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Automated Smart Contracts Audit - TruffleCon 2018

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Automated Smart Contracts Audit Workshop - TruffleCon 2018


  1. Download these exercises. git clone
  2. Install Echidna. docker pull trailofbits/echidna or try to use Stack (don't use Stack).
  3. Install Manticore. docker pull trailofbits/manticore or pip3 install manticore --user
  4. Bonus! Not necessary for today, but consider trying Slither too.

Course content

This is a 3.5 hour workshop on programmatic smart contract security. It describes how to use a fuzzer, Echidna, and a symbolic analysis toolkit, Manticore, to review the security of smart contracts and prove correctness of certain functionality.

Presented at

Authored by

  • Josselin Feist

Consider joining a community of Ethereum security engineers and the developers of Slither, Echidna, and Manticore in the Empire Hacking Slack. We host an open office hours for Ethereum security every other week and coordinate it through this Slack, in addition to announcements on Twitter @trailofbits. Please see our release announcement on our blog for more details: Ethereum security guidance for all.