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Test_scene failure on debian sid #2248

avalentino opened this issue Oct 30, 2022 · 5 comments

Test_scene failure on debian sid #2248

avalentino opened this issue Oct 30, 2022 · 5 comments


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Describe the bug
Unitest failure on debian sid.
Failing tests are in satpy/tests/

To Reproduce

$ python3 -m pytest -k "test_scene and not geoviews"

Expected behavior
All tests pass

Actual results

$ python3 -m pytest -k "test_scene and not geoviews"
=============================================================== test session starts ===============================================================
platform linux -- Python 3.10.8, pytest-7.1.2, pluggy-1.0.0+repack
rootdir: /home/antonio/projects/forks/satpy
plugins: lazy-fixture-0.6.3
collected 1859 items / 1716 deselected / 143 selected                                                                                             

satpy/tests/ ...................................................................FFF...FF.........F......F....F..........FFFF.F [ 79%]
..........                                                                                                                                  [ 86%]
satpy/tests/reader_tests/ .                                                                                                  [ 86%]
satpy/tests/reader_tests/ ...                                                                             [ 88%]
satpy/tests/reader_tests/ .....                                                                                              [ 92%]
satpy/tests/reader_tests/ ...                                                                                       [ 94%]
satpy/tests/reader_tests/ ....                                                                                             [ 97%]
satpy/tests/reader_tests/ .                                                                                                 [ 97%]
satpy/tests/reader_tests/ ...                                                                                              [100%]

==================================================================== FAILURES =====================================================================
________________________________________________________ TestSceneLoading.test_load_comp4 _________________________________________________________

self = <satpy.tests.test_scene.TestSceneLoading object at 0x7f9bab95ff40>

    def test_load_comp4(self):
        """Test loading a composite that depends on a composite."""
        scene = Scene(filenames=['fake1_1.txt'], reader='fake1')
        loaded_ids = list(scene._datasets.keys())
>       assert len(loaded_ids) == 1
E       AssertionError: assert 2 == 1
E        +  where 2 = len([DataID(name='comp2'), DataID(name='ds3', modifiers=())])

satpy/tests/ AssertionError
---------------------------------------------------------------- Captured log call ----------------------------------------------------------------
WARNING The following datasets were not created and may require resampling to be generated: DataID(name='comp4')
_________________________________________________ TestSceneLoading.test_load_multiple_resolutions _________________________________________________

self = <satpy.tests.test_scene.TestSceneLoading object at 0x7f9bab95ff10>

    def test_load_multiple_resolutions(self):
        """Test loading a dataset has multiple resolutions available with different resolutions."""
        scene = Scene(filenames=['fake1_1.txt'], reader='fake1')
        comp25 = make_cid(name='comp25', resolution=1000)
        scene[comp25] = xr.DataArray([], attrs={'name': 'comp25', 'resolution': 1000})
        scene.load(['comp25'], resolution=500)
        loaded_ids = list(scene._datasets.keys())
>       assert len(loaded_ids) == 2
E       AssertionError: assert 3 == 2
E        +  where 3 = len([DataID(name='comp24', resolution=500), DataID(name='comp25', resolution=1000), DataID(name='ds5', resolution=500, modifiers=())])

satpy/tests/ AssertionError
---------------------------------------------------------------- Captured log call ----------------------------------------------------------------
WARNING The following datasets were not created and may require resampling to be generated: DataID(name='comp25')
__________________________________________________ TestSceneLoading.test_load_same_subcomposite ___________________________________________________

self = <satpy.tests.test_scene.TestSceneLoading object at 0x7f9bab970250>

    def test_load_same_subcomposite(self):
        """Test loading a composite and one of it's subcomposites at the same time."""
        scene = Scene(filenames=['fake1_1.txt'], reader='fake1')
        scene.load(['comp24', 'comp25'], resolution=500)
        loaded_ids = list(scene._datasets.keys())
        assert len(loaded_ids) == 2
        assert loaded_ids[0]['name'] == 'comp24'
        assert loaded_ids[0]['resolution'] == 500
>       assert loaded_ids[1]['name'] == 'comp25'
E       AssertionError: assert 'ds5' == 'comp25'
E         - comp25
E         + ds5

satpy/tests/ AssertionError
---------------------------------------------------------------- Captured log call ----------------------------------------------------------------
WARNING The following datasets were not created and may require resampling to be generated: DataID(name='comp25')
________________________________________________________ TestSceneLoading.test_load_comp9 _________________________________________________________

self = <satpy.tests.test_scene.TestSceneLoading object at 0x7f9bab970b50>

    def test_load_comp9(self):
        """Test loading a composite that has a non-existent optional prereq."""
        # it is fine that an optional prereq doesn't exist
        scene = Scene(filenames=['fake1_1.txt'], reader='fake1')
        loaded_ids = list(scene._datasets.keys())
>       assert len(loaded_ids) == 1
E       AssertionError: assert 2 == 1
E        +  where 2 = len([DataID(name='comp2'), DataID(name='ds1', resolution=250, calibration=<calibration.reflectance>, modifiers=())])

