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File metadata and controls

145 lines (88 loc) · 3.61 KB


Here are two ways to hack on

  1. :ref:`vagrant-setup`
  2. :ref:`manual-setup`

Easy setup using Vagrant

$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
# go to pythondotorg/ directory and activate virtualenv, then run
$ ./ runserver
# on your local shell
$ google-chrome http://localhost:8001/

The box will be provisioned by Ansible with Python 3.5, a virtualenv set up with requirements installed, and a database ready to use.

The box also creates a superuser with username cbiggles for you. However, you will need to set a password before using it:

$ vagrant ssh
$ cd pythondotorg
$ . venv/bin/activate
$ ./ changepassword cbiggles


You will also need to run ./ create_initial_data to create initial data for the most used applications.

Manual setup

First, clone the repository:

$ git clone git://

Then create a virtual environment:

$ python3.4 -m venv venv

And then you'll need to install dependencies:

$ pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

pythondotorg will look for a PostgreSQL database named pythondotorg by default. Run the following command to create a new database:

$ createdb pythondotorg -E utf-8 -l en_US.UTF-8

To change database configuration, you can add the following setting to pydotorg/settings/ (or you can use the DATABASE_URL environment variable):

    'default': dj_database_url.parse('postgres:///your_database_name')

Now it's time to run migrations:

$ ./ migrate

To compile and compress static media, you will need compass and yui-compressor:

$ gem install bundler
$ bundle install


To install yui-compressor, use your OS's package manager or download it directly then add the executable to your PATH.

To create initial data for the most used applications, run:

$ ./ create_initial_data

Finally, start the development server:

$ ./ runserver

Optional: Install Elasticsearch

The search feature in uses Elasticsearch engine. If you want to test out this feature, you will need to install Elasticsearch.

Once you have it installed, update the URL value of HAYSTACK_CONNECTIONS settings in pydotorg/settings/ to your local ElasticSearch server.

Generating CSS files automatically

Due to performance issues of django-pipeline, we are using a dummy compiler pydotorg.compilers.DummySASSCompiler in development mode. To generate CSS files, use sass itself in a separate terminal window:

$ cd static
$ sass --compass --scss -I $(dirname $(dirname $(gem which susy))) --trace --watch sass/style.scss:sass/style.css

Running tests

To run the test suite:

$ ./ test

To generate coverage report:

$ coverage run test
$ coverage report

Generate an HTML report with coverage html if you like.

Useful commands

  • Create a super user (for a new DB):

    $ ./ createsuperuser
  • Want to save some data from your DB before nuking it, and then load it back in?:

    $ ./ dumpdata --format=json --indent=4 $APPNAME > fixtures/$APPNAME.json