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[doc] Fix inconsistencies with torch.linalg.cond doc (#51641)
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Summary: Pull Request resolved: #51641

Test Plan: Imported from OSS

Reviewed By: mruberry

Differential Revision: D26234104

Pulled By: heitorschueroff

fbshipit-source-id: 5c2c9a206c4051092305d910ed0e808458e5afd9
  • Loading branch information
heitorschueroff authored and facebook-github-bot committed Feb 5, 2021
1 parent 4d703d0 commit 7c12afb
Showing 1 changed file with 65 additions and 42 deletions.
107 changes: 65 additions & 42 deletions torch/linalg/
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cond = _add_docstr(_linalg.linalg_cond, r"""
linalg.cond(input, p=None, *, out=None) -> Tensor
Computes the condition number of a matrix :attr:`input`,
or of each matrix in a batched :attr:`input`, using the matrix norm defined by :attr:`p`.
For norms ``p = {'fro', 'nuc', inf, -inf, 1, -1}`` this is defined as the matrix norm of :attr:`input`
times the matrix norm of the inverse of :attr:`input`. And for norms ``p = {None, 2, -2}`` this is defined as
the ratio between the largest and smallest singular values.
This function supports ``float``, ``double``, ``cfloat`` and ``cdouble`` dtypes for :attr:`input`.
If the input is complex and neither :attr:`dtype` nor :attr:`out` is specified, the result's data type will
be the corresponding floating point type (e.g. float if :attr:`input` is complexfloat).
.. note:: For ``p = {None, 2, -2}`` the condition number is computed as the ratio between the largest
and smallest singular values computed using :func:`torch.linalg.svd`.
For these norms :attr:`input` may be a non-square matrix or batch of non-square matrices.
Computes the condition number of a matrix :attr:`input`, or of each matrix in
a batched :attr:`input`, using the matrix norm defined by :attr:`p`.
For norms `{'fro', 'nuc', inf, -inf, 1, -1}` this is defined as the matrix norm of :attr:`input`
times the matrix norm of the inverse of :attr:`input` computed using :func:`torch.linalg.norm`. While
for norms `{None, 2, -2}` this is defined as the ratio between the largest and smallest singular
values computed using :func:`torch.linalg.svd`.
This function supports float, double, cfloat and cdouble dtypes.
.. note:: When given inputs on a CUDA device, this function may synchronize that device with the CPU depending
on which norm :attr:`p` is used.
.. note:: For norms `{None, 2, -2}`, :attr:`input` may be a non-square matrix or batch of non-square matrices.
For other norms, however, :attr:`input` must be a square matrix or a batch of square matrices,
and if this requirement is not satisfied a RuntimeError will be thrown.
.. note:: For ``p = {'fro', 'nuc', inf, -inf, 1, -1}`` if :attr:`input` is a non-invertible matrix then
.. note:: For norms `{'fro', 'nuc', inf, -inf, 1, -1}` if :attr:`input` is a non-invertible matrix then
a tensor containing infinity will be returned. If :attr:`input` is a batch of matrices and one
or more of them is not invertible then a RuntimeError will be thrown.
.. note:: When given inputs on a CUDA device, this function synchronizes that device with the CPU.
input (Tensor): the input matrix of size :math:`(m, n)` or the batch of matrices of size :math:`(*, m, n)`
where `*` is one or more batch dimensions.
input (Tensor): the input matrix of size `(m, n)` or the batch of matrices of size `(*, m, n)`
where `*` is one or more batch dimensions.
p (int, float, inf, -inf, 'fro', 'nuc', optional): the type of the matrix norm to use in the computations.
The following norms are supported:
inf refers to :attr:`float('inf')`, numpy's :attr:`inf` object, or any equivalent object.
The following norms can be used:
===== ============================
p norm for matrices
Expand All @@ -649,40 +649,63 @@
Default: ``None``
Keyword args:
out (Tensor, optional): The output tensor. Ignored if ``None``. Default: ``None``
out (Tensor, optional): tensor to write the output to. Default is ``None``.
The condition number of :attr:`input`. The output dtype is always real valued
even for complex inputs (e.g. float if :attr:`input` is cfloat).
>>> from torch import linalg as LA
>>> a = torch.randn(3, 4, 4, dtype=torch.complex64)
>>> torch.linalg.cond(a)
>>> a = torch.tensor([[1., 0, -1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1]])
>>> LA.cond(a)
>>> LA.cond(a, 'fro')
>>> torch.linalg.cond(a)
>>> torch.linalg.cond(a, 'fro')
>>> LA.cond(a, 'nuc')
>>> torch.linalg.cond(a, 'nuc')
>>> LA.cond(a, np.inf)
>>> torch.linalg.cond(a, float('inf'))
>>> LA.cond(a, -np.inf)
>>> torch.linalg.cond(a, float('-inf'))
>>> LA.cond(a, 1)
>>> torch.linalg.cond(a, 1)
>>> LA.cond(a, -1)
>>> torch.linalg.cond(a, -1)
>>> LA.cond(a, 2)
>>> LA.cond(a, -2)
>>> torch.linalg.cond(a, 2)
>>> torch.linalg.cond(a, -2)
>>> a = torch.randn(3, 4, 4)
>>> LA.cond(a)
tensor([ 4.4739, 76.5234, 10.8409])
>>> a = torch.randn(3, 4, 4, dtype=torch.complex64)
>>> LA.cond(a)
tensor([ 5.9175, 48.4590, 5.6443])
>>> LA.cond(a, 1)
>>> tensor([ 11.6734+0.j, 105.1037+0.j, 10.1978+0.j])
>>> a = torch.randn(2, 3, 3)
>>> a
tensor([[[-0.9204, 1.1140, 1.2055],
[ 0.3988, -0.2395, -0.7441],
[-0.5160, 0.3115, 0.2619]],
[[-2.2128, 0.9241, 2.1492],
[-1.1277, 2.7604, -0.8760],
[ 1.2159, 0.5960, 0.0498]]])
>>> torch.linalg.cond(a)
>>> a = torch.randn(2, 3, 3, dtype=torch.complex64)
>>> a
tensor([[[-0.4671-0.2137j, -0.1334-0.9508j, 0.6252+0.1759j],
[-0.3486-0.2991j, -0.1317+0.1252j, 0.3025-0.1604j],
[-0.5634+0.8582j, 0.1118-0.4677j, -0.1121+0.7574j]],
[[ 0.3964+0.2533j, 0.9385-0.6417j, -0.0283-0.8673j],
[ 0.2635+0.2323j, -0.8929-1.1269j, 0.3332+0.0733j],
[ 0.1151+0.1644j, -1.1163+0.3471j, -0.5870+0.1629j]]])
>>> torch.linalg.cond(a)
>>> torch.linalg.cond(a, 1)
tensor([9.2589, 9.3486])

pinv = _add_docstr(_linalg.linalg_pinv, r"""
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