satpy/tests/ AssertionError
---------------------------------------------------------------- Captured log call ----------------------------------------------------------------
WARNING The following datasets were not created and may require resampling to be generated: DataID(name='comp9')
________________________________________________________ TestSceneLoading.test_load_comp10 ________________________________________________________

self = <satpy.tests.test_scene.TestSceneLoading object at 0x7f9bab970d90>

    def test_load_comp10(self):
        """Test loading a composite that depends on a modified dataset."""
        # it is fine that an optional prereq doesn't exist
        scene = Scene(filenames=['fake1_1.txt'], reader='fake1')
        loaded_ids = list(scene._datasets.keys())
>       assert len(loaded_ids) == 1
E       AssertionError: assert 2 == 1
E        +  where 2 = len([DataID(name='comp2'), DataID(name='ds1', resolution=250, calibration=<calibration.reflectance>, modifiers=('mod1',))])

satpy/tests/ AssertionError
---------------------------------------------------------------- Captured log call ----------------------------------------------------------------
WARNING The following datasets were not created and may require resampling to be generated: DataID(name='comp10')
________________________________________________________ TestSceneLoading.test_load_comp19 ________________________________________________________

self = <satpy.tests.test_scene.TestSceneLoading object at 0x7f9bab971e10>

    def test_load_comp19(self):
        """Test loading a composite that shares a dep with a dependency.
        More importantly test that loading a dependency that depends on
        the same dependency as this composite (a sibling dependency) and
        that sibling dependency includes a modifier. This test makes sure
        that the Node in the dependency tree is the exact same node.
        # Check dependency tree nodes
        # initialize the dep tree without loading the data
        scene = Scene(filenames=['fake1_1.txt'], reader='fake1')
        scene._update_dependency_tree({'comp19'}, None)
        this_node = scene._dependency_tree['comp19']
        shared_dep_id = make_dataid(name='ds5', modifiers=('res_change',))
        shared_dep_expected_node = scene._dependency_tree[shared_dep_id]
        # get the node for the first dep in the prereqs list of the
        # comp13 node
        shared_dep_node = scene._dependency_tree['comp13'].data[1][0]
        shared_dep_node2 =[1][0]
        assert shared_dep_expected_node is shared_dep_node
        assert shared_dep_expected_node is shared_dep_node2
        loaded_ids = list(scene._datasets.keys())
>       assert len(loaded_ids) == 1
E       AssertionError: assert 3 == 1
E        +  where 3 = len([DataID(name='comp13'), DataID(name='ds2', resolution=250, calibration=<calibration.reflectance>, modifiers=()), DataID(name='ds5', resolution=250, modifiers=('res_change',))])

satpy/tests/ AssertionError
---------------------------------------------------------------- Captured log call ----------------------------------------------------------------
WARNING The following datasets were not created and may require resampling to be generated: DataID(name='comp19')
_______________________________________________ TestSceneLoading.test_load_dataset_after_composite2 _______________________________________________

self = <satpy.tests.test_scene.TestSceneLoading object at 0x7f9bab972dd0>

    def test_load_dataset_after_composite2(self):
        """Test load complex composite followed by other datasets."""
        from satpy.readers.yaml_reader import FileYAMLReader
        from satpy.tests.utils import FakeCompositor, FakeModifier
        load_mock = spy_decorator(FileYAMLReader.load)
        comp_mock = spy_decorator(FakeCompositor.__call__)
        mod_mock = spy_decorator(FakeModifier.__call__)
        with mock.patch.object(FileYAMLReader, 'load', load_mock), \
             mock.patch.object(FakeCompositor, '__call__', comp_mock), \
             mock.patch.object(FakeModifier, '__call__', mod_mock):
            lmock = load_mock.mock
            scene = Scene(filenames=['fake1_1.txt'], reader='fake1')
            assert lmock.call_count == 1
            loaded_ids = list(scene._datasets.keys())
>           assert len(loaded_ids) == 1
E           AssertionError: assert 2 == 1
E            +  where 2 = len([DataID(name='comp2'), DataID(name='ds1', resolution=250, calibration=<calibration.reflectance>, modifiers=('mod1',))])

satpy/tests/ AssertionError
---------------------------------------------------------------- Captured log call ----------------------------------------------------------------
WARNING The following datasets were not created and may require resampling to be generated: DataID(name='comp10')
____________________________________________________ TestSceneLoading.test_no_generate_comp10 _____________________________________________________

