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Easy Deploy is a deployment utility designed to be simple, and easy. This project was built to make managing and hosting projects on a remote machine easy, and as simple as possible. It relies on GitHub for hosting the latest deployments/updates.


Help screen

A deployment utility and command-line interface for deploying
github projects with ease.

  easy-deploy [command]

Available Commands:
  cliConf     Generates a CLI configuration file
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  deploy      Runs deploy action
  help        Help about any command
  init        Initialize EasyDeploy in the current directory
  start       Runs start action
  stop        Runs stop action

  -t, --auth-token string   Authorization token for server
  -h, --help                help for easy-deploy
  -s, --server string       Agent root url (default "")

Use "easy-deploy [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Help screen from deploy-cli

Setting up server configuration

$ deploy-cli init

This will run a wizard for generating the configuration file config.yaml

Creating a CLI profile

$ deploy-cli cliConf

This will run a wizard that removes the repetitive process of supplying the authorization token and server ip address by saving a profile to the current directory. .deploy will be generated in the current directory

Starting and stopping deployments and services

$ deploy-cli start [process name]
$ deploy-cli stop [process name]

The commands respectively will either start or stop the specified process, or all if not set by running the command(s) found in the Easy Deploy configuration (config.yaml)


$ deploy-cli deploy [process name]

This command will upgrade/deploy all/the specified processes by stopping the specified process (if any), and pulling the latest change from github with the branch specified in the servers config.yaml>[process]>git_branch, typically production, then running any deploy commands. (like installing new packages)


  • Better errors (deploy error, server error, client error, etc), to replace server error/fatal
  • Add CLI command push to handle switching branches, committing, etc