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💬 Kel

Install with pip PyPI - Version

Kel is your AI assistant in your CLI.

Kel கேள் means ask in Tamil.

🎥 Demo


✅ Features

  • Free and Open Source
  • Bring your own API keys
  • Supports multiple Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4, Claude, ollama2, and Google.
  • Supports OpenAI assistants to chat with your documents
  • Customizable

🧩 Installation


  • Python 3.6 or higher
  • pip3
  • API keys for OpenAI and other LLMs

⛳ Steps

python3 -m pip install --user pipx
python3 -m pipx ensurepath
pipx install kel-cli

# copy the default config file to current user's home directory
curl -O
mkdir -p ~/.kel
mv config.toml ~/.kel/config.toml 

Open the config file to customize the settings.

Update the LLM API keys in the OS environment variables.


kel -v
kel -h
kel "git command to rebase"
kel "command to get active connections in linux"
kel "What was the population of India in 1990?"

> I'm sorry, I can only assist with questions related to software engineering and command line tools. 
I am unable to provide information on the population of India in 1990.

Now change the prompt and ask the same question.

kel "What was the population of India in 1990?" -p "You are a demography expert" 

> The population of India in 1990 was around 874 million people.

Now change the LLM and ask the same question.

kel "What was the population of India in 1990?" -p "You are a demography expert" -c ollama -m llama2 

To view the config file details, run the following command.

kel -s openai


LLMs price varies based on the usage. Please check the pricing before using it.
LLMs can make mistakes. Review the answers before using it.

🧰 Configuration

Kel can be configured using a config file. It is a TOML file and supports vast number of options.

The default config file is ~/.kel/config.toml or ~/.config/kel/config.toml or KEL_CONFIG_FILE environment variable.

⚙️ Defaults

  • OpenAI's gpt-3.5-turbo-1106
  • Display stats
  • Default prompt focuses on developers
  • Copies the answer to clipboard
  • and more...

💰 Support

If you like this project, please consider donating to the following addresses.