self = <satpy.tests.test_scene.TestSceneLoading object at 0x7f9bab973220>

    def test_no_generate_comp10(self):
        """Test generating a composite after loading."""
        # it is fine that an optional prereq doesn't exist
        scene = Scene(filenames=['fake1_1.txt'], reader='fake1')
        scene.load(['comp10'], generate=False)
        assert any(ds_id['name'] == 'comp10' for ds_id in scene._wishlist)
        assert 'comp10' not in scene._datasets
        # two dependencies should have been loaded
        assert len(scene._datasets) == 2
        assert len(scene.missing_datasets) == 1
        assert any(ds_id['name'] == 'comp10' for ds_id in scene._wishlist)
>       assert 'comp10' in scene._datasets
E       AssertionError: assert 'comp10' in {DataID(name='ds2', resolution=250, calibration=<calibration.reflectance>, modifiers=()): <xarray.DataArray 'zeros_lik...:  []\n    optional_datasets:       []\n    area:                    Shape: (20, 20)\nLons: <xarray.DataArray 'zeros_...}
E        +  where {DataID(name='ds2', resolution=250, calibration=<calibration.reflectance>, modifiers=()): <xarray.DataArray 'zeros_lik...:  []\n    optional_datasets:       []\n    area:                    Shape: (20, 20)\nLons: <xarray.DataArray 'zeros_...} = <satpy.scene.Scene object at 0x7f9b79730850>._datasets

satpy/tests/ AssertionError
______________________________________________ TestSceneResampling.test_resample_reduce_data_toggle _______________________________________________

self = {DataID(name='ds2', resolution=250, calibration=<calibration.reflectance>, modifiers=()): <xarray.DataArray 'zeros_lik...:  []
    optional_datasets:       []
    area:                    Shape: (20, 20)\nLons: <xarray.DataArray 'zeros_...}
item = 'comp19'

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        """Get item from container."""
            # short circuit - try to get the object without more work
>           return super(DatasetDict, self).__getitem__(item)
E           KeyError: 'comp19'

satpy/dataset/ KeyError

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

self = <satpy.tests.test_scene.TestSceneResampling object at 0x7f9bab98ce50>, rs = <MagicMock name='resample_dataset' id='140305729295008'>

    def test_resample_reduce_data_toggle(self, rs):
        """Test that the Scene can be reduced or not reduced during resampling."""
        from pyresample.geometry import AreaDefinition
        rs.side_effect = self._fake_resample_dataset_force_20x20
        proj_str = ('+proj=lcc +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 '
                    '+lon_0=-95. +lat_0=25 +lat_1=25 +units=m +no_defs')
        target_area = AreaDefinition('test', 'test', 'test', proj_str, 4, 4, (-1000., -1500., 1000., 1500.))
        area_def = AreaDefinition('test', 'test', 'test', proj_str, 5, 5, (-1000., -1500., 1000., 1500.))
        area_def.get_area_slices = mock.MagicMock()
        get_area_slices = area_def.get_area_slices
        get_area_slices.return_value = (slice(0, 3, None), slice(0, 3, None))
        area_def_big = AreaDefinition('test', 'test', 'test', proj_str, 10, 10, (-1000., -1500., 1000., 1500.))
        area_def_big.get_area_slices = mock.MagicMock()
        get_area_slices_big = area_def_big.get_area_slices
        get_area_slices_big.return_value = (slice(0, 6, None), slice(0, 6, None))
        # Test that data reduction can be disabled
        scene = Scene(filenames=['fake1_1.txt'], reader='fake1')
>       scene['comp19'].attrs['area'] = area_def

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
satpy/ in __getitem__
    return self._datasets[key]
satpy/dataset/ in __getitem__
    key = self.get_key(item)
satpy/dataset/ in get_key
    return get_key(match_key, self.keys(), num_results=num_results,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

key = DataQuery(name='comp19')
key_container = [DataID(name='comp13'), DataID(name='ds2', resolution=250, calibration=<calibration.reflectance>, modifiers=()), DataID(name='ds5', resolution=250, modifiers=('res_change',))]
num_results = 1, best = True, query = None, kwargs = {}, res = []

