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Details of our HTTP support for HTTP nerds

.. currentmodule:: h11

h11 only speaks HTTP/1.1. It can talk to HTTP/1.0 clients and servers, but it itself only does HTTP/1.1.

We fully support HTTP/1.1 keep-alive.

We have a little bit of support for HTTP/1.1 pipelining -- basically the minimum that's required by the standard. In server mode we can handle pipelined requests in a serial manner, responding completely to each request before reading the next (and our API is designed to make it easy for servers to keep this straight). Client mode doesn't support pipelining at all. As far as I can tell, this matches the state of the art in all the major HTTP implementations: the consensus seems to be that HTTP/1.1 pipelining was a nice try but unworkable in practice, and if you really need pipelining to work then instead of trying to fix HTTP/1.1 you should switch to HTTP/2.0.

The HTTP/1.0 Connection: keep-alive pseudo-standard is currently not supported. (Note that this only affects h11 as a server, because h11 as a client always speaks HTTP/1.1.) Supporting this would be possible, but it's fragile and finicky and I'm suspicious that if we leave it out then no-one will notice or care. HTTP/1.1 is now almost old enough to vote in United States elections. I get that people sometimes write HTTP/1.0 clients because they don't want to deal with annoying stuff like chunked encoding, and I completely sympathize with that, but I'm guessing that you're not going to find too many people these days who care desperately about keep-alive and at the same time are too lazy to implement Transfer-Encoding: chunked. Still, this would be my bet as to the missing feature that people are most likely to eventually complain about...

Of the headers defined in RFC 7230, the ones h11 knows and has some special-case logic to care about are: Connection:, Transfer-Encoding:, Content-Length:, Host:, Upgrade:, and Expect: (which is really from RFC 7231 but whatever). The other headers in RFC 7230 are TE:, Trailer:, and Via:; h11 also supports these in the sense that it ignores them and that's really all it should be doing.

Transfer-Encoding support: we only know chunked, not gzip or deflate. We're in good company in this: node.js at least doesn't handle anything besides chunked either. So I'm not too worried about this being a problem in practice. But I'm not majorly opposed to adding support for more features here either.

A quirk in our :class:`Response` encoding: we don't bother including ascii status messages -- instead of 200 OK we just say 200. This is totally legal and no program should care, and it lets us skip carrying around a pointless table of status message strings, but I suppose it might be worth fixing at some point.

When parsing chunked encoding, we parse but discard "chunk extensions". This is an extremely obscure feature that allows arbitrary metadata to be interleaved into a chunked transfer stream. This metadata has no standard uses, and proxies are allowed to strip it out. I don't think anyone will notice this lack, but it could be added if someone really wants it; I just ran out of energy for implementing weirdo features no-one uses.

Currently we do implement support for "obsolete line folding" when reading HTTP headers. This is an optional part of the spec -- conforming HTTP/1.1 implementations MUST NOT send continuation lines, and conforming HTTP/1.1 servers MAY send 400 Bad Request responses back at clients who do send them (ref). I'm tempted to remove this support, since it adds some complicated and ugly code right at the center of the request/response parsing loop, and I'm not sure whether anyone actually needs it. Unfortunately a few major implementations that I spot-checked (node.js, go) do still seem to support reading such headers (but not generating them), so it might or might not be obsolete in practice -- it's hard to know.