issue #3628 )
if not len(frame.columns )==1 :
data = [tuple(x) for x in frame.values]
else :
data = [tuple(x) for x in frame.values.tolist()]
cur.executemany(insert_query, data)

def _write_mysql(frame, table, names, cur):
bracketed_names = ['`' + column + '`' for column in names]
col_names = ','.join(bracketed_names)
wildcards = ','.join([r'%s'] * len(names))
insert_query = "INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)" % (
table, col_names, wildcards)
data = [tuple(x) for x in frame.values]
cur.executemany(insert_query, data)

def table_exists(name, con, flavor):
flavor_map = {
'sqlite': ("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master "
"WHERE type='table' AND name='%s';") % name,
'mysql' : "SHOW TABLES LIKE '%s'" % name}
query = flavor_map.get(flavor, None)
if query is None:
raise NotImplementedError
return len(tquery(query, con)) > 0

def get_sqltype(pytype, flavor):
sqltype = {'mysql': 'VARCHAR (63)',
'sqlite': 'TEXT'}

if issubclass(pytype, np.floating):
sqltype['mysql'] = 'FLOAT'
sqltype['sqlite'] = 'REAL'

if issubclass(pytype, np.integer):
#TODO: Refine integer size.
sqltype['mysql'] = 'BIGINT'
sqltype['sqlite'] = 'INTEGER'

if issubclass(pytype, np.datetime64) or pytype is datetime:
# Caution: np.datetime64 is also a subclass of np.number.
sqltype['mysql'] = 'DATETIME'
sqltype['sqlite'] = 'TIMESTAMP'

if pytype is
sqltype['mysql'] = 'DATE'
sqltype['sqlite'] = 'TIMESTAMP'

if issubclass(pytype, np.bool_):
sqltype['sqlite'] = 'INTEGER'

return sqltype[flavor]

def get_schema(frame, name, flavor, keys=None):
"Return a CREATE TABLE statement to suit the contents of a DataFrame."
lookup_type = lambda dtype: get_sqltype(dtype.type, flavor)
# Replace spaces in DataFrame column names with _.
safe_columns = [s.replace(' ', '_').strip() for s in frame.dtypes.index]
column_types = zip(safe_columns, map(lookup_type, frame.dtypes))
if flavor == 'sqlite':
columns = ',\n '.join('[%s] %s' % x for x in column_types)
columns = ',\n '.join('`%s` %s' % x for x in column_types)

keystr = ''
if keys is not None:
if isinstance(keys, basestring):
keys = (keys,)
keystr = ', PRIMARY KEY (%s)' % ','.join(keys)
template = """CREATE TABLE %(name)s (
create_statement = template % {'name': name, 'columns': columns,
'keystr': keystr}
return create_statement

def sequence2dict(seq):
"""Helper function for cx_Oracle.
For each element in the sequence, creates a dictionary item equal
to the element and keyed by the position of the item in the list.
>>> sequence2dict(("Matt", 1))
{'1': 'Matt', '2': 1}
d = {}
for k,v in zip(range(1, 1 + len(seq)), seq):
d[str(k)] = v
return d

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