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PEP 8 planning

Paul McGuire edited this page Jan 14, 2019 · 8 revisions

Migration of Pyparsing's API over to PEP-8 will be a multi-step process, involving synonym definitions of many methods, method arguments, and module-level variables to provide a migration path for existing pyparsing users. These include:

  • no change to existing class names, as they are already PEP-8 compliant

  • no change to pyparsing_unicode or pyparsing_common; even though these are classes, their intent is to serve as module-like namespaces, so they will retain module naming style

  • conversion of non-PEP-8 methods to classes (while redefining current names as synonyms to the new names):

    • delimitedList -> DelimitedList
    • oneOf -> OneOf
    • dictOf -> DictOf
    • infixNotation -> InfixNotation
    • countedArray -> CountedArray
    • matchPreviousLiteral -> MatchPreviousLiteral
    • matchPreviousExpr -> MatchPreviousExpr
    • originalTextFor -> OriginalTextFor
    • locatedExpr -> LocatedExpr
    • nestedExpr -> NestedExpr
    • indentedBlock -> IndentedBlock
    • opAssoc -> OpAssoc
    • commonHTMLentity -> CommonHtmlEntity
    • restOfLine -> RestOfLine
    • commaSeparatedList -> CommaSeparatedList

    Method argument names in synonyms will be retained as-is, while argument names in new classes will be PEP-8.

    This conversion will also make grammar definitions more consistent in appearance, as most will use just class names, not a mix of class names and method names.

  • no change to:

    • alphas
    • nums
    • alphanums
    • hexnums
    • printables
    • col
    • lineno
    • line
    • alphas8bit (may be deprecated in favor of pyparsing_unicode.Latin1.alphas)
    • punc8bit (may be deprecated in favor of pyparsing_unicode.Latin1.printables)
  • renaming (with retained synonyms):

    • quotedString -> quoted_string
    • dblQuotedString -> dbl_quoted_string
    • sglQuotedString -> sgl_quoted_string
    • unicodeString -> unicode_string
    • removeQuotes -> remove_quotes
    • traceParseAction -> trace_parse_action
    • nullDebugAction -> null_debug_action
    • matchOnlyAtCol -> match_only_at_col
    • replaceWith -> replace_with
    • tokenMap -> token_map
    • upcaseTokens -> upcase_tokens
    • downcaseTokens -> downcase_tokens
    • makeHTMLTags -> make_html_tags
    • makeXMLTags -> make_xml_tags
    • withAttribute -> with_attribute
    • withClass -> with_class
    • replaceHTMLentity -> replace_html_entity
  • deprecate

    • empty, lineStart, lineEnd, stringStart, stringEnd - these module-level names are just predefined instances for classes Empty, LineStart, etc., and can be replaced with in-place instantiation of their respective classes
  • TBD

    • ungroup
    • srange
    • cStyleComment
    • cppStyleComment
    • htmlComment
    • dblSlashComment
    • javaStyleComment
    • pythonStyleComment
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