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How to run

Using docker

  1. Generate the SQL binding code using SQLC using docker/podman (use docker on windows):
    1. Pull the SQLC Docker Image:
      • docker pull kjconrow/sqlc
      • podman pull
    2. Execute the following in the database directory:
      • For bash: docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/src -w /src kjconroy/sqlc generate
      • For Windows CMD docker run --rm -v "%cd%:/src" -w /src kjconroy/sqlc generate
  2. Build the docker image
    • Run docker build --tag=schedder-api:latest --network=host --file Dockerfile .
    • Run the dockerfile directly ./Dockerfile on a Linux box where env from coreutils has support for -S/--split-string
  3. Running the container image
    • Run docker compose up
      • If you are seeing an error like:

         schedder-schedder-api-1  | panic: failed to connect to `host=database user=postgres database=postgres`: dial error (dial tcp connect: connection refused)

        Just run docker compose up again. This might happen on the first run as the backend tries to connect to the database while it is still initializing.

  4. Test the connection


  1. Database Setup

    1. Install Postgres (detailed instructions outside the scope of this document, consult your distribution's documentation).
    2. Create a database (i.e. echo "CREATE DATABASE schedder_test;" | psql).
    3. Read section "Connection Strings" from PostgreSQL Documentation: Database Connection Control Functions.
    4. Create a connection string, write it down.
  2. Generate the SQL binding code using SQLC directly:

    1. Install SQLC
      • Using pacman on Arch Linux: sudo pacman -S sqlc
      • Using go 1.17+: go install
    2. Run in the database directory:
      • sqlc generate
      • if sqlc is in your $PATH you can also do go generate
    3. Done
  3. For testing:

    1. Copy testing.env.example to testing.env.
    2. Set SCHEDDER_TEST_POSTGRES to a the connection string from step 1.4.
    3. Source the env you made using source ./ testing
    4. Run the tests using go test
  4. For running:

    1. Copy testinv.env.example to develop.env
    2. Do step 3.2
    4. Run using go run ./cmd/schedder-api
  5. Test the connection

Testing the connection

Try it with curl localhost:2023/accounts/self/sessions, you should get a 401 response similar to:

{"error":"invalid token"}


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