    def get_key(key, key_container, num_results=1, best=True, query=None,
        """Get the fully-specified key best matching the provided key.
        Only the best match is returned if `best` is `True` (default). See
        `get_best_dataset_key` for more information on how this is determined.
        `query` is provided as a convenience to filter by multiple parameters
        at once without having to filter by multiple `key` inputs.
            key (DataID): DataID of query parameters to use for
                             searching. Any parameter that is `None`
                             is considered a wild card and any match is
            key_container (dict or set): Container of DataID objects that
                                         uses hashing to quickly access items.
            num_results (int): Number of results to return. Use `0` for all
                               matching results. If `1` then the single matching
                               key is returned instead of a list of length 1.
                               (default: 1)
            best (bool): Sort results to get "best" result first
                         (default: True). See `get_best_dataset_key` for details.
            query (DataQuery): filter for the key which can contain for example:
                resolution (float, int, or list): Resolution of the dataset in
                                                dataset units (typically
                                                meters). This can also be a
                                                list of these numbers.
                calibration (str or list): Dataset calibration
                                        (ex.'reflectance'). This can also be a
                                        list of these strings.
                polarization (str or list): Dataset polarization
                                            (ex.'V'). This can also be a
                                            list of these strings.
                level (number or list): Dataset level (ex. 100). This can also be a
                                        list of these numbers.
                modifiers (list): Modifiers applied to the dataset. Unlike
                                resolution and calibration this is the exact
                                desired list of modifiers for one dataset, not
                                a list of possible modifiers.
            list or DataID: Matching key(s)
        Raises: KeyError if no matching results or if more than one result is
                found when `num_results` is `1`.
        key = create_filtered_query(key, query)
        res = key.filter_dataids(key_container)
        if not res:
>           raise KeyError("No dataset matching '{}' found".format(str(key)))
E           KeyError: "No dataset matching 'DataQuery(name='comp19')' found"

satpy/dataset/ KeyError
---------------------------------------------------------------- Captured log call ----------------------------------------------------------------
WARNING The following datasets were not created and may require resampling to be generated: DataID(name='comp19')
___________________________________________________ TestSceneResampling.test_resample_ancillary ___________________________________________________

self = {DataID(name='ds2', resolution=250, calibration=<calibration.reflectance>, modifiers=()): <xarray.DataArray 'zeros_lik...:  []
    optional_datasets:       []
    area:                    Shape: (10, 10)\nLons: <xarray.DataArray 'zeros_...}
item = 'comp19'

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        """Get item from container."""
            # short circuit - try to get the object without more work
>           return super(DatasetDict, self).__getitem__(item)
E           KeyError: 'comp19'

satpy/dataset/ KeyError

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

self = <satpy.tests.test_scene.TestSceneResampling object at 0x7f9bab98d090>

    def test_resample_ancillary(self):
        """Test that the Scene reducing data does not affect final output."""
        from pyresample.geometry import AreaDefinition
        from pyresample.utils import proj4_str_to_dict
        proj_dict = proj4_str_to_dict('+proj=lcc +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 '
                                      '+lon_0=-95. +lat_0=25 +lat_1=25 '
                                      '+units=m +no_defs')
        area_def = AreaDefinition('test', 'test', 'test', proj_dict, 5, 5, (-1000., -1500., 1000., 1500.))
        scene = Scene(filenames=['fake1_1.txt'], reader='fake1')
        scene.load(['comp19', 'comp20'])
>       scene['comp19'].attrs['area'] = area_def

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
satpy/ in __getitem__
    return self._datasets[key]
satpy/dataset/ in __getitem__
    key = self.get_key(item)
satpy/dataset/ in get_key
    return get_key(match_key, self.keys(), num_results=num_results,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

key = DataQuery(name='comp19')
key_container = [DataID(name='comp13'), DataID(name='comp20'), DataID(name='ds2', resolution=250, calibration=<calibration.reflectance>, modifiers=()), DataID(name='ds5', resolution=250, modifiers=('res_change',))]
num_results = 1, best = True, query = None, kwargs = {}, res = []

    def get_key(key, key_container, num_results=1, best=True, query=None,
        """Get the fully-specified key best matching the provided key.
        Only the best match is returned if `best` is `True` (default). See
        `get_best_dataset_key` for more information on how this is determined.
        `query` is provided as a convenience to filter by multiple parameters
        at once without having to filter by multiple `key` inputs.
            key (DataID): DataID of query parameters to use for
                             searching. Any parameter that is `None`
                             is considered a wild card and any match is
            key_container (dict or set): Container of DataID objects that
                                         uses hashing to quickly access items.
            num_results (int): Number of results to return. Use `0` for all
                               matching results. If `1` then the single matching
                               key is returned instead of a list of length 1.
                               (default: 1)
            best (bool): Sort results to get "best" result first
                         (default: True). See `get_best_dataset_key` for details.
            query (DataQuery): filter for the key which can contain for example:
                resolution (float, int, or list): Resolution of the dataset in
                                                dataset units (typically
                                                meters). This can also be a
                                                list of these numbers.
                calibration (str or list): Dataset calibration
                                        (ex.'reflectance'). This can also be a
                                        list of these strings.
                polarization (str or list): Dataset polarization
                                            (ex.'V'). This can also be a
                                            list of these strings.
                level (number or list): Dataset level (ex. 100). This can also be a
                                        list of these numbers.
                modifiers (list): Modifiers applied to the dataset. Unlike
                                resolution and calibration this is the exact
                                desired list of modifiers for one dataset, not
                                a list of possible modifiers.
            list or DataID: Matching key(s)
        Raises: KeyError if no matching results or if more than one result is
                found when `num_results` is `1`.
        key = create_filtered_query(key, query)
        res = key.filter_dataids(key_container)
        if not res:
>           raise KeyError("No dataset matching '{}' found".format(str(key)))
E           KeyError: "No dataset matching 'DataQuery(name='comp19')' found"

