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Rewrite using sets as suggested by Kenny Lau
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eric-wieser committed Jun 28, 2020
1 parent 59da409 commit 9235ca2
Showing 1 changed file with 105 additions and 29 deletions.
134 changes: 105 additions & 29 deletions src/geometric_algebra/nursery/chisolm.lean
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Expand Up @@ -15,6 +15,19 @@ import tactic

universes u u₀ u₁

/- Needed for zero_pairwise_ortho_vector -/
-- lemma pairwise_of_repeat {X : Type*} {x : X} {n : ℕ} {r : X → X → Prop} (hr : r x x) :
-- list.pairwise r (list.repeat x n) :=
-- begin
-- induction n with d hd,
-- { exact list.pairwise.nil},
-- { apply list.pairwise.cons _ hd,
-- intros a ha,
-- convert hr,
-- exact list.eq_of_mem_repeat ha,
-- }
-- end

class geometric_algebra
-- Axiom 2: G contains a field G0 of characteristic zero which includes 0 and 1.
(G₀ : Type*) [field G₀]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,7 +62,7 @@ lemma left_distrib : ∀ A B C : G, A * (B + C) = (A * B) + (A * C) := λ A B C,

lemma right_distrib : ∀ A B C : G, (A + B) * C = (A * C) + (B * C) := λ A B C, distrib.right_distrib A B C

def prod_vec (a b : G₁) := fᵥ a * fᵥ b
def prod_vec (a b : G₁) : G := fᵥ a * fᵥ b

local infix `*ᵥ`:75 := prod_vec

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,24 +92,92 @@ theorem zero_is_orthogonal (a : G₁) : is_orthogonal 0 a := begin

class inductive blade (b : G): nat → Type u
| scalar :
-- equals a scalar
(∃ (k: G₀),
b = fₛ k)
→ blade 0
| graded {n : ℕ} :
-- or a product of orthogonal vectors
(∃ (v : {l : vector G₁ (n + 1) // l.val.pairwise (λ a b, is_orthogonal a b ∧ a ≠ b)}),
b = list.foldl (λ (b : G) (a : G₁), fᵥ a * b) (fᵥ v.val.head) v.val.tail.val)
→ blade(n + 1)
/- a list of r orthogonal vectors, which may be non-unique -/
def pairwise_ortho_vector (r : ℕ) := {l : vector G₁ r // l.val.pairwise is_orthogonal}

/- need this for later, can't seem to get the type inference to work if I inline it-/
-- def zero_pairwise_ortho_vector (r : ℕ) : pairwise_ortho_vector r := ⟨
-- vector.repeat (0 : G₁) r, begin
-- unfold vector.repeat subtype.val,
-- apply pairwise_of_repeat,
-- apply zero_is_orthogonal,
-- end⟩

-- r-blades
def is_rblade (r : ℕ) (b : G) : Prop :=
-- a product of orthogonal vectors an a scalar
(∃ (k: G₀) (v : pairwise_ortho_vector r),
b = fₛ k * ( fᵥ))

def Bᵣ (r : ℕ) := set_of (is_rblade r)

namespace Bᵣ
variables {r : ℕ}

lemma all_G₀_is_rblade0 (k : G₀) : is_rblade 0 (fₛ k) := begin
use [k, list.pairwise.nil],
unfold vector.nil subtype.val,
rw list.prod_nil,
lemma all_G₁_is_rblade1 (a : G₁) : is_rblade 1 (fᵥ a) := begin
use 1,
use ⟨(vector.cons a vector.nil), list.pairwise_singleton _ a⟩,
unfold vector.cons vector.nil subtype.val,
rw [list.prod_cons, list.prod_nil],

instance has_coe_from_G₀ : has_coe G₀ (Bᵣ 0) := { coe := λ k, ⟨fₛ k, all_G₀_is_rblade0 k⟩}
instance has_coe_from_G₁ : has_coe G₁ (Bᵣ 1) := { coe := λ a, ⟨fᵥ a, all_G₁_is_rblade1 a⟩}

-- these are trivial, but somehow still needed
instance has_coe_to_G : has_coe (Bᵣ r) G := { coe := subtype.val }
lemma is_rblade (b : Bᵣ r) : is_rblade r b :=

/- todo: do we want this? -/
-- instance has_zero : has_zero (Bᵣ r) := {
-- zero := ⟨(0 : G), begin
-- use [0, zero_pairwise_ortho_vector r],
-- simp,
-- end⟩
-- }

def neg (b : Bᵣ r) : Bᵣ r := ⟨-b.val, begin
cases b with b' hb,
exact exists.elim hb begin
intros a ha,
use -a,
simp [ha],

instance has_neg (r : ℕ) : has_neg (Bᵣ r) := { neg := neg}
end Bᵣ

-- r-vectors
def Gᵣ (r : ℕ) := add_subgroup.closure (Bᵣ r)
namespace Gᵣ
variables {r : ℕ}
instance addgroup : add_group (Gᵣ r) := (Gᵣ r).to_add_group
end Gᵣ

-- multi-vectors
def Mᵣ (r : ℕ) := add_subgroup.closure (⋃ (r : ℕ), (Gᵣ r).carrier)
namespace Mᵣ
variables {r : ℕ}
instance addgroup : add_group (Mᵣ r) := (Mᵣ r).to_add_group
end Mᵣ

def is_scalar : G → Prop := is_rblade 0

Symmetrised product of two vectors must be a scalar
lemma vec_sym_prod_scalar:
∀ (a b : G₁), ∃ k : G₀, a *₊ᵥ b = fₛ k :=
assume a b,
lemma vec_sym_prod_scalar (a b : G₁) : is_scalar (a *₊ᵥ b) :=
have h1 : (a + b)²ᵥ = a²ᵥ + b²ᵥ + a *₊ᵥ b, from begin
unfold square_vec sym_prod_vec prod_vec,
rw add_monoid_hom.map_add fᵥ a b,
Expand All @@ -118,26 +199,21 @@ exists.elim (vec_sq_scalar (a + b))
intros hb ha hab,
rw [hb, ha, hab] at h1,
use kab - ka - kb,
repeat {rw ring_hom.map_sub},
rw h1,
have h2 : (fₛ (kab - ka - kb : G₀) : G) = sym_prod_vec a b, by {
repeat {rw ring_hom.map_sub},
rw h1,
rw ← h2,
rw is_scalar,
apply Bᵣ.all_G₀_is_rblade0, -- this feels clumsy, can I make this automatic?

/- The scalars are 0-blades, as is the result of the vector/vector sym_prod -/
instance scalar_blade0 (a : G₀) : blade (fₛ a) 0 := blade.scalar (by use a)
instance vec_sym_prod_blade0 (a b : G₁) : blade (a *₊ᵥ b) 0 := blade.scalar (vec_sym_prod_scalar a b)

/- The vectors are 1-blades -/
instance vector_blade1 (a : G₁) : blade (fᵥ a) 1 := blade.graded (begin
use ⟨(vector.cons a vector.nil), list.pairwise_singleton _ _⟩,
unfold vector.nil,


end geometric_algebra

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