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PYLON NETWORK – Blockchain. Energy-Wise.

Pylon Network is a neutral energy database by-design.

Our objective: to instigate an ecosystem of cooperation in a digitalized energy sector.




By leveraging the immutability, traceability and transparency offered by blockchain and combining it with our “energy-wise” blockchain technology we are set to liberalize the digitalization transition process of our energy systems. With a demonstrated, working technology, our strategy is simple – and in full alignment with our core value: empowering the transition to decarbonizing our energy systems, as the best (and last) opportunity to combine economic / business growth with delivery of social impact.


It’s the data, stupid!

The wave of energy digitalization

The energy sector is about to be taken by a wave of digitalization. Only in EU, by 2020 there will be 100s of millions of smart meters, installed in consumers home, generating a new stream of granular data (at the consumers level) for the first time in the energy sector.

For ensuring that these data will be leveraged for the optimal value (economic, social & environmental) and not just for the benefit of a closed group of actors, Pylon Network creates an open, neutral, shared energy database for encouraging the exchange of digital services among ALL stakeholders.

Energy Data Neutrality: The Key to a Successful Energy Transition

Pylon Network guarantees the highest standards of data neutrality by leveraging our open source blockchain technology, which is designed in accordance to the high requirements of the energy sector (meaning that it also deals with the challenges of scalability and energy consumption, commonly faced by blockchain protocols).

In this way, Pylon Network uniquely combines full transparency with full privacy for open energy data and unlocks a blue ocean of innovation around digital energy services.

Pylon Network is here to accelerate the energy transition process.


Our technology is designed to help tackle the challenge by offering a neutral, efficient and transparent database with the ability to settle data and transactions, in a fast and secure manner.

With Pylon Network, interactions within multi-agent networks are possible – and encouraged – allowing to capitalize on the biggest asset we have available, for effectively reducing the carbon intensity of our energy systems: COOPERATION.

Our blockchain technology has been adopted to the needs of the energy sector, coming with the necessary flexibility to adopt to a very large range of applications and markets. All information about Pylon Network blockchain can be found here. If you want to contribute, feel free to get in touch with directly with the team via our official Telegram channel.

Real Value & Implementation

The operation of the Neutral Energy Database and the cooperative (while secure) environment within Pylon Network, allows for the decentralization of digital governance in the energy sector. By offering instantaneous exchange and settlement of energy-related data between energy stakeholders (e.g. consumption/production, certification of energy exchange, payments, etc.), we have set up the foundation for an open and diverse ecosystem of digital services, where cooperation is instigated by design.


Pylon Network’s Neutral Energy Database can accelerate the energy transition by driving innovation at all levels of the supply chain and induce social impact at scale. We have already seen the first signs of this, at the beginning of our commercialization stage in Spain while we are successfully coming out of the demonstration stage (see the demo platform here).

More info about the technical specifications of Pylon Network’s blockchain technology can be found on our website. Pylon blockchain explorer is available here.

Pylon Token (PYLNT) and Pyloncoin (PYLNC)

In Pylon Network there are two asset, the Pylon Token or “PYLNT” and the Pyloncoin or “PYLNC”. Both assets play a particular role within Pylon Network and are related.

The Pylon Token – PYLNT is a digital asset that represents the participation in the Pylon Network platform and with it come the rights associated with the distributed benefits (rewards) in the form of PYLNC.

The Pyloncoin – PYLNC is a digital currency, which is created to reward the work done by the nodes, that validate and maintain the neutral database supported by Pylon Network’s blockchain. At the same time, a part of the coins created goes to green energy producers and prosumers (see “Light Nodes”), serving as an incentive/support mechanism for those who invest in renewable energy generation technologies.

Our Token Paper (released on Feb. 4) contains all information regarding PYLNT and PYLNC – and can be found here.


If you are interested to know more about Pyloncoin – Pylon Network’s open-source blockchain core – feel free to have a look at the repository.

You are always welcome to get in touch with the team, if you have any questions or you are interested to contribute your work and time to the development of Pylon Network’s energy-wise blockchain code!

You can find all relevant information below.