satpy/dataset/ KeyError
---------------------------------------------------------------- Captured log call ----------------------------------------------------------------
WARNING The following datasets were not created and may require resampling to be generated: DataID(name='comp19')
__________________________________________________ TestSceneResampling.test_resample_reduce_data __________________________________________________

self = {DataID(name='ds2', resolution=250, calibration=<calibration.reflectance>, modifiers=()): <xarray.DataArray 'zeros_lik...:  []
    optional_datasets:       []
    area:                    Shape: (20, 20)\nLons: <xarray.DataArray 'zeros_...}
item = 'comp19'

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        """Get item from container."""
            # short circuit - try to get the object without more work
>           return super(DatasetDict, self).__getitem__(item)
E           KeyError: 'comp19'

satpy/dataset/ KeyError

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

self = <satpy.tests.test_scene.TestSceneResampling object at 0x7f9bab98d2d0>

    def test_resample_reduce_data(self):
        """Test that the Scene reducing data does not affect final output."""
        from pyresample.geometry import AreaDefinition
        proj_str = ('+proj=lcc +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 '
                    '+lon_0=-95. +lat_0=25 +lat_1=25 +units=m +no_defs')
        area_def = AreaDefinition('test', 'test', 'test', proj_str, 20, 20, (-1000., -1500., 1000., 1500.))
        scene = Scene(filenames=['fake1_1.txt'], reader='fake1')
>       scene['comp19'].attrs['area'] = area_def

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
satpy/ in __getitem__
    return self._datasets[key]
satpy/dataset/ in __getitem__
    key = self.get_key(item)
satpy/dataset/ in get_key
    return get_key(match_key, self.keys(), num_results=num_results,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

key = DataQuery(name='comp19')
key_container = [DataID(name='comp13'), DataID(name='ds2', resolution=250, calibration=<calibration.reflectance>, modifiers=()), DataID(name='ds5', resolution=250, modifiers=('res_change',))]
num_results = 1, best = True, query = None, kwargs = {}, res = []

    def get_key(key, key_container, num_results=1, best=True, query=None,
        """Get the fully-specified key best matching the provided key.
        Only the best match is returned if `best` is `True` (default). See
        `get_best_dataset_key` for more information on how this is determined.
        `query` is provided as a convenience to filter by multiple parameters
        at once without having to filter by multiple `key` inputs.
            key (DataID): DataID of query parameters to use for
                             searching. Any parameter that is `None`
                             is considered a wild card and any match is
            key_container (dict or set): Container of DataID objects that
                                         uses hashing to quickly access items.
            num_results (int): Number of results to return. Use `0` for all
                               matching results. If `1` then the single matching
                               key is returned instead of a list of length 1.
                               (default: 1)
            best (bool): Sort results to get "best" result first
                         (default: True). See `get_best_dataset_key` for details.
            query (DataQuery): filter for the key which can contain for example:
                resolution (float, int, or list): Resolution of the dataset in
                                                dataset units (typically
                                                meters). This can also be a
                                                list of these numbers.
                calibration (str or list): Dataset calibration
                                        (ex.'reflectance'). This can also be a
                                        list of these strings.
                polarization (str or list): Dataset polarization
                                            (ex.'V'). This can also be a
                                            list of these strings.
                level (number or list): Dataset level (ex. 100). This can also be a
                                        list of these numbers.
                modifiers (list): Modifiers applied to the dataset. Unlike
                                resolution and calibration this is the exact
                                desired list of modifiers for one dataset, not
                                a list of possible modifiers.
            list or DataID: Matching key(s)
        Raises: KeyError if no matching results or if more than one result is
                found when `num_results` is `1`.
        key = create_filtered_query(key, query)
        res = key.filter_dataids(key_container)
        if not res:
>           raise KeyError("No dataset matching '{}' found".format(str(key)))
E           KeyError: "No dataset matching 'DataQuery(name='comp19')' found"

satpy/dataset/ KeyError
---------------------------------------------------------------- Captured log call ----------------------------------------------------------------
WARNING The following datasets were not created and may require resampling to be generated: DataID(name='comp19')
___________________________________________________ TestSceneResampling.test_no_generate_comp10 ___________________________________________________

self = <satpy.tests.test_scene.TestSceneResampling object at 0x7f9bab98d4e0>, rs = <MagicMock name='resample_dataset' id='140305729047088'>

