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File metadata and controls

666 lines (509 loc) · 27.2 KB

Extending PyScaffold

PyScaffold is carefully designed to cover the essentials of authoring and distributing Python packages. Most of time, tweaking putup options is enough to ensure proper configuration of a project. However, for advanced use cases a deeper level of programmability may be required and PyScaffold's extension systems provides this.

PyScaffold can be extended at runtime by other Python packages. Therefore it is possible to change the behaviour of the putup command line tool without changing the PyScaffold code itself. In order to explain how this mechanism works, the following sections define a few important concepts and present a comprehensive guide about how to create custom extensions.

Additionally, Cookiecutter templates can also be used but writing a native PyScaffold extension is the preferred way.


A perfect start for your own custom extension is the extension custom_extension for PyScaffold. Just install it with pip install pyscaffoldext-custom-extension and then create your own extension template with putup --custom-extension pyscaffoldext-my-own-extension.

Project Structure Representation

Each Python package project is internally represented by PyScaffold as a tree data structure, that directly relates to a directory entry in the file system. This tree is implemented as a simple (and possibly nested) :obj:`dict` in which keys indicate the path where files will be generated, while values indicate their content. For instance, the following dict:

    "folder": {
        "file.txt": "Hello World!",
        "another-folder": {
            "empty-file.txt": ""

represents a project directory in the file system that contains a single directory named folder. In turn, folder contains two entries. The first entry is a file named file.txt with content Hello World! while the second entry is a sub-directory named another-folder. Finally, another-folder contains an empty file named empty-file.txt.

.. versionchanged:: 4.0
    Prior to version 4.0, the project structure included the top level
    directory of the project. Now it considers everything **under** the
    project folder.

Additionally, tuple values are also allowed in order to specify a file operation (or simply file op) that will be used to produce the file. In this case, the first element of the tuple is the file content, while the second element will be a function (or more generally a :obj:`callable` object) responsible for writing that content to the disk. For example, the dict:

from pyscaffold.operations import create

    "src": {
        "namespace": {
            "": ('print("Hello World!")', create)

represents a src/namespace/ file, under the project directory, with content print("Hello World!"), that will written to the disk. When no operation is specified (i.e. when using a simple string instead of a tuple), PyScaffold will assume :obj:`~pyscaffold.operations.create` by default.


The :obj:`~pyscaffold.operations.create` function simply creates a text file to the disk using UTF-8 encoding and the default file permissions. This behaviour can be modified by wrapping :obj:`~pyscaffold.operations.create` within other fuctions/callables, for example:

from pyscaffold.operations import create, no_overwrite

{"file": ("content", no_overwrite(create))}

will prevent the file to be written if it already exists. See :mod:`pyscaffold.operations` for more information on how to write your own file operation and other options.

Finally, while it is simple to represent file contents as a string directly, most of the times we want to customize them according to the project parameters being created (e.g. package or author's name). So PyScaffold also accepts :obj:`string.Template` objects and functions (with a single :obj:`dict` argument and a :obj:`str` return value) to be used as contents. These templates and functions will be called with :obj:`PyScaffold's options <pyscaffold.operations.ScaffoldOpts>` when its time to create the file to the disk.

This tree representation is often referred in this document as project structure or simply structure.

Scaffold Actions

PyScaffold organizes the generation of a project into a series of steps with well defined purposes. Each step is called action and is implemented as a simple function that receives two arguments: a project structure and a dict with options (some of them parsed from command line arguments, other from default values).

An action MUST return a tuple also composed by a project structure and a dict with options. The return values, thus, are usually modified versions of the input arguments. Additionally an action can also have side effects, like creating directories or adding files to version control. The following pseudo-code illustrates a basic action:

def action(project_structure, options):
    new_struct, new_opts = modify(project_structure, options)
    return new_struct, new_opts

The output of each action is used as the input of the subsequent action, forming a pipeline. Initially the structure argument is just an empty dict. Each action is uniquely identified by a string in the format <module name>:<function name>, similarly to the convention used for a setuptools entry point. For example, if an action is defined in the action function of the file that is part of the pyscaffoldext.contrib project, the action identifier is pyscaffoldext.contrib.extras:action.

