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scatter_object_list API for c10d (#43930)
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Pull Request resolved: #43930

Closes #23232. As part of addressing #23232, this PR adds support for scatter_object_list which is an API to scatter arbitrary picklable objects to all the other ranks.

The implementation approach follows a similar approach as #42189. The result of the `scatter` is stored as the first element of `scatter_object_output_list`, and the src rank is expected to provide an input list `scatter_object_input_list` which contains the objects to scatter.

Note that this API requires 1 broadcast and 2 scatters. This is because we must communicate the maximum object size to be scattered, which only the src rank knows about. After that, we also need to communicate the objects themselves as well as the true sizes of the object.

Note that the API is designed to match the tensor-based collectives other than supporting async_op. For now, it is a blocking call. If we see demand to support async_op, we will have to make more progress on merging work/future to support this.

It only works for Gloo because NCCL doesn't support scatter.
ghstack-source-id: 117904065

Reviewed By: mrshenli

Differential Revision: D23430686

fbshipit-source-id: f033b89cd82dadd194f2b036312a98423449c26b
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rohan-varma authored and facebook-github-bot committed Dec 5, 2020
1 parent a3298c2 commit 02d89f9
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Showing 2 changed files with 113 additions and 0 deletions.
84 changes: 84 additions & 0 deletions torch/distributed/
Expand Up @@ -1601,6 +1601,90 @@ def broadcast_object_list(object_list, src, group=group.WORLD):
object_list[i] = _tensor_to_object(obj_view, obj_size)

def scatter_object_list(
scatter_object_output_list, scatter_object_input_list, src=0, group=group.WORLD
Scatters picklable objects in ``scatter_object_input_list`` to the whole
group. Similar to :func:`scatter`, but Python objects can be passed in. On
each rank, the scattered object will be stored as the first element of
``scatter_object_output_list``. Note that all objects in
``scatter_object_input_list`` must be picklable in order to be scattered.
scatter_object_output_list (List[Any]): Non-empty list whose first
element will store the object scattered to this rank.
scatter_object_input_list (List[Any]): List of input objects to scatter.
Each object must be picklable. Only objects on the ``src`` rank will
be scattered, and the argument can be ``None`` for non-src ranks.
src (int): Source rank from which to scatter
group: (ProcessGroup, optional): The process group to work on.
``None``. If rank is part of the group, ``scatter_object_output_list``
will have its first element set to the scattered object for this rank.
.. note:: Note that this API differs slightly from the scatter collective
since it does not provide an ``async_op`` handle and thus will be a
blocking call.
.. warning::
:func:`scatter_object_list` uses ``pickle`` module implicitly, which
is known to be insecure. It is possible to construct malicious pickle
data which will execute arbitrary code during unpickling. Only call this
function with data you trust.
if _rank_not_in_group(group):

if (
not isinstance(scatter_object_output_list, list)
or len(scatter_object_output_list) < 1
raise RuntimeError(
"Expected argument scatter_object_output_list to be a list of size at least 1."

my_rank = get_rank(group)
if my_rank == src:
tensor_list, tensor_sizes = zip(
*[_object_to_tensor(obj) for obj in scatter_object_input_list]
tensor_list, tensor_sizes = list(tensor_list), list(tensor_sizes)

obj_tensor_size = torch.LongTensor([0])
# Src rank broadcasts the maximum tensor size. This is because all ranks are
# expected to call into scatter() with equal-sized tensors.
if my_rank == src:
max_tensor_size = max(tensor_sizes)
for tensor in tensor_list:
max_tensor_size = torch.LongTensor([0])
broadcast(max_tensor_size, src=src, group=group)

# Scatter actual serialized objects
output_tensor = torch.ByteTensor(max_tensor_size.item())
scatter_list=None if my_rank != src else tensor_list,

# Scatter per-object sizes to trim tensors when deserializing back to object
scatter_list=None if my_rank != src else tensor_sizes,

# Deserialize back to object
scatter_object_output_list[0] = _tensor_to_object(output_tensor, obj_tensor_size)

def all_gather(tensor_list,
Expand Down
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions torch/testing/_internal/distributed/
Expand Up @@ -4264,3 +4264,32 @@ def forward(self, x):
) if i == 1 else suppress():
loss = model(random_input).sum()

@unittest.skipIf(BACKEND == "nccl", "NCCL does not support scatter")
def test_scatter_object_list(self):
src_rank = 0
scatter_list = (
if self.rank == src_rank
else [None for _ in collectives_object_test_list]
world_size = dist.get_world_size()
scatter_list = scatter_list[: world_size]
i = 0
while len(scatter_list) < world_size:
i += 1

output_obj_list = [None]
dist.scatter_object_list(output_obj_list, scatter_list, src=src_rank)
collectives_object_test_list[self.rank % len(collectives_object_test_list)],
# Ensure errors are raised upon incorrect arguments.
with self.assertRaisesRegex(
"Expected argument scatter_object_output_list to be a list of size at least 1.",
dist.scatter_object_list([], scatter_list, src=src_rank)

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