    def test_no_generate_comp10(self, rs):
        """Test generating a composite after loading."""
        from pyresample.geometry import AreaDefinition
        from pyresample.utils import proj4_str_to_dict
        rs.side_effect = self._fake_resample_dataset
        proj_dict = proj4_str_to_dict('+proj=lcc +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 '
                                      '+lon_0=-95. +lat_0=25 +lat_1=25 '
                                      '+units=m +no_defs')
        area_def = AreaDefinition(
            (-1000., -1500., 1000., 1500.),
        # it is fine that an optional prereq doesn't exist
        scene = Scene(filenames=['fake1_1.txt'], reader='fake1')
        scene.load(['comp10'], generate=False)
        assert any(ds_id['name'] == 'comp10' for ds_id in scene._wishlist)
        assert 'comp10' not in scene
        # two dependencies should have been loaded
        assert len(scene._datasets) == 2
        assert len(scene.missing_datasets) == 1
        new_scn = scene.resample(area_def, generate=False)
        assert 'comp10' not in scene
        # two dependencies should have been loaded
        assert len(scene._datasets) == 2
        assert len(scene.missing_datasets) == 1
        assert any(ds_id['name'] == 'comp10' for ds_id in new_scn._wishlist)
>       assert 'comp10' in new_scn
E       AssertionError: assert 'comp10' in <satpy.scene.Scene object at 0x7f9bab1790f0>

satpy/tests/ AssertionError
________________________________________ TestSceneResampling.test_comp_loading_after_resampling_new_sensor ________________________________________

self = <satpy.tests.test_scene.TestSceneResampling object at 0x7f9bab98d960>

    def test_comp_loading_after_resampling_new_sensor(self):
        """Test requesting a composite after resampling when the sensor composites weren't loaded before."""
        # this is our base Scene with sensor "fake_sensor2"
        scene1 = Scene(filenames=['fake2_3ds_1.txt'], reader='fake2_3ds')
        new_scn = scene1.resample(resampler='native')
        # Can't load from readers after resampling
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        # Can't load the composite from fake_sensor composites yet
        # 'ds1' is missing
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        # artificial DataArray "created by the user"
        # mimics a user adding their own data with the same sensor
        user_da = scene1["ds2"].copy()
        user_da.attrs["name"] = "ds1"
        user_da.attrs["sensor"] = {"fake_sensor2"}
        # Add 'ds1' that doesn't provide the 'fake_sensor' sensor
        new_scn["ds1"] = user_da
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
        assert "comp2" not in new_scn
        # artificial DataArray "created by the user"
        # mimics a user adding their own data with its own sensor to the Scene
        user_da = scene1["ds2"].copy()
        user_da.attrs["name"] = "ds1"
        user_da.attrs["sensor"] = {"fake_sensor"}
        # Now 'fake_sensor' composites have been loaded
        new_scn["ds1"] = user_da
>       assert "comp2" in new_scn
E       AssertionError: assert 'comp2' in <satpy.scene.Scene object at 0x7f9b7989ffd0>

satpy/tests/ AssertionError
---------------------------------------------------------------- Captured log call ----------------------------------------------------------------
WARNING The following datasets were not created and may require resampling to be generated: DataID(name='comp2')
================================================================ warnings summary =================================================================
  /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/blosc/ DeprecationWarning: The distutils package is deprecated and slated for removal in Python 3.12. Use setuptools or check PEP 632 for potential alternatives
    from distutils.version import LooseVersion

  /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/invoke/ DeprecationWarning: the imp module is deprecated in favour of importlib and slated for removal in Python 3.12; see the module's documentation for alternative uses
    import imp

  /home/antonio/projects/forks/satpy/satpy/readers/ DeprecationWarning: `np.bool` is a deprecated alias for the builtin `bool`. To silence this warning, use `bool` by itself. Doing this will not modify any behavior and is safe. If you specifically wanted the numpy scalar type, use `np.bool_` here.
  Deprecated in NumPy 1.20; for more details and guidance:
    ('GsicsCalMode', np.bool),

  /home/antonio/projects/forks/satpy/satpy/readers/ DeprecationWarning: `np.bool` is a deprecated alias for the builtin `bool`. To silence this warning, use `bool` by itself. Doing this will not modify any behavior and is safe. If you specifically wanted the numpy scalar type, use `np.bool_` here.
  Deprecated in NumPy 1.20; for more details and guidance:
    ('GsicsCalValidity', np.bool),

  /home/antonio/projects/forks/satpy/satpy/tests/reader_tests/ PytestUnknownMarkWarning: Unknown pytest.mark.file_handler_data - is this a typo?  You can register custom marks to avoid this warning - for details, see

satpy/tests/ 225 warnings
satpy/tests/reader_tests/ 3 warnings
satpy/tests/reader_tests/ 7 warnings
satpy/tests/reader_tests/ 9 warnings
satpy/tests/reader_tests/ 6 warnings
satpy/tests/reader_tests/ 4 warnings
satpy/tests/reader_tests/ 1 warning
satpy/tests/reader_tests/ 3 warnings
  /home/antonio/projects/forks/satpy/satpy/ DeprecationWarning: SelectableGroups dict interface is deprecated. Use select.
    for entry_point in entry_points().get(name, []):

