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218 lines (178 loc) · 6.44 KB

The core BaseArithmeticParser

  • operators
  • functions
  • variables
  • deferred evaluation


  • 6-function arithmetic (+, - , *, /, //, **)

  • Unicode math operators (×, ÷, , , , , , , , &, |, ^, , , )

  • Additional operators

    • define sets using {} notation and /& (intersection), /| (union), - (difference) and ^/ (symmetric difference) operators:

      {1, 2, 3}
      {}  # this is the empty set
      {1, 2, 3} ∪ {4, 5, 6}  # {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
      {1, 2, 3} ∩ {3, 4, 5}  # {3}
      {1, 2, 3} & {4, 5, 6}  # {}
      {1, 2, 3} - {2, 3, 4}  # {1}
      {1, 2, 3} ∆ {2, 3, 4}  # {1, 4}

      use for "is element of" and for "is not element of"; in and not in can also be used

    • ?: ternary if-then-else

    • not, and, or

    • mod - modulo arithmetic - 8 mod 3 = 2

    • |x| - absolute value - abs(x)

  • Defined functions

    • sgn
    • abs
    • round
    • trunc
    • ceil
    • floor
    • min
    • max
    • str
  • Multiple assignment

    a, b, c = 1, 2, a+b

    Results in:

    a = 1
    b = 2
    c = 3
  • Deferred evaluation assignments

    Deferred evaluation assignments can be defined using @=:

    circle_area @= pi * r**2

    will re-evaluate circle_area using the current value of r.

    Calling functions in a deferred evaluation will run the function each time. But calling a deferred evaluation within another deferred evaluation will only evaluate the embedded deferred eval at assignment time.

  • Variable names

    • Selected Unicode character ranges (Latin1, Greek)

    • Trailing subscripts

      x₁, y₁ = 1, 2
      x₂, y₂ = 4, 0
      dist = hypot(x₂-x₁, y₂-y₁)

The core ArithmeticParser

The ArithmeticParser class inherits all the features and behavior of the BaseArithmeticParser class. In addition, it also defines more operators and functions, and common mathematical variables

  • operators

    • ° - degree (convert to radians)
    • ! - factorial
    • ²√ ³√ ⁴√ ⁵√ ⁶√ ⁷√ ⁸√ ⁹√ - root (can be used a unary and binary operator)
    • ⁻¹ - superscript -1 - x**(-1) or 1/x
    • ² - superscript 2 - x**2
    • ³ - superscript 3 - x**3
  • functions

    • sin
    • cos
    • tan
    • asin
    • acos
    • atan
    • sinh
    • cosh
    • tanh
    • rad
    • deg
    • ln
    • log
    • log2
    • log10
    • gcd
    • lcm
    • gamma
    • hypot
    • rnd
    • randint
  • variables

    • pi and π = 3.14159
    • tau and τ = 2π = 6.28319
    • e = 2.71828
    • phi, φ and ϕ = 1.61803
  • Example expressions



    Assignment expressions:

      m = 2
      x = 0
      b = 3
      y = m * x + b

    Formula assignments:

      y @= 2*x + 3
      x = 0
      y (evaluates to 3)
      x = 1
      y (evaluates to 5)

    Class implementation:

    def log(x, y=10):
        if math.isclose(y, 2, abs_tol=1e-15):
            return math.log2(x)
        if math.isclose(y, 10, abs_tol=1e-15):
            return math.log10(x)
        return math.log(x, y)
    class ArithmeticParser(BaseArithmeticParser):
        def customize(self):
            """Entry point to define operators, functions and variables."""
            import math
            phi = (1.0 + 5**0.5) / 2.0   # The golden number
            self.initialize_variable("pi", math.pi)
            self.initialize_variable("π", math.pi)
            self.initialize_variable("τ", math.tau)
            self.initialize_variable("tau", math.tau)
            self.initialize_variable("e", math.e)
            self.initialize_variable("φ", phi)
            self.initialize_variable("ϕ", phi)
            self.initialize_variable("phi", phi)
            self.add_function("sin", 1, math.sin)
            self.add_function("cos", 1, math.cos)
            self.add_function("tan", 1, math.tan)
            self.add_function("asin", 1, math.asin)
            self.add_function("acos", 1, math.acos)
            self.add_function("atan", 1, math.atan)
            self.add_function("sinh", 1, math.sinh)
            self.add_function("cosh", 1, math.cosh)
            self.add_function("tanh", 1, math.tanh)
            self.add_function("rad", 1, math.radians)
            self.add_function("deg", 1, math.degrees)
            self.add_function("ln", 1, lambda x: math.log(x))
            self.add_function("log", (1, 2), math.log) # log function can accept one or two values
            self.add_function("log2", 1, math.log2)
            self.add_function("log10", 1, math.log10)
            self.add_function("gcd", 2, math.gcd)
                "lcm", 2,
                lambda a, b: abs(a*b) // math.gcd(a, b) if a or b else 0
            self.add_function("gamma", 1, math.gamma)
            self.add_function("hypot", ..., lambda *seq: sum(safe_pow(i, 2) for i in seq)**0.5)
            self.add_function("rnd", 0, random.random)
            self.add_function("randint", 2, random.randint)
            self.add_function("sgn", 1, lambda x: 0 if _eq(x, 0, self.epsilon) else 1 if x > 0 else -1),
            self.add_operator("°", 1, ArithmeticParser.LEFT, math.radians)
            # avoid clash with '!=' operator
            factorial_operator = (~pp.Literal("!=") + "!").setName("!")
                factorial_operator, 1, ArithmeticParser.LEFT, constrained_factorial
            self.add_operator("⁻¹", 1, ArithmeticParser.LEFT, lambda x: 1 / x)
            self.add_operator("²", 1, ArithmeticParser.LEFT, lambda x: safe_pow(x, 2))
            self.add_operator("³", 1, ArithmeticParser.LEFT, lambda x: safe_pow(x, 3))
            self.add_operator("√", 1, ArithmeticParser.RIGHT, lambda x: x ** 0.5)
            self.add_operator("√", 2, ArithmeticParser.LEFT, lambda x, y: x * y ** 0.5)