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Yamashita Yuu edited this page May 18, 2013 · 1 revision

The python-local-exec command is deprecated as of pyenv 0.2.0 and will be removed in the next major release.

What is python-local-exec?

python-local-exec was introduced in pyenv 0.1.0 as a drop-in replacement for the standard Python shebang line:

#!/usr/bin/env python-local-exec

With python-local-exec in place, scripts in an application with a .python-version or .pyenv-version file use the application-specific Python version, regardless of what directory they're run from. This is useful for running scripts in cron jobs without needing to cd into the application first.

Why is it deprecated?

The functionality provided by python-local-exec has been rolled into the standard python shim provided by pyenv.

Now, when you run scripts or binstubs in an application with a .python-version file, pyenv will automatically use the application's specified Python version, regardless of what directory they're run from.

To upgrade, first ensure your team and its servers are on pyenv 0.2.0 or later. Adjust your shebangs back to:

#!/usr/bin/env python

Then be sure to regenerate your shims with pyenv rehash.

Can I silence the warning message?

Set PYENV_SILENCE_WARNINGS=1 in your environment to silence the python-local-exec deprecation warning message.