  /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pyproj/crs/ UserWarning: You will likely lose important projection information when converting to a PROJ string from another format. See:
    proj = self._crs.to_proj4(version=version)

  /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/rasterio/ NotGeoreferencedWarning: Dataset has no geotransform, gcps, or rpcs. The identity matrix will be returned.
    dataset = writer(

  /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dask/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in true_divide
    return func(*(_execute_task(a, cache) for a in args))

  /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/dask/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in multiply
    return func(*(_execute_task(a, cache) for a in args))

  /home/antonio/projects/forks/satpy/satpy/readers/ UserWarning: Actual block1 header size does not match expected
    warnings.warn(f"Actual {block} header size does not match expected")

  /home/antonio/projects/forks/satpy/satpy/readers/ UserWarning: Actual block2 header size does not match expected
    warnings.warn(f"Actual {block} header size does not match expected")

  /home/antonio/projects/forks/satpy/satpy/readers/ UserWarning: Actual block3 header size does not match expected
    warnings.warn(f"Actual {block} header size does not match expected")

  /home/antonio/projects/forks/satpy/satpy/readers/ UserWarning: Actual block4 header size does not match expected
    warnings.warn(f"Actual {block} header size does not match expected")

  /home/antonio/projects/forks/satpy/satpy/readers/ UserWarning: Actual block5 header size does not match expected
    warnings.warn(f"Actual {block} header size does not match expected")

  /home/antonio/projects/forks/satpy/satpy/readers/ UserWarning: Actual block6 header size does not match expected
    warnings.warn(f"Actual {block} header size does not match expected")

  /home/antonio/projects/forks/satpy/satpy/readers/ UserWarning: Actual block7 header size does not match expected
    warnings.warn(f"Actual {block} header size does not match expected")

  /home/antonio/projects/forks/satpy/satpy/readers/ UserWarning: Actual block8 header size does not match expected
    warnings.warn(f"Actual {block} header size does not match expected")

  /home/antonio/projects/forks/satpy/satpy/readers/ UserWarning: Actual block9 header size does not match expected
    warnings.warn(f"Actual {block} header size does not match expected")

  /home/antonio/projects/forks/satpy/satpy/readers/ UserWarning: Actual block10 header size does not match expected
    warnings.warn(f"Actual {block} header size does not match expected")

  /home/antonio/projects/forks/satpy/satpy/readers/ UserWarning: Actual block11 header size does not match expected
    warnings.warn(f"Actual {block} header size does not match expected")

  /home/antonio/projects/forks/satpy/satpy/readers/ DeprecationWarning: This function is deprecated. See:
    x, y, z = pyproj.transform(latlong, geocent, lon, lat, 0.)

-- Docs:
============================================================= short test summary info =============================================================
FAILED satpy/tests/ - AssertionError: assert 2 == 1
FAILED satpy/tests/ - AssertionError: assert 3 == 2
FAILED satpy/tests/ - AssertionError: assert 'ds5' == 'comp25'
FAILED satpy/tests/ - AssertionError: assert 2 == 1
FAILED satpy/tests/ - AssertionError: assert 2 == 1
FAILED satpy/tests/ - AssertionError: assert 3 == 1
FAILED satpy/tests/ - AssertionError: assert 2 == 1
FAILED satpy/tests/ - AssertionError: assert 'comp10' in {DataID(name='ds2', resolution=...
FAILED satpy/tests/ - KeyError: "No dataset matching 'DataQuery(name='comp19...
FAILED satpy/tests/ - KeyError: "No dataset matching 'DataQuery(name='comp19')' found"
FAILED satpy/tests/ - KeyError: "No dataset matching 'DataQuery(name='comp19')' found"
FAILED satpy/tests/ - AssertionError: assert 'comp10' in <satpy.scene.Scene object at...
FAILED satpy/tests/ - AssertionError: assert 'comp2' in <satpy....
========================================= 13 failed, 130 passed, 1716 deselected, 287 warnings in 41.94s ==========================================

Environment Info:

