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pyperformance on windows10 64bit: cpython 3.8.10 vs pyston v2.3 inside WSL2

Marius Wachtler edited this page Sep 9, 2021 · 1 revision

Quick comparison between cpython 3.8.10 win64 installer and pyston 2.3 running inside a ubuntu 20.04 WSL2 image.


Performance version: 1.0.2
Report on Windows-10-10.0.19042-SP0
Number of logical CPUs: 24
Start date: 2021-09-09 20:18:07.656755
End date: 2021-09-09 20:38:05.109478


Performance version: 1.0.2
Report on Linux-4.19.128-microsoft-standard-x86_64-with-glibc2.17
Number of logical CPUs: 24
Start date: 2021-09-09 19:46:35.312337
End date: 2021-09-09 20:01:33.474249

| Benchmark               | cpython3.8.10_win64.json | pyston2.3_wsl2.json | Change        | Significance           |
| 2to3                    | 370 ms                   | 180 ms              | 2.06x faster  | Significant (t=399.34) |
| chameleon               | 16.3 ms                  | 4.25 ms             | 3.83x faster  | Significant (t=688.82) |
| chaos                   | 114 ms                   | 41.2 ms             | 2.78x faster  | Significant (t=471.41) |
| crypto_pyaes            | 120 ms                   | 60.0 ms             | 2.00x faster  | Significant (t=408.23) |
| deltablue               | 6.58 ms                  | 2.90 ms             | 2.26x faster  | Significant (t=185.33) |
| django_template         | 49.5 ms                  | 24.0 ms             | 2.06x faster  | Significant (t=275.89) |
| dulwich_log             | 106 ms                   | 38.4 ms             | 2.77x faster  | Significant (t=543.36) |
| fannkuch                | 465 ms                   | 234 ms              | 1.99x faster  | Significant (t=427.76) |
| float                   | 118 ms                   | 51.2 ms             | 2.30x faster  | Significant (t=209.54) |
| go                      | 239 ms                   | 118 ms              | 2.03x faster  | Significant (t=292.33) |
| hexiom                  | 9.65 ms                  | 3.73 ms             | 2.59x faster  | Significant (t=459.21) |
| json_dumps              | 12.9 ms                  | 8.56 ms             | 1.50x faster  | Significant (t=168.34) |
| json_loads              | 34.2 us                  | 20.0 us             | 1.71x faster  | Significant (t=376.34) |
| logging_format          | 12.1 us                  | 3.40 us             | 3.56x faster  | Significant (t=317.77) |
| logging_silent          | 191 ns                   | 79.6 ns             | 2.40x faster  | Significant (t=198.12) |
| logging_simple          | 11.1 us                  | 3.12 us             | 3.56x faster  | Significant (t=339.10) |
| mako                    | 16.9 ms                  | 7.21 ms             | 2.34x faster  | Significant (t=260.23) |
| meteor_contest          | 101 ms                   | 69.4 ms             | 1.45x faster  | Significant (t=296.68) |
| nbody                   | 138 ms                   | 46.9 ms             | 2.95x faster  | Significant (t=129.07) |
| nqueens                 | 107 ms                   | 49.8 ms             | 2.15x faster  | Significant (t=360.99) |
| pathlib                 | 124 ms                   | 12.1 ms             | 10.19x faster | Significant (t=373.59) |
| pickle                  | 11.9 us                  | 7.22 us             | 1.65x faster  | Significant (t=235.30) |
| pickle_dict             | 27.7 us                  | 16.5 us             | 1.69x faster  | Significant (t=337.94) |
| pickle_list             | 4.30 us                  | 3.10 us             | 1.39x faster  | Significant (t=178.42) |
| pickle_pure_python      | 461 us                   | 189 us              | 2.44x faster  | Significant (t=399.38) |
| pidigits                | 185 ms                   | 153 ms              | 1.21x faster  | Significant (t=158.53) |
