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Docker Installation

pyrevo edited this page Apr 3, 2018 · 4 revisions

ClusterScan can be also ran through the docker engine. Docker is an open source project intended to provide tools to performs operating-system-level virtualization also known as containerization. More information can be found here. In order to use ClusterScan in a docker container, you must install the docker engine and the docker ClusterScan image. You can find a complete Linux installation guide of the docker engine following this link.

Installing docker engine

If you already have the docker engine installed on your machine, you can skip this step. To install the docker engine you simply have to type:

curl -fsSL | sh

If you haven't curl installed, you can obtain it by typing:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install curl

Once you have the docker engine installed, you may want guarantee administrator permissions to your user:

sudo usermod -aG docker <your-user>

After this step you must exit and open a new terminal. You can test your docker engine installation with the command:

docker run hello-world

Installing ClusterScan image

To obtain the latest ClusterScan docker image type:

docker pull sangeslab/clusterscan:latest

You can test your docker ClusterScan installation by typing:

docker images

obtaining something like that:

sangeslab/clusterscan latest 1bc62465dc7c 3 days ago 1.44GB
hello-world latest f2a91732366c 4 months ago 1.85kB

To get rid of the ClusterScan image:

docker rmi -f sangeslab/clusterscan

you can also remove the created containers by tracking their IDs:

docker ps -a
docker rm <your container ID>

Running ClusterScan through docker

To run ClusterScan type:

docker run --user $(id -u) -it -v /full/path/to/data/folder:/data sangeslab/clusterscan bash

and substitute /full/path/to/data/folder with the complete path to the directory containing your input data.

You can test whether CLusterScan is ready with: -h