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Heroku Buildpack for Janet

This is a buildpack for deploying applications written in Janet to Heroku.

It features:

  • easy configuration with the janet_buildpack.config file
  • caching of jpm dependencies and downloads


# Creating a Heroku app with this buildpack
$ heroku create --buildpack pyrmont/janet

# Setting the buildpack for an existing Heroku app
$ heroku buildpacks:set pyrmont/janet

# Using the latest version of the buildpack
$ heroku buildpacks:set

Your app will need its own Procfile.

Your project.janet file must be configured to create an executable that will be launched by Heroku. This can be done using the declare-executable macro. Your Procfile then needs to be configured to launch this executable.


An example project is available here.

Version Pinning

The methods above always use the latest version of the buildpack. To use a specific version of the buildpack, choose a commit from the commits page. The commit SHA forms part of your buildpack URL.

$ heroku buildpacks:set<SHA>

It is recommended that you use a buildpack URL with a commit SHA on production apps. This prevents the unpleasant moment when your Heroku build fails because the buildpack you use just got updated with a breaking change.


You can configure this buildpack by creating a janet_buildpack.config file in your app's root directory. The file's syntax is bash.

If you don't specify a config option, then the default option from the buildpack's janet_buildpack.config file will be used.

The current configuration options:

# Janet version

# Rebuild from scratch on every deploy


This buildpack is based on the Elixir buildpack. Special thanks to Akash Manohar and contributors.


The latest version is v5.