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Dolev-Strong protocol (For demo use latest tag)

This is my attempt at implementing Dolev-Strong consensus protocol in Rust.

Dolev-Strong is a consensus protocol for a single-shot consensus problem Byzantine Broadcast.


  • Permissioned (participants are known prior to run).
  • Public Key Infrastructure - PKI (all nodes know other nodes' public keys prior to the run of the protocol).
  • Synchronous model (shared global clock, bound on message delays).
  • Known bound f on the number of Byzantine nodes.

Byzantine Tolerance

Notation: let f be the number of Byzantine nodes that can be tolerated by this protocol (note: f is not a % of total number of nodes, but an actual number of Byzantine nodes).

Under said assumptions, f can be arbitrarily large. Even if 2 nodes run the protocol honestly, no matter how big f is, honest nodes will always stay in sync with one another.

Running a Protocol

There are two ways to execute a protocol: by setting arbitrary values for amount of nodes in the system, and F (configurable) and by running a default configuration (10 nodes total, tolerating 8 Byzantine nodes).

In either way, each node will write it's output into a file output.txt in the root of the project. It will be recreated for every launch of the protocol.

Configurable way

To run a protocol, execute:

make NODES=X F=Y launch

where X is a number of nodes and Y is a number of Byzantine nodes a protocol will be able to tolerate (in other words, a number of stages a protocol will execute).

Note: available values for Y: [0; X-2].

Reason: there should be at least 2 honest nodes in the system.

Note#2: available values for X: 3+.

Reason: there should be at least 3 nodes in the consensus instance (otherwise, it's trivial).

Default way

To run a protocol in default mode, execute:

    make launch-default

Running a protocol with Byzantine nodes

Byzantine Leader

Currently, available Byzantine modes for a leader are:

  • Null Proposal - a leader does not broadcast a proposal

Null Proposal

To run a default instance of a protocol in null proposal mode, execute:

    make launch-null-proposal-default

To run a custom instance of a protocol in null proposal mode, refer to Makefile's target launch-null-proposal.