Uncaught is a single macro namespace to provide a convenience macro for handling uncaught exceptions.
Add the following depenency to your project.clj
[spootnik/uncaught "0.5.5"]
Up to date instructions and pointers to other build environement are available on clojars
(with-uncaught [e & body])
: When an uncaught exception is thrown,
execute body
while binding e
to the exception. The *thread*
dynamic variable will also be bound to the thread on which the
exception occured.
(with-uncaught e
(warn e "uncaught exception"))
An uncaught
symbol is available for backward compatibility purposes.
This is inspired by Stuart Sierra's Clojure Do's Series
Copyright © 2015 Pierre-Yves Ritschard pyr@spootnik.org. Distributed under the ISC License, see LICENSE file.