By default, the sequence of actions taken by PyScaffold is:

  1. :obj:`pyscaffold.actions:get_default_options <pyscaffold.actions.get_default_options>`
  2. :obj:`pyscaffold.actions:verify_options_consistency <pyscaffold.actions.verify_options_consistency>`
  3. :obj:`pyscaffold.structure:define_structure <pyscaffold.structure.define_structure>`
  4. :obj:`pyscaffold.actions:verify_project_dir <pyscaffold.actions.verify_project_dir>`
  5. :obj:`pyscaffold.update:version_migration <pyscaffold.update.version_migration>`
  6. :obj:`pyscaffold.structure:create_structure <pyscaffold.structure.create_structure>`
  7. :obj:`pyscaffold.actions:init_git <pyscaffold.actions.init_git>`
  8. :obj:`pyscaffold.actions:report_done <pyscaffold.actions.report_done>`

(as given by :obj:`pyscaffold.actions.DEFAULT`)

The project structure is usually empty until :obj:`~pyscaffold.structure.define_structure` This action just loads the in-memory dict representation, that is only written to disk by the :obj:`~pyscaffold.structure.create_structure` action.

Note that, this sequence varies according to the command line options. To retrieve an updated list, please use putup --list-actions or putup --dry-run.

What are Extensions?

From the standpoint of PyScaffold, an extension is just an class inheriting from :obj:`~pyscaffold.extensions.Extension` overriding and implementing certain methods. These methods allow injecting actions at arbitrary positions in the aforementioned list. Furthermore, extensions can also remove actions.

Creating an Extension

In order to create an extension it is necessary to write a class that inherits from :obj:`~pyscaffold.extensions.Extension` and implements the method :obj:`~pyscaffold.extensions.Extension.activate` that receives a list of actions (interpret this argument as a sequence of actions to be executed, or pipeline), registers a custom action that will be called later and returns a modified version of the list of actions:

from pyscaffold import actions
from pyscaffold.extensions import Extension

class MyExtension(Extension):
    """Help text on commandline when running putup -h"""

    def activate(self, pipeline):
        """Activate extension

            pipeline (list): list of actions to perform

            list: updated list of actions
        pipeline = actions.register(pipeline, self.action, after="create_structure")
        pipeline = actions.unregister(pipeline, "init_git")
        return actions

    def action(self, struct, opts):
        """Perform some actions that modifies the structure and options

            struct (dict): project representation as (possibly) nested
            opts (dict): given options, see :obj:`create_project` for
                an extensive list.

            new_struct, new_opts: updated project representation and options
        return new_struct, new_opts


The register and unregister methods implemented in the module :mod:`pyscaffold.actions` basically create modified copies of the action list by inserting/removing the specified functions, with some awareness about their execution order.

Action List Helper Methods

As implied by the previous example, the :mod:`pyscaffold.actions` module provides a series of useful functions and makes it easier to manipulate the action list, by using :obj:`~pyscaffold.actions.register` and :obj:`~pyscaffold.actions.unregister`.

Since the action order is relevant, the first function accepts special keyword arguments (before and after) that should be used to place the extension actions precisely among the default actions. The value of these arguments can be presented in 2 different forms:

actions.register(action_sequence, hook1, before="define_structure")
actions.register(action_sequence, hook2, after="pyscaffold.structure:create_structure")

The first form uses as a position reference the first action with a matching name, regardless of the module. Accordingly, the second form tries to find an action that matches both the given name and module. When no reference is given, :obj:`~pyscaffold.actions.register` assumes as default position after="pyscaffold.structure:define_structure". This position is special since most extensions are expected to create additional files inside the project. Therefore, it is possible to easily amend the project structure before it is materialized by create_structure.

The :obj:`~pyscaffold.actions.unregister` function accepts as second argument a position reference which can similarly present the module name:

actions.unregister(action_sequence, "init_git")
actions.unregister(action_sequence, "pyscaffold.api:init_git")


These functions DO NOT modify the actions list, instead they return a new list with the changes applied.


For convenience, the functions :obj:`~pyscaffold.actions.register` and :obj:`~pyscaffold.actions.unregister` are aliased as instance methods of the :obj:`~pyscaffold.extensions.Extension` class.

Therefore, inside the :obj:`~pyscaffold.extensions.Extension.activate` method, one could simply call action_sequence = self.register(action_sequence, self.my_action).

Structure Helper Methods

PyScaffold also provides extra facilities to manipulate the project structure. The following functions are accessible through the :mod:`~pyscaffold.structure` module:

The first function can be used to deep merge a dictionary argument with the current representation of the to-be-generated directory tree, automatically considering any file op present in tuple values. On the other hand, the second and third functions can be used to ensure a single file is present or absent in the current representation of the project structure, automatically handling parent directories. Finally, :obj:`~pyscaffold.structure.modify` can be used to change the contents of an existing file in the project structure and/or the assigned file operation (for example wrapping it with :obj:`~pyscaffold.operations.no_overwrite`, :obj:`~pyscaffold.operations.skip_on_update` or :obj:`~pyscaffold.operations.add_permissions`).


Similarly to the actions list helpers, these functions also DO NOT modify the project structure. Instead they return a new structure with the changes applied.

