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File metadata and controls

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Extending Satpy via plugins


This feature is experimental and being modified without warnings. For now, it should not be used for anything else than toy examples and should not be relied on.

Satpy is able to load additional functionality outside of the builtin features in the library. It does this by searching a series of configured paths for additional configuration files for:

  • readers
  • composites and modifiers
  • enhancements
  • writers

For basic testing and temporary configuration changes, you can follow the instructions in :ref:`component_configuration`. This will tell Satpy where to look for your custom YAML configuration files and import any Python code you'd like it to use for these components. However, this requires telling Satpy of these paths on every execution (either as an environment variable or by using satpy.config).

Satpy also supports being told this information via setuptools "entry points". Once your custom Python package with entry points is installed Satpy will automatically discover it when searching for composites without the user needing to explicitly import your package. This has the added benefit of organizing your YAML configuration files and any custom python code into a single python package. How to structure a package in this way is described below.

An example project showing the usage of these entry points is available at this github repository where a custom compositor is created. This repository also includes common configuration files and tools for writing clean code and automatically testing your python code.

Plugin package structure

The below sections will use the example package name satpy-myplugin. This is only an example and naming a plugin package with a satpy- prefix is not required.

A plugin package should consist of three main parts:

  1. pyproject.toml or These files define the metadata and entry points for your package. Only one of them is needed. With only a few exceptions it is recommended to use a pyproject.toml as this is the new and future way Python package configuration will be supported by the pip package manager. See below for examples of the contents of this file.

  2. mypkg/etc/: A directory of Satpy-compatible component YAML files. These YAML files should be in readers/, composites/, enhancements/, and writers/ directories. These YAML files must follow the Satpy naming conventions for each component. For example, composites and enhancements allow for sensor-specific configuration files. Other directories can be added in this etc directory and will be ignored by Satpy. Satpy will collect all available YAML files from all installed plugins and merge them with those builtin to Satpy. The Satpy builtins will be used as a "base" configuration with all external YAML files applied after.

  3. mypkg/: The python package with any custom python code. This code should be based on or at least compatible with Satpy's base classes for each component or use utilities available from Satpy whenever possible.

    Lastly, this directory should be structured like a standard python package. This primarily means a mypkg/ file should exist.


We recommend using a pyproject.toml file can be used to define the metadata and configuration for a python package. With this file it is possible to use package building tools to make an installable package. By using a special feature called "entry points" we can configure our package to its satpy features are automatically discovered by Satpy.

A pyproject.toml file is typically placed in the root of a project repository and at the same level as the package (ex. satpy_myplugin/ directory). An example for a package called satpy-myplugin with custom composites is shown below.

name = "satpy-myplugin"
description = "Example Satpy plugin package definition."
version = "1.0.0"
readme = ""
license = {text = "GPL-3.0-or-later"}
requires-python = ">=3.8"
dependencies = [

packages = ["satpy_myplugin"]

requires = ["setuptools", "wheel"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

example_composites = "satpy_myplugin"

This definition uses setuptools to build the resulting package (under build-system). There are other alternative tools (like poetry) that can be used.

Other custom components like readers and writers can be defined in the same package by using additional entry points named satpy.readers for readers, satpy.writers for writers, and satpy.enhancements for enhancements.

Note the difference between the usage of the package name (satpy-myplugin) which includes a hyphen and the package directory (satpy_myplugin) which uses an underscore. Your package name does not need to have a separator (hyphen) in it, but is used here due to the common practice of naming plugins this way. Package directories can't use hyphens as this would be a syntax error when trying to import the package. Underscores can't be used in package names as this is not allowed by PyPI.

The first project section in this TOML file specifies metadata about the package. This is most important if you plan on distributing your package on PyPI or similar package repository. We specify that our package depends on satpy so if someone installs it Satpy will automatically be installed. The second tools.setuptools section tells the package building (via setuptools) what directory the Python code is in. The third section, build-system, says what tool(s) should be used for building the package and what extra requirements are needed during this build process.

The last section, project.entry-points."satpy.composites" is the only section specific to this package being a Satpy plugin. At the time of writing the example_composites = "satpy_myplugin" portion is not actually used by Satpy but is required to properly define the entry point in the plugin package. Instead Satpy will assume that a package that defines the satpy.composites (or any of the other component types) entry point will have a etc/ directory in the root of the package structure. Even so, for future compatibility, it is best to use the name of the package directory on the right-hand side of the =.


If you are more comfortable creating a python package you can use instead of pyproject.toml. When used for custom composites, in a package called satpy-myplugin it would look something like this:

from setuptools import setup
import os

        'satpy.composites': [
            'example_composites = satpy_myplugin',
    package_data={'satpy_myplugin': [os.path.join('etc', 'composites/*.yaml')]},

Note the difference between the usage of the package name (satpy-plugin) which includes a hyphen and the package directory (satpy_plugin) which uses an underscore. Your package name does not need to have a separator (hyphen) in it, but is used here due to the common practice of naming plugins this way. See the pyproject.toml information above for more information on what each of these values means.


Disclaimer: We are not lawyers.

Satpy source code is under the GPLv3 license. This license requires any derivative works to also be GPLv3 or GPLv3 compatible. It is our understanding that importing a Python module could be considered "linking" that source code to your own (thus being a derivative work) and would therefore require your code to be licensed with a GPLv3-compatible license. It is currently only possible to make a Satpy-compatible plugin without importing Satpy if it contains only enhancements. Writers and compositors are possible without subclassing, but are likely difficult to implement. Readers are even more difficult to implement without using Satpy's base classes and utilities. It is also our understanding that if your custom Satpy plugin code is not publicly released then it does not need to be GPLv3.