| pyflate                 | 662 ms                   | 297 ms              | 2.23x faster  | Significant (t=274.27) |
| python_startup          | 24.4 ms                  | 5.91 ms             | 4.13x faster  | Significant (t=131.08) |
| python_startup_no_site  | 18.7 ms                  | 4.18 ms             | 4.47x faster  | Significant (t=85.17)  |
| raytrace                | 471 ms                   | 204 ms              | 2.31x faster  | Significant (t=348.07) |
| regex_compile           | 179 ms                   | 65.9 ms             | 2.71x faster  | Significant (t=460.83) |
| regex_dna               | 166 ms                   | 123 ms              | 1.35x faster  | Significant (t=154.88) |
| regex_effbot            | 2.67 ms                  | 2.27 ms             | 1.18x faster  | Significant (t=46.80)  |
| regex_v8                | 24.2 ms                  | 16.1 ms             | 1.50x faster  | Significant (t=157.07) |
| richards                | 65.1 ms                  | 33.6 ms             | 1.94x faster  | Significant (t=157.52) |
| scimark_fft             | 394 ms                   | 191 ms              | 2.06x faster  | Significant (t=422.00) |
| scimark_lu              | 166 ms                   | 59.4 ms             | 2.79x faster  | Significant (t=427.54) |
| scimark_monte_carlo     | 110 ms                   | 35.8 ms             | 3.06x faster  | Significant (t=303.56) |
| scimark_sor             | 197 ms                   | 70.9 ms             | 2.78x faster  | Significant (t=321.23) |
| scimark_sparse_mat_mult | 4.82 ms                  | 2.26 ms             | 2.13x faster  | Significant (t=103.57) |
| spectral_norm           | 140 ms                   | 76.8 ms             | 1.82x faster  | Significant (t=172.20) |
| sqlalchemy_declarative  | 134 ms                   | 83.8 ms             | 1.60x faster  | Significant (t=131.27) |
| sqlalchemy_imperative   | 19.9 ms                  | 10.2 ms             | 1.94x faster  | Significant (t=171.34) |
| sqlite_synth            | 3.56 us                  | 2.35 us             | 1.52x faster  | Significant (t=130.49) |
| sympy_expand            | 513 ms                   | 255 ms              | 2.01x faster  | Significant (t=398.92) |
| sympy_integrate         | 21.2 ms                  | 12.1 ms             | 1.76x faster  | Significant (t=208.69) |
| sympy_str               | 308 ms                   | 158 ms              | 1.94x faster  | Significant (t=350.95) |
| sympy_sum               | 162 ms                   | 88.2 ms             | 1.84x faster  | Significant (t=277.25) |
| telco                   | 6.32 ms                  | 4.17 ms             | 1.52x faster  | Significant (t=204.82) |
| tornado_http            | 166 ms                   | 87.2 ms             | 1.90x faster  | Significant (t=204.25) |
| unpack_sequence         | 57.1 ns                  | 34.9 ns             | 1.64x faster  | Significant (t=33.92)  |
| unpickle                | 16.5 us                  | 11.0 us             | 1.51x faster  | Significant (t=26.43)  |
| unpickle_list           | 4.67 us                  | 3.93 us             | 1.19x faster  | Significant (t=64.54)  |
| unpickle_pure_python    | 326 us                   | 135 us              | 2.41x faster  | Significant (t=284.32) |
| xml_etree_generate      | 104 ms                   | 56.6 ms             | 1.83x faster  | Significant (t=226.50) |
| xml_etree_iterparse     | 102 ms                   | 65.0 ms             | 1.57x faster  | Significant (t=144.96) |
| xml_etree_parse         | 147 ms                   | 113 ms              | 1.30x faster  | Significant (t=108.92) |
| xml_etree_process       | 82.0 ms                  | 41.4 ms             | 1.98x faster  | Significant (t=276.18) |