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#Current working trackers

#Status update 2022.08.11:

**This tool is no longer supported.

L4G has expanded support for torrentdb so this is no longer required as a functional tool**


Script for creation of torrents, for your tracker, which also creates text file with mediainfo, screenshots and mediainfo ready for uploading.
Supports mass creation of torrents from folders or a folder of files.
Can autoupload to BHD and TDB. Note: Autoupload requires chrome support and chromedriver matching your chrome version from here

Installation Instructions:

On windows:

Download and install mediainfo - Download
Unzip and open the folder you created.
in the explorer bar at the top of folder type "powershell" or "cmd" to open a powershell or cmd window for this folder
If you have already installed python and pip skip to Install python requirements.

Installing Python

Open powershell and type python which should bring you to the windows store for pyton install. or download from here
** Note in the install windows ensure to tick the add python to environmental path option. If you miss this, reinstall and tick it** Note currently confirmed working on python 3.10 and 3.9 Download link

Installing Pip, wheel and setuptools

in your cmd/powershell window type

  1. py -m ensurepip --default-pip
  2. py -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel

Install python requirements you need to open cmd/powershell window in the folder or cd to the location then type:
pip install -r requirements.txt


you need to open cmd/powershell window in the folder or cd to the location then type:

if you get any errors such as pyperclip no such module found try running "pip install pyperclip" and then running python again

First RUN Note 1st setup You need to setup a tracker. Setting will save for future. You also need to setup a torrent download folder and chrome profile if using chrome for uploading in chromecfg(option 6)


Everything required for file/Folder upload.

#Change History ( 2022.07.21 Fixed season naming for bhd. Optomimised multi tracker torrent creation. system will now copy existing torrent and update the announce for the additional tracker which dramatically speeds up torrent creation when using multiple trackers chromedriver autoupdater which matches to chrome version. (or consider adding as a binary? will cookies work?) Add episode name parsing and add to file upload. Added file parsing for imdb/tmdb/tvdb id.

2022.07.13 Resolved issue around mediainfo not saving correctly when using non standard letters/charachters tvdb support and tvdb metadata scraping. 16. Automatic IMDB/TMDB/TVDB checking

2022.05.09 -Season and Episode parsing moved to using Guessit for more accurate results and to resolve an issue around missing Season number for season packs. -Resolved timeout issue for torrent upload (finally). -Added naming support for DualAudio and MultiAudio when multiple language tracks in file.

-Completed BHD support. resolved MediaInfo issues and added tmdb/imdb id support. -Added support for TMDB and IMDB lookup via guessit and cinemagoer. -Description in uploads now adds information from IMDB/TMDB where available. -Ironed out some issues with timeouts during screenshot and torrent upload + download when connection isnt strong. -Bugfixes around movie and full Season uploads

-Added support for BHD posting to drafts.
Currently WEB-DL and WEBRip supported.
MediaInfo not fully parsing correctly on initial tests.
Main item missing is tmdb/imdb id
-imgbox photo upload supported as required for BHD
-fixed a bug where WEB-DL Movies were assigning to incorrect category on TDB
-Added support for number of screenshots. Still in Beta. Currently changes only come into effect after a restart
-Optimised uploading with webdriver wait. still needs some more work but for torrent uploads there is no longer issues where it times out.
-Updated fileparsing for some additional improvements
-Removed PW/user requirement for BHD.
-Added note that PW/user isnt needed for TDB when using chrome profile for cookies.
-reworked a lot of strings into F strings for cleaner code
-added config for disabling autoupload
-initiated config for disabling automatic torrent creation. will allow manual user input each time

-Improved settings for removing/editing info. Selections can be done numerically for everything. -Customisable settings for where to save downloaded torrents.
-Option to temporarily disable a tracker for torrent creation where multiple trackers exist. -Added customisable chrome config to allow setting chrome profile and download location for uploaded torrents. -Added support for injecting torrents directly to Qbittorrrent and starting them automatically.
-Cleaned up error reporting on torrent upload for TDB
-Torrent download fully supported for TDB.
-Improved Movie/Tv category selection.
-Initial Support for 10bit x265 file naming

To do:

Current Priorities. (2022.07.21) Add a custom text to description.
Add release notes and a setting toggle to use it or not?
Add toggle to always use imdb/tmdb data fetching.
Add year parsing so it can be added for movies or tv series when in title
Fix season input for tdb
save useful info to file e.g. imgbox metadata.
Update tdb to use imdb/tmdb tags when available for uploads. - inprogress
-parse media info to check them. - complete
-skip direct lookup of sites if available - complete
-otherwise lookup. - complete
-when available tdb will overwrite default and use what is available.
Review possibility to use tdb api.
foreign language detection for naming.
Create installable and updateable version via Pip or git?

Supoprt for and quick enable/disable Anonymous mode, interactive mode, reset defaults. fully automatic mode.
rewrite the main tdb script into a class and split it into more relevant modules.
introduce async to run various steps in parallel (torrent creation)

List of planned/considered updates.

  1. Tracker selection (when multiple, ask which to be used?) - probably not
  2. Support for upload to UHDB
  3. Support direct file/folder input from cmd line. Also direct parsing?
  4. Support for upload to PHD
  5. Title naming needs some improvements for Hevc and X265 files
  6. Support for full disks (screens,mediainfo)
  7. Add Setting to remove screening check for uploads. (needs imdb/tmdb input)
  8. Title naming to include file parsing for e.g. criterion collection, extended edition etc..
  9. where title cannot be parsed, implement check to try parsing file for same.
  10. Suppot for Digitalcore?
  11. Add config for BHD to allow direct posting instead of drafts only. (requires imdb/tmdb input)
  12. Linux?
  13. Tidy up outputs and add logging.
  14. mtv support?
  15. tvv support?
  16. Dupe checker?

Known bugs (2020.05.10) 34. on extremely rare occasion I have seen episode numbering or titles can skip some detail in tdb uploading. Titles fixed (10/05). item remains open until both fixed

General repository requirements yet to be completed

Validate/check requirements list


Auto naming of files/torrents doesnt include e.g. "theatrical cut". No support for HDR, DV naming. Uses Selenium and doesnt Interface with site API for automatic upload
Currently only outputs media info for one file.

Useful notes: If you already know what you want to do e.g. single file upload you can pre-select the option 1-4 to go direct to file selection.
python 1