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Codespeed Example instance

Codespeed uses the Web framework Django. To get a Codespeed instance running you need to set up a Django Project. This directory is just such a project for your reference and a jump start to create your own.

For the impatient

Warning: It is recommended to use virtualenv to avoid installing stuff on the root path of your operating system. However, it works also this way and might be desired in production environments.

Testing with the built-in Development Server

That will give you just the Django development server version. Please refer to Installing for Production for serious installations.

It is assumed you are in the root directory of the Codespeed software.

  1. Install the Python pip module which pip >/dev/null || easy_install pip (You might be required to use sudo)
  2. You must copy the sample_project directory to your project. (Prevents updates on git tracked files in the future.) Let's call it speedcenter cp -r sample_project speedcenter 3a. (When configuring your own project) pip install codespeeed 3b. (For Codespeed development) Install Django and other dependencies using pip pip install -r requirements.txt. This will not install codespeed itself, as we want runserver to only "see" the local codespeed copy
  3. Add codespeed to your Python path Either export PYTHONPATH=../:$PYTHONPATH or ln -s ./codespeed ./sample_project
  4. Initialise the Django Database python syncdb (Yes, add a superuser.) python migrate Optionally, you may want to load the fixture data for a try python loaddata ../codespeed/fixtures/testdata.json
  5. Finally, start the Django development server. python runserver
  6. Enjoy. python -m webbrowser -n http://localhost:8000

Installing for production

There are many choices to get Django Web apps served. It all depends on your preferences and existing set up. Two options are shown. Please do not hesitate to consult a search engine to tune your set-up.

NGINX + GUNICORN: Easy as runserver

Assumed you have a Debian like system.

  1. Follow the steps from the development server set-up up to the the 6th step (database init).
  2. Install nginx and gunicorn sudo apt-get install nginx gunicorn
  3. Tune /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default to match deploy/nginx.default-site.conf (Hint: See diff /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default deploy/nginx.default-site.conf for changes) Note, the sitestatic dir needs to point to your speedcenter/sitestatic dir!
  4. Restart nginx /etc/init.d/nginx restart`
  5. Prepare static files cd /path/to/speedcenter/ python ./ collectstatic
  6. Add 'gunicorn' to your INSTALLED_APPS in INSTALLED_APPS = ( 'django.contrib.auth', [...] 'south', 'gunicorn' )
  7. Run speedcenter by python ./ run_gunicorn
  8. Check your new speedcenter site! Great! But wait, who runs gunicorn after the terminal exits? There are several options like upstart, runit, or supervisor. Let's go with supervisor:
    1. + to exit gunicorn
    2. apt-get install supervisor
    3. cp deploy/supervisor-speedcenter.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/speedcenter.conf
    4. $EDITOR /etc/supervisor/conf.d/speedcenter.conf #adjust the path
    5. supervisorctl update
    6. supervisorctl status speedcenter RUNNING pid 2036, uptime 0:00:05
  9. Warning: You may find another way to run gunicorn using gunicorn_django. That might have a shebang of #!/usr/bin/python bypassing your virtualenv. Run it out of your virtualenv by python $(which gunicorn_django)

Good old Apache + mod_wsgi

If you don't like surprises and are not into experimenting go with the old work horse. Assumed you have a Debian like system.

  1. Follow the steps from the development server set-up
  2. Prepare static files cd /path/to/speedcenter/ python ./ collectstatic
  3. Install apache and mod_wsgi apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi
  4. Copy deploy/apache-speedcenter.conf cp deploy/apache-speedcenter.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/speedcenter.conf
  5. Edit /etc/apache2/sites-available/speedcenter.conf to match your needs
  6. Enable the new vhost a2ensite speedcenter.conf
  7. Restart apache /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
  8. Check your new vhost.


Using your own Templates

Just edit your very own Django templates in speedcenter/templates. A good start is codespeed/base.html the root of all templates.

If you need to change the codespeed templates:

  1. Copy the templates from the codespeed module into your Django project folder. cp -r codespeed/templates/codespeed speedcenter/templates/
  2. Edit the templates in speedcenter/templates/codespeed/*html Please, also refer to the [Django template docu] (

Changing the URL Scheme

If you don't want to have your speedcenter in the root url you can change Comment (add a '#' at the beginning) line number 25 (r'^', include('cod... and uncomment the next line (r'^speed/', include('cod... (Note, Python is picky about indentation). Please, also refer to the [Django URL dispatcher docu] (

Codespeed settings

The main config file is There you configure everything related to your set up.