The following example illustrates the implementation of a AwesomeFiles extension which defines the define_awesome_files action:

from pathlib import Path
from string import Template
from textwrap import dedent

from pyscaffold import structure
from pyscaffold.extensions import Extension
from pyscaffold.operations import create, no_overwrite, skip_on_update

def my_awesome_file(opts):
    return dedent(
        __author__ = "{author}"
        __copyright__ = "{author}"
        __license__ = "{license}"

        def awesome():
            return "Awesome!"

import pytest
from ${qual_pkg}.awesome import awesome

def test_awesome():
    assert awesome() == "Awesome!"

class AwesomeFiles(Extension):
    """Adding some additional awesome files"""

    def activate(self, actions):
        return self.register(actions, self.define_awesome_files)

    def define_awesome_files(self, struct, opts):
        struct = structure.merge(
                "src": {
                    opts["package"]: {"": my_awesome_file},
                "tests": {
                    "": (MY_AWESOME_TEST, no_overwrite(create)),
                    "": ("# not so awesome", no_overwrite(create)),

        struct[".python-version"] = ("3.6.1", no_overwrite(create))

        for filename in ["awesome_file1", "awesome_file2"]:
            struct = structure.ensure(
                # The second argument is the file path, represented by a
                # os.PathLike object or string.
                # Alternatively in this example:
                # Path("src", opts["package"], filename),

        # The `reject` can be used to avoid default files being generated.
        struct = structure.reject(struct, Path("src", opts["package"], ""))

        # `modify` can be used to change contents in an existing file
        # and/or change the assigned file operation
        def append_pdb(prev_content, prev_op):
            retrun(prev_content + "\nimport pdb", skip_on_update(prev_op)),

        struct = structure.modify(struct, "tests/", append_pdb)

        # It is import to remember the return values
        return struct, opts

As shown by the previous example, the :mod:`~pyscaffold.operations` module also contains file operation modifiers that can be used to change the assigned file op. These modifiers work like standard Python decorators: instead of being a file op themselves, they receive a file operation as argument and return a file operation, and therefore can be used to wrap the original file operation and modify its behaviour.


By default, all the file op modifiers in the :obj:`pyscaffold.operations` package don't even need an explicit argument, when called with zero arguments :obj:`~pyscaffold.operations.create` is assumed.

:obj:`~pyscaffold.operations.no_overwrite` avoids an existing file to be overwritten when putup is used in update mode. Similarly, :obj:`~pyscaffold.operations.skip_on_update` avoids creating a file from template in update mode, even if it does not exist. On the other hand, :obj:`~pyscaffold.operations.add_permissions` will change the file access permissions if it is created or already exists in the disk.


See :mod:`pyscaffold.operations` for more information on how to write your own file operation or modifiers.

Activating Extensions

PyScaffold extensions are not activated by default. Instead, it is necessary to add a CLI option to do it. This is possible by setting up a setuptools entry point under the pyscaffold.cli group. This entry point should point to our extension class, e.g. AwesomeFiles like defined above. If you for instance use a scaffold generated by PyScaffold to write a PyScaffold extension (we hope you do ;-), you would add the following to the options.entry_points section in setup.cfg:

pyscaffold.cli =
    awesome_files = your_package.your_module:AwesomeFiles


In order to guarantee consistency and allow PyScaffold to unequivocally find your extension, the name of the entry point should be a "underscore" version of the name of the extension class (e.g. an entry point awesome_files for the AwesomeFiles class). If you really need to customize that behaviour, please overwrite the name property of your class to match the entry point.

By inheriting from :obj:`pyscaffold.extensions.Extension`, a default CLI option that already activates the extension will be created, based on the dasherized version of the name in the setuptools entry point. In the example above, the automatically generated option will be --awesome-files.

For more sophisticated extensions which need to read and parse their own command line arguments it is necessary to override :obj:`~pyscaffold.extensions.Extension.augment_cli` that receives an :class:`argparse.ArgumentParser` argument. This object can then be modified in order to add custom command line arguments that will later be stored in the opts dictionary. Just remember the convention that after the command line arguments parsing, the extension function should be stored under the extensions attribute (a list) of the :mod:`argparse` generated object. For reference check out the implementation of the :ref:`namespace extension <namespace-extension>`. Another convention is to avoid storing state/parameters inside the extension class, instead store them as you would do regularly with :mod:`argparse` (inside the :obj:`argparse.Namespace` object).

Persisting Extensions for Future Updates

PyScaffold will save the name of your extension in a pyscaffold section inside the setup.cfg files and automatically activate it again every time the user runs putup --update. To prevent it from happening you can set persist = False in your extension instances or class.

PyScaffold can also save extension-specific options if the names of those options start with an "underscore" version of your extension's name (and setuptools entry point). For example, the :ref:`namespace extension <namespace-extension>` stores the namespace option in setup.cfg.

