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Client and Loan Management System

Build Status Maintainability

Objective The main objective of this project is to create an API to manage clients and the loan payments control system from a fin-tech.

Purpose The purpose of this challenge is to test your ability to implement a solution given an abstract problem. You may find a problem in the asked task that you need to explain the problem and propose a solution to fix it.

Problem A fin-tech needs to create and manage the clients and keep track of the amount of money loaned and the missed/made payments. It also needs a place to retrieve the volume of outstanding debt at some point in time.

Business Rules

  • If a client contracted a loan in the past and paid all without missing any payment, you can decrease by 0.02% his tax rate;
  • If a client contracted a loan in the past and paid all but missed until 3 monthly payments, you can increase by 0.04% his tax rate;
  • If a client contracted a loan in the past and paid all but missed more than 3 monthly payments or didn’t pay all the loan, you need to deny the new one.

Limitations Loans are paid back in monthly instalments; Can’t pay above loan amount; Will not be able to receive a value above the total.


POST /clients

Summary Create a client in the system.


  • All fields are required;
  • Validate the e-mail;
  • Validate the CPF, only numbers;
  • Validate telephone, accept only 11 characters. i.e: (11976548761);


name: the client name.
surname: the client surname.
email: the client email.
telephone: the client telephone.
cpf: the client (individual registration) identification.

Example of sent data

    “name”: “Felicity”,
    “surname”: “Jones”,
    “email”: “”,
    “telephone”: “11984345678”,
    “cpf”: “34598712387”


client_id: unique id of a client.

Example of received data

    “client_id”: 1

POST /loans

Summary Create a loan application. Loans are automatically accepted.


  • In creating the Loan you should consider the last loan to decide the rate used;
  • In creating the Loan can only be released if it is current with the current or does not have any;
  • In the consultation of the Loan the date is not before the date of the beginning of the loan;
  • In the Loan query, a data can’t be used later.


client_id: the client’s identification that contracted a loan.
amount: loan amount in dollars.
term: number of months that will take until the loan gets paid-off.
rate: interest rate as decimal.
date: when the loan was requested (origination date as an ISO 8601 string).

Example of sent data

    “client_id”: 1,
    “amount”: 1000,
    “term”: 12,
    “rate”: 0.05,
    “date”: “2019-05-09 03:18Z”


loan_id: unique id of the loan.
instalment: monthly loan payment.

Example of received data

    “loan_id”: “000-0000-0000-0000”,
    “instalment”: 85.60


Loan payment formula

r = rate / term
instalment = [r + r / ((1 + r) ^ term - 1)] x amount


For repaying a loan of $1000 at 5% interest for 12 months, the equation would be:

instalment = [(0.05 / 12) + (0.05 / 12) / ((1 + (0.05 / 12)) ^ 12 - 1] x 1000
instalment = 85.60

POST /loans/<:id>/payments

Summary Create a record of a payment made or missed.


  • It is not possible to pay a different amount from that established in the loan;
  • When creating the Payment, the payment value must be validated with the made and missed strings;
  • In the creation of the Payment the date sent must be validated with the date of the day;
  • In the creation of the Payment the value amount must be in dollars;
  • In the creation of the Payment must be validated only one per month.


payment: type of payment: made or missed.
date: payment date.
amount: amount of the payment made or missed in dollars.

Example of sent data (Payment made)

    “payment”: “made”,
    “date”: “2019-05-07 04:18Z”,
    “amount”: 85.60

Example of sent data (Payment missed)

    “payment”: “missed”,
    “date”:  “2019-05-07 04:18Z”,
    “amount”: 85.60

POST /loans/<:id>/balance

Summary Get the volume of outstanding debt (i.e., debt yet to be paid) at some point in time.

Restrictions No restrictions so far


date: loan balance until this date.

Example of sent data

    “date”: “2017-09-05 02:18Z”


balance: outstanding debt of loan.


    “balance”: 40

How to contribute

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Create a virtualenv with Python 3.7
  3. Activate virtualenv
  4. Install the dependencies
  5. Configure the instance with .env
  6. Run the tests
git clone
cd LoanManagement-squad5
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp contrib/env-sample .env
python test

How to deploy

  1. Create an heroku instance
  2. Send settings to heroku
  3. Set a secure secret key for the instance
  4. Set DEBUG = False
  5. Send the code to heroku
heroku create minhainstancia
heroku config:push
heroku config:set SECRET_KEY=`python contrib/`
heroku config:set DEBUG=False
git push heroku master --force