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Using dynamic allocation buffer and dynamic threads on scan with index (
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What this PR does is (continuation from #103435):
- Applying dynamic number of threads for innerdim scan with index function.
- Using dynamically allocated shared memory to get rid of `num_threads` template arguments.

Pull Request resolved: #103502
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  • Loading branch information
mfkasim1 authored and pytorchmergebot committed Jun 14, 2023
1 parent fee0164 commit ce0a511
Showing 1 changed file with 27 additions and 43 deletions.
70 changes: 27 additions & 43 deletions aten/src/ATen/native/cuda/ScanUtils.cuh
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -57,14 +57,18 @@ __device__ void binary_op_update(const scalar_t lhs, scalar_t& rhs, const idx_t
* Each thread block processes one or more sets of contiguous rows (processing multiple rows
* per thread block is quicker than processing a single row, especially for short rows).
template<typename scalar_t, int num_threads_x, int num_threads_y, class BinaryFunction>
template<typename scalar_t, class BinaryFunction>
__global__ void tensor_kernel_scan_innermost_dim_with_indices(const scalar_t *self_, scalar_t *values_, int64_t *indices_,
int num_rows, int row_size,
const uint32_t num_threads, const uint32_t log_num_threads_x,
scalar_t init, BinaryFunction binary_op) {
__shared__ scalar_t vbuf[num_threads_y][2 * num_threads_x];
__shared__ int64_t ibuf[num_threads_y][2 * num_threads_x];
scalar_t* row_buf = vbuf[threadIdx.y];
int64_t* row_idx_buf = ibuf[threadIdx.y];
// dynamic memory allocation for vbuf and ibuf
alignas(sizeof(double)) extern __shared__ char buf[];
scalar_t* vbuf = reinterpret_cast<scalar_t*>(buf); // the size is num_threads * 2
int64_t* ibuf = reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(vbuf + num_threads * 2);
const uint32_t num_threads_x = 1 << log_num_threads_x;
scalar_t* row_buf = vbuf + 2 * num_threads_x * threadIdx.y;
int64_t* row_idx_buf = ibuf + 2 * num_threads_x * threadIdx.y;

for (int block_row = blockIdx.x * blockDim.y;
block_row < num_rows;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -218,12 +222,19 @@ __host__ void scan_innermost_dim_with_indices(
int row_size = self.size(ndim - 1);
int num_rows = self.numel() / row_size;

dim3 threads(16, 32);
// assuming max_num_threads per block is 512
const uint32_t num_threads = 512;
const uint32_t log_num_threads_x = get_log_num_threads_x_inner_scan<uint32_t>(num_rows, row_size);
const uint32_t num_threads_x = (1 << log_num_threads_x);
const uint32_t num_threads_y = num_threads / num_threads_x;
dim3 threads(num_threads_x, num_threads_y);
dim3 grid(std::min(at::cuda::getCurrentDeviceProperties()->maxGridSize[0], ceil_div(num_rows, int(threads.y))));

tensor_kernel_scan_innermost_dim_with_indices<scalar_t, 16, 32><<<grid, threads, 0, at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream()>>>(
const uint32_t mem_size = 2 * num_threads * (sizeof(scalar_t) + sizeof(int64_t));
tensor_kernel_scan_innermost_dim_with_indices<scalar_t><<<grid, threads, mem_size,
self.const_data_ptr<scalar_t>(), values.mutable_data_ptr<scalar_t>(), indices.mutable_data_ptr<int64_t>(),
num_rows, row_size, init, binary_op);
num_rows, row_size, num_threads, log_num_threads_x, init, binary_op);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -357,48 +368,19 @@ __device__ void tensor_kernel_scan_innermost_dim_impl(T* row_buf, T *tgt_, const
template <
typename T,
int num_threads,
class BinaryFunction>
__global__ typename std::enable_if<!c10::is_complex<T>::value, void>::type
__global__ void tensor_kernel_scan_innermost_dim(
T* tgt_,
const T* src_,
const uint32_t num_rows,
const uint32_t row_size,
const uint32_t log_num_threads_x,
T init,
BinaryFunction binary_op) {
__shared__ T sbuf[num_threads * 2];
alignas(sizeof(double)) extern __shared__ char sbuf[];
T* sbuf2 = reinterpret_cast<T*>(sbuf);
const uint32_t num_threads_x = 1 << log_num_threads_x;
T* row_buf = sbuf + num_threads_x * 2 * threadIdx.y;

row_buf, tgt_, src_, num_rows, row_size, log_num_threads_x, init, binary_op);

template <
typename T,
int num_threads,
class BinaryFunction>
__global__ typename std::enable_if<c10::is_complex<T>::value, void>::type
T* tgt_,
const T* src_,
const uint32_t num_rows,
const uint32_t row_size,
const uint32_t log_num_threads_x,
T init,
BinaryFunction binary_op) {
// As we cannot directly initialize shared array for complex types
// Reference:
// `error: initializer not allowed for __shared__ variable`
// We instead get the base scalar type and allocate twice number of
// elements required of base type and reinterpret them as complex.
using base_t = typename scalar_value_type<T>::type;
const uint32_t num_threads_x = 1 << log_num_threads_x;
__shared__ base_t sbuf[4 * num_threads];

T* row_buf = reinterpret_cast<T*>(sbuf + num_threads_x * 4 * threadIdx.y);
T* row_buf = reinterpret_cast<T*>(sbuf2 + num_threads_x * 2 * threadIdx.y);
row_buf, tgt_, src_, num_rows, row_size, log_num_threads_x, init, binary_op);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -440,17 +422,19 @@ void scan_innermost_dim(const TensorBase& self, const TensorBase& result,
int64_t num_rows = self.numel() / row_size;
// assuming max_num_threads per block is 512
const uint32_t num_threads = 512;
const uint32_t log_num_threads_x = get_log_num_threads_x_inner_scan<uint32_t>(num_rows, row_size);
const uint32_t num_threads_x = (1 << log_num_threads_x);
const uint32_t num_threads_y = 512 / num_threads_x;
const uint32_t num_threads_y = num_threads / num_threads_x;
dim3 threads(num_threads_x, num_threads_y);
int64_t maxGridDim = at::cuda::getCurrentDeviceProperties()->maxGridSize[0];
dim3 grid(std::min(maxGridDim, ceil_div(num_rows, int64_t{threads.y})));
check_fits_in_unsigned(num_rows, "Number of rows (self.numel()/self.size(self.dim()-1))");
check_fits_in_unsigned(row_size, "row_size");
tensor_kernel_scan_innermost_dim<scalar_t, 512><<<grid, threads, 0, at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream()>>>(
tensor_kernel_scan_innermost_dim<scalar_t><<<grid, threads, num_threads * 2 * sizeof(scalar_t),
result.mutable_data_ptr<scalar_t>(), self.const_data_ptr<scalar_t>(),
num_rows, row_size, log_num_threads_x, init, binary_op);
Expand Down

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