  • OS: GNU/Linux - Debian Sid x86_64
  • Satpy Version: main (ee3066b)
  • Python: 3.10.8
  • PyResample Version: 1.25.1
  • xarray: 2022.10.0
  • dask: 2022.02.0
  • pyproj: 3.4.0
  • Readers and writers dependencies (when relevant): [run from satpy.utils import check_satpy; check_satpy()]
abi_l1b:  ok
abi_l1b_scmi:  ok
abi_l2_nc:  ok
acspo:  ok
agri_l1:  ok
ahi_hrit:  ok
ahi_hsd:  ok
ahi_l1b_gridded_bin:  ok
ami_l1b:  ok
amsr2_l1b:  ok
amsr2_l2:  ok
amsr2_l2_gaasp:  ok
amsub_l1c_aapp:  cannot find 'FrequencyDoubleSideBand' in the module 'satpy.readers.aapp_mhs_amsub_l1c'
ascat_l2_soilmoisture_bufr:  ok
avhrr_l1b_aapp:  ok
avhrr_l1b_eps:  ok
avhrr_l1b_gaclac:  ok
avhrr_l1b_hrpt:  ok
avhrr_l1c_eum_gac_fdr_nc:  ok
caliop_l2_cloud:  cannot find module 'satpy.readers.caliop_l2_cloud' (cannot import name 'Dataset' from 'satpy.dataset' (/home/antonio/projects/forks/satpy/satpy/dataset/
clavrx:  ok
cmsaf-claas2_l2_nc:  ok
electrol_hrit:  ok
fci_l1c_nc:  ok
fci_l2_nc:  ok
generic_image:  ok
geocat:  ok
ghrsst_l2:  ok
glm_l2:  ok
goes-imager_hrit:  ok
goes-imager_nc:  ok
gpm_imerg:  ok
grib:  ok
hsaf_grib:  ok
hy2_scat_l2b_h5:  ok
iasi_l2:  ok
iasi_l2_so2_bufr:  ok
ici_l1b_nc:  ok
jami_hrit:  ok
li_l2:  cannot find module 'satpy.readers.li_l2' (cannot import name 'Dataset' from 'satpy.dataset' (/home/antonio/projects/forks/satpy/satpy/dataset/
maia:  ok
mersi2_l1b:  ok
mhs_l1c_aapp:  ok
mimicTPW2_comp:  ok
mirs:  ok
modis_l1b:  ok
modis_l2:  ok
msi_safe:  ok
msu_gsa_l1b:  ok
mtsat2-imager_hrit:  ok
mviri_l1b_fiduceo_nc:  ok
mwi_l1b_nc:  cannot find 'FrequencyDoubleSideBand' in the module 'satpy.readers.aapp_mhs_amsub_l1c'
mws_l1b_nc:  ok
nucaps:  ok
nwcsaf-geo:  ok
nwcsaf-msg2013-hdf5:  ok
nwcsaf-pps_nc:  ok
oceancolorcci_l3_nc:  ok
olci_l1b:  ok
olci_l2:  ok
omps_edr:  ok
safe_sar_l2_ocn:  ok
sar-c_safe:  ok
satpy_cf_nc:  ok
scatsat1_l2b:  cannot find module 'satpy.readers.scatsat1_l2b' (cannot import name 'Dataset' from 'satpy.dataset' (/home/antonio/projects/forks/satpy/satpy/dataset/
seadas_l2:  ok
seviri_l1b_hrit:  ok
seviri_l1b_icare:  ok
seviri_l1b_native:  ok
seviri_l1b_nc:  ok
seviri_l2_bufr:  ok
seviri_l2_grib:  ok
slstr_l1b:  ok
slstr_l2:  cannot find module 'satpy.readers.slstr_l2' (No module named 'satpy.readers.slstr_l2')
smos_l2_wind:  ok
tropomi_l2:  ok
vaisala_gld360:  ok
vii_l1b_nc:  ok
vii_l2_nc:  ok
viirs_compact:  ok
viirs_edr_active_fires:  ok
viirs_edr_flood:  ok
viirs_l1b:  ok
viirs_sdr:  ok
virr_l1b:  ok

/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/pyninjotiff/ UserWarning: failed to import the optional _tifffile C extension module.
Loading of some compressed images will be slow.
Tifffile.c can be obtained at
awips_tiled:  ok
cf:  ok
geotiff:  ok
mitiff:  ok
ninjogeotiff:  ok
ninjotiff:  ok
simple_image:  ok

cartopy:  ok
geoviews:  No module named 'geoviews'
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djhoese commented Oct 30, 2022

I think if you update dask to at least 2022.10.0 the tests should start passing. This was a change in xarray 2022.9.0 that required a fix in xarray (released in xarray 2022.10.0 I think) but also a new dask (released in 2022.10.0).

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Thanks @djhoese
Indeed we still do not have dask 2022.10.0 in debian.
We will try to update it ASAP.

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djhoese commented Oct 31, 2022

Not sure how much of an option it is, but forcing xarray <2022.9.0 would also work.

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avalentino commented Oct 31, 2022

Yes, all was working properly until xarray has been updated.

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I can confirm that updating dask to v2022.11.1 seems to fix these specific errors.

@djhoese djhoese closed this as completed Nov 27, 2022
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