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This is a PowerShell version of the JavaScript Helper Utility. I created these functions so I could use the Banno API for RPA Automations.

Getting Started

  • Install the latest version of PowerShell (PWSH):
Invoke-Expression "& { $(irm } -UseMSI"
  • Ensure your PowerShell (PWSH) version is at least v6.2:
PS C:\Current\Working\Directory> $PSVersionTable
PS C:\Current\Working\Directory> Install-Module -Name powershell-jwt -Scope AllUsers


Disclaimer: You must run this in the updated PowerShell (PWSH). These will not work with the built-in version of PowerShell in Windows (v5.1)

  • You can Dot Source them:
PS C:\Current\Working\Directory> . C:\Path\To\Script\ps-banno-client-creds-helper.ps1
  • You can add the command you wish to use at the bottom of the script, save, right-click, and run with PowerShell 7
  • You can add the command you wish to use at the bottom of the script, save, then execute the command:
PS C:\Current\Working\Directory> pwsh ps-banno-client-creds-helper.ps1
  • You can split them up into your own scripts

The world is your oyster!

Using the Functions

Build-SignedJWT Creates a Signed JWT, signing with your clientId, privateKeyPath, and the other payload requirements from the original JavaScript Helper Utility:

Build-SignedJWT -clientId "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" -privateKeyPath "C:\Path\To\Keys\private_key.pem"

Returns PSCustomObject:


Get-ClientAssertion will create a Signed JWT AND retrieve an Access (Bearer) Token:

Get-ClientAssertion -clientId "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" -privateKeyPath "C:\Path\To\Keys\private_key.pem"

Returns PSCustomObject:

AccessToken                             InstitutionId
---------------                         ---------------
[Base64EncryptedString]                 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

This one is the money here. This returns everything required for you to make API calls with the Banno Admin API.


Contributing and Support

🐞 If the code doesn't perform as expected, raise a GitHub issue. Specify the expected behaviour and the actual output/error message. Make sure you're using the latest published version of the script and that you've met the initial requirements.

🛠️ Pull requests are welcome if you want to add functionality.


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