If the name of your extension class is AwesomeFiles, then anything like opts["awesome_files"], opts["awesome_files1"], opts["awesome_files_SOMETHING"] would be stored. Please ensure you have in mind the limitations of the :mod:`configparser` serialisation mechanism and supported data types to avoid errors (it should be safe to use string values without line breaks).

Extra Configurations

Similarly to persist = False, existing extensions might accept some sort of metadata to be defined by new extensions.

This is the case of the :mod:`pyscaffold.extensions.interactive`, that allows users to interactively choose PyScaffold's parameters by editing a file containing available options alongside a short description (similarly to git rebase -i). The :mod:`~pyscaffold.extensions.interactive` extension accepts a interactive attribute defined by extension instances or classes. This attribute might define a dictionary with keys: "ignore" and "comment". The value associated with the key "ignore" should be a list of CLI options to be simply ignored when creating examples (e.g. ["--help"]). The value associated with the key "comment" should be a list of CLI options to be commented in the created examples, even if they appear in the original sys.argv.


The :obj:`~pyscaffold.extensions.interactive` extension is still experimental and might not work exactly as expected. More importatly, due to limitations on the way :obj:`argparse` is implemented, there are several limitations and complexities on how to manipulate command line options when not using them directly. This means that the interactive extension might render your extension's options in a sub-optimal way. If you ever encounter this challenge we strongly encourage you to open a pull request (or at least an issue or discussion).

If your extension accepts metadata and interact with other extensions, you can also rely in informative attributes, but please be sure to make these optional with good fallback values and a comprehensive documentation.


Some options for the putup command are already implemented as extensions and can be used as reference implementation:

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2

   no-skeleton <examples/no-skeleton-extension>
   no-tox <examples/no-tox-extension>
   cirrus <examples/cirrus-extension>
   gitlab <examples/gitlab-ci-extension>

   namespace <examples/namespace-extension>
   pre-commit <examples/pre-commit-extension>

Public API

The following methods, functions and constants are considered to be part of the public API of PyScaffold for creating extensions and will not change signature and described overall behaviour (although implementation details might change) in a backwards incompatible way between major releases (semantic versioning):

In addition to these, the definition of action (given by :obj:`pyscaffold.actions.Action`), project structure (given by :obj:`pyscaffold.structure.Structure`), and operation (given by :obj:`pyscaffold.operation.FileOp`) are also part of the public API. The remaining functions and methods are no guaranteed to be stable and are subject to incompatible changes even in minor/patch releases.

Conventions for Community Extensions

In order to make it easy to find PyScaffold extensions, community packages should be namespaced as in pyscaffoldext.${EXT_NAME} (where ${EXT_NAME} is the name of the extension being developed). Although this naming convention slightly differs from PEP423, it is close enough and shorter.

Similarly to sphinxcontrib-* packages, names registered in PyPI should contain a dash -, instead of a dot .. This way, third-party extension development can be easily bootstrapped with the command:

putup pyscaffoldext-${EXT_NAME} -p ${EXT_NAME} --namespace pyscaffoldext --no-skeleton

If you put your extension code in the module then the options.entry_points section in setup.cfg looks like:

pyscaffold.cli =
    awesome_files = pyscaffoldext.${EXT_NAME}.extension:AwesomeFiles

In this example, AwesomeFiles represents the name of the class that implements the extension and awesome_files is the string used to create the flag for the putup command (--awesome-files).


If you want to write a PyScaffold extension, check out our custom_extension generator. It can get you pretty far in just a few minutes.

Final Considerations

  1. When writing extensions, it is important to be consistent with the default PyScaffold behavior. In particular, PyScaffold uses a pretend option to indicate when the actions should not run but instead just indicate the expected results to the user, that MUST be respected.

    The pretend option is automatically observed for files registered in the project structure representation, but complex actions may require specialized coding. The :mod:`~pyscaffold.log` module provides a special :class:`logger <pyscaffold.log.ReportLogger>` object useful in these situations. Please refer to pyscaffoldext-cookiecutter for a practical example.

    Other options that should be considered are the update and force flags. See :obj:`pyscaffold.api.create_project` for a list of available options.

  2. Don't forget that packages can be created inside namespaces. To be on the safe side when writing templates prefer explicit relative import statements (e.g. from . import module) or use the template variable ${qual_pkg} provided by PyScaffold. This variable contains the fully qualified package name, including possible namespaces.

    # Yes:
    import ${qual_pkg}
    from . import module
    from .module import function
    from ${qual_pkg} import module
    from ${qual_pkg}.module import function
    # No:
    import ${package}
    from ${package} import module
    from ${package}.module import function