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Releases: python-cffi/cffi


28 Sep 17:40
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  • Add support for Python 3.12. With the removal of distutils from Python 3.12, projects
    using CFFI features that depend on distutils at runtime must add a dependency on
    setuptools to function under Python 3.12+. CFFI does not declare a runtime setuptools
    requirement to avoid an unnecessary dependency for projects that do not require it.
  • Drop support for end-of-life Python versions (2.7, 3.6, 3.7).
  • Add support for PEP517 builds; setuptools is now a required build dependency.
  • Declare python_requires metadata for Python 3.8+. This allows unsupported Pythons
    to continue using previously released sdists and wheels.
  • Move project source under src/; a more standard layout that also enables CI to more easily
    catch packaging errors.


26 Sep 05:29
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v1.16.0rc2 Pre-release
  • Fix packaging issue in v1.16.0rc1.
  • Rearrange project sources (src/ layout) so packaging tests can properly detect similar issues in the future.

Full Changelog: v1.16.0rc1...v1.16.0rc2


25 Sep 21:45
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v1.16.0rc1 Pre-release
  • Add support for Python 3.12. With the removal of distutils from Python 3.12, projects
    using CFFI features that depend on distutils at runtime must add a dependency on
    setuptools to function under Python 3.12+. CFFI does not declare a runtime setuptools
    requirement to avoid an unnecessary dependency for projects that do not require it.
  • Drop support for end-of-life Python versions (2.7, 3.6, 3.7).
  • Move project home to python-cffi/cffi on GitHub.
  • Add support for PEP517 builds; setuptools is now a required build dependency.
  • Declare python_requires metadata for Python 3.8+. This allows unsupported Pythons
    to continue using previously released sdists and wheels.
  • Add missing calls to PyObject_GC_UnTrack to avoid ResourceWarning 15c4b71


25 Sep 22:24
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(retroactive GitHub release for current stable version 1.15.1)

  • If you call ffi.embedding_api() but don't write any extern "Python" function there, then the resulting C code would fail an assert. Fixed.
  • Updated Windows/arm64 embedded libffi static lib to v3.4.2, and scripted to ease future updates (thanks Niyas Sait!)

Full Changelog: v1.15.0...v1.15.1