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Merge pull request #91 from pykale/MPCA-Pipeline
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MPCA pipeline
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haipinglu committed Apr 11, 2021
2 parents 8d30ff8 + 2ade516 commit 16cb102
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Showing 4 changed files with 237 additions and 1 deletion.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion .github/
Expand Up @@ -16,4 +16,5 @@ On the right (delete these after selection):
- [x] Non-breaking change (fix or new feature that would not break existing functionality).
- [ ] Breaking change (fix or new feature that would cause existing functionality to change).
- [ ] New tests added to cover the changes.
- [ ] In-line docstrings updated and documentation `docs` updated.
- [ ] In-line docstrings updated.
- [ ] [Source for documentation at `docs`]( manually updated for new API.
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions docs/source/kale.pipeline.rst
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,14 @@ Pipeline (ML System)

kale.pipeline.mpca_trainer module

.. automodule:: kale.pipeline.mpca_trainer

kale.pipeline.deep_dti module

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179 changes: 179 additions & 0 deletions kale/pipeline/
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
# =============================================================================
# Author: Shuo Zhou,
# Haiping Lu, or
# =============================================================================

"""Implementation of MPCA->Feature Selection->Linear SVM/LogisticRegression Pipeline
[1] Swift, A. J., Lu, H., Uthoff, J., Garg, P., Cogliano, M., Taylor, J., ... & Kiely, D. G. (2020). A machine
learning cardiac magnetic resonance approach to extract disease features and automate pulmonary arterial
hypertension diagnosis. European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Imaging.
[2] Song, X., Meng, L., Shi, Q., & Lu, H. (2015, October). Learning tensor-based features for whole-brain fMRI
classification. In International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention
(pp. 613-620). Springer, Cham.
[3] Lu, H., Plataniotis, K. N., & Venetsanopoulos, A. N. (2008). MPCA: Multilinear principal component analysis of
tensor objects. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 19(1), 18-39.

import logging

import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin
from sklearn.feature_selection import f_classif
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV
from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC, SVC
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_is_fitted

from ..embed.mpca import MPCA

param_c_grids = list(np.logspace(-4, 2, 7))
classifiers = {"svc": [SVC, {"kernel": ["linear"], "C": param_c_grids}],
"linear_svc": [LinearSVC, {"C": param_c_grids}],
"lr": [LogisticRegression, {"C": param_c_grids}]}

# k-fold cross validation used for grid search, i.e. searching for optimal value of C
default_search_params = {'cv': 5}
default_mpca_params = {"var_ratio": 0.97, "return_vector": True}

class MPCATrainer(BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin):

def __init__(self, classifier='svc', classifier_params='auto', mpca_params=None,
n_features=None, search_params=None):
"""Trainer of pipeline: MPCA->Feature selection->Classifier
classifier (str, optional): Available classifier options: {"svc", "linear_svc", "lr"}, where "svc" trains a
support vector classifier, supports both linear and non-linear kernels, optimizes with library "libsvm";
"linear_svc" trains a support vector classifier with linear kernel only, and optimizes with library
"liblinear", which suppose to be faster and better in handling large number of samples; and "lr" trains
a classifier with logistic regression. Defaults to "svc".
classifier_params (dict, optional): Parameters of classifier. Defaults to 'auto'.
mpca_params (dict, optional): Parameters of MPCA. Defaults to None.
n_features (int, optional): Number of features for feature selection. Defaults to None, i.e. all features
after dimension reduction will be used.
search_params (dict, optional): Parameters of grid search. Defaults to None.
if classifier not in ["svc", "linear_svc", "lr"]:
error_msg = "Valid classifier should be 'svc', 'linear_svc', or 'lr', but given %s" % classifier
raise ValueError(error_msg)

self.classifier = classifier
# init mpca object
if mpca_params is None:
self.mpca_params = default_mpca_params
self.mpca_params = mpca_params
self.mpca = MPCA(**self.mpca_params)
# init feature selection parameters
self.n_features = n_features
self.feature_order = None
# init classifier object
if search_params is None:
self.search_params = default_search_params
self.search_params = search_params

self.auto_classifier_param = False
if classifier_params == "auto":
self.auto_classifier_param = True
clf_param_grid = classifiers[classifier][1]
self.grid_search = GridSearchCV(classifiers[classifier][0](),
self.clf = None
elif isinstance(classifier_params, dict):
self.clf = classifiers[classifier][0](**classifier_params)
error_msg = "Invalid classifier parameter type"
raise ValueError(error_msg)

def fit(self, x, y):
"""Fit a pipeline with the given data x and labels y
x (array-like tensor): input data, shape (n_samples, I_1, I_2, ..., I_N)
y (array-like): data labels, shape (n_samples, )
# fit mpca
self.mpca.set_params(**{"return_vector": True})
x_transformed = self.mpca.transform(x)

