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Docker image build on CircleCI

Ailing edited this page Apr 14, 2020 · 12 revisions

For those who used to work with the docker image build process, we’ve migrated docker image build job from Jenkins to CircleCI.

Current config

The config of docker image now live at And we have weekly jobs to rebuild all the images: (this link might not work if we ever update config.yml file, so please search for “docker_build_job” to be sure)

and you can find existing images (both permanent and weekly) at which will be updated hourly by this job: (for same reason as above, you can search “ecr_gc_job” to be sure)

Q & A

How to trigger new build process if I don’t want to wait for a week?

remove , so your PR can/will trigger build job. REMEMBER to run when you’re inside .circle directory after you update the file

Where to find tags for newly created/pushed images? which will be updated hourly

How do we purge old images / what’s the retention policy?

We have ecr_gc_job job (you can search for it in config.yml) that runs every hour to purge old images. Currently, we need temporary images for 1 day, and weekly builds for 2 weeks. And we will keep image with tags defined in forever. code for the purge job is

How to use new images?

  1. locate new image tag at
  2. test with new images, you need to update (or search for DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION) and regenerate config.yml
  3. update and land changes to make sure the images won’t be purged

The production images disappeared, what should I do?

Sometimes there is a bug in ecr_gc_job and it deletes Docker images it shouldn't. All Docker images are also saved to S3 with a one month retention period, so there's a chance they may still be there. You can use this script to recover in that case:

import yaml
import boto3
import subprocess
import os
import requests
import argparse
import multiprocessing

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Recover Docker images from S3 to ECR')
parser.add_argument('tag', metavar='TAG', help='tag to recover, something like 07597f23-fa81-474c-8bef-5c8a91b50595')
parser.add_argument('-j', metavar='N', type=int, default=8, help='number of jobs to run in parallel')
args = parser.parse_args()
recover_id = args.tag

r = yaml.safe_load(requests.get('').text)
builds = [b['docker_build_job']['image_name'] for b in r['workflows']['docker_build']['jobs'] if isinstance(b, dict)]

def image_name(b):
    return "{}:{}".format(b, recover_id)

def s3_url(b):
    return "pytorch/base/{}.tar".format(image_name(b))

def upload_to_ecr(b):
    s3 = boto3.client('s3')
    print("s3 url: {}".format(s3_url(b)))
    tmp_file = '/tmp/{}.tar'.format(image_name(b))
    s3.download_file('ossci-linux-build', s3_url(b), tmp_file)
    subprocess.check_call(('docker', 'load', '--input', tmp_file))
    subprocess.check_call(('docker', 'push', '{}'.format(image_name(b))))

pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=args.j), builds)

How to add a new base docker image?

Note this instruction provides guidance to add a new base docker image. If you could reuse one of available docker images listed in, please do so and not adding new ones.

See an example PR

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