# feature selection
if self.n_features is None:
self.n_features = x_transformed.shape[1]
self.feature_order = self.mpca.idx_order
f_score, p_val = f_classif(x_transformed, y)
self.feature_order = (-1 * f_score).argsort()
x_transformed = x_transformed[:, self.feature_order][:, :self.n_features]

# fit classifier
if self.auto_classifier_param:
self.grid_search.param_grid["C"].append(1 / x.shape[0]), y)
self.clf = self.grid_search.best_estimator_
if self.classifier == "svc":
self.clf.set_params(**{"probability": True}), y)

def predict(self, x):
"""Predict the labels for the given data x
x (array-like tensor): input data, shape (n_samples, I_1, I_2, ..., I_N)
array-like: Predicted labels, shape (n_samples, )
return self.clf.predict(self._extract_feature(x))

def decision_function(self, x):
"""Decision scores of each class for the given data x
x (array-like tensor): input data, shape (n_samples, I_1, I_2, ..., I_N)
array-like: decision scores, shape (n_samples,) for binary case, else (n_samples, n_class)
return self.clf.decision_function(self._extract_feature(x))

def predict_proba(self, x):
"""Probability of each class for the given data x. Not supported by "linear_svc".
x (array-like tensor): input data, shape (n_samples, I_1, I_2, ..., I_N)
array-like: probabilities, shape (n_samples, n_class)
if self.classifier == 'linear_svc':
error_msg = "Linear SVC does not support computing probability."
raise ValueError(error_msg)
return self.clf.predict_proba(self._extract_feature(x))

def _extract_feature(self, x):
"""Extracting features for the given data x with MPCA->Feature selection
x (array-like tensor): input data, shape (n_samples, I_1, I_2, ..., I_N)
array-like: n_new, shape (n_samples, n_features)
x_transformed = self.mpca.transform(x)

return x_transformed[:, self.feature_order][:, :self.n_features]
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions tests/pipeline/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
import numpy as np
import pytest
from numpy import testing
from import loadmat
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, roc_auc_score

from kale.pipeline.mpca_trainer import MPCATrainer

gait = loadmat("tests/test_data/gait_gallery_data.mat")
x = gait["fea3D"].transpose((3, 0, 1, 2))
x = x[:20, :]
y = gait["gnd"][:20].reshape(-1)

CLASSIFIERS = ["svc", "linear_svc", "lr"]
PARAMS = [{"classifier_params": "auto", "mpca_params": None, "n_features": None, "search_params": None},
{"classifier_params": {"C": 1}, "mpca_params": {"var_ratio": 0.9, "return_vector": True},
"n_features": 100, "search_params": {'cv': 3}}]

@pytest.mark.parametrize("classifier", CLASSIFIERS)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("params", PARAMS)
def test_mpca_trainer(classifier, params):
trainer = MPCATrainer(classifier=classifier, **params), y)
y_pred = trainer.predict(x)
testing.assert_equal(np.unique(y), np.unique(y_pred))
assert accuracy_score(y, y_pred) >= 0.8

if classifier == "linear_svc":
with pytest.raises(Exception):
y_proba = trainer.predict_proba(x)
y_proba = trainer.predict_proba(x)
assert np.max(y_proba) <= 1.0
assert np.min(y_proba) >= 0.0
y_ = np.zeros(y.shape)
y_[np.where(y == 1)] = 1
assert roc_auc_score(y_, y_proba[:, 0]) >= 0.8

y_dec_score = trainer.decision_function(x)
assert roc_auc_score(y, y_dec_score) >= 0.8

def test_invalid_init():
with pytest.raises(Exception):
with pytest.raises(Exception):

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