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Examples of scenarios for QALIPSIS, a load, performance and E2E testing tool especially especially designed for distributed systems


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This repository contains examples of scenarios for QALIPSIS, an enterprise-grade load and performance-testing tool especially designed for distributed systems. It is a step above other load test applications that merely evaluate your system internally.

  • QALIPSIS is developer-centric with a low learning curve that makes it easy to use and extremely efficient.
  • QALIPSIS is developed in Kotlin to gain the benefits of the Java ecosystem and provide seamless system performance.
  • QALIPSIS is designed to test the performance of distributed and monolithic systems.
  • QALIPSIS collects data from operating systems, databases, and monitoring tools.
  • QALIPSIS cross-checks system metrics and performs data verification to ensure that the test systems is performing as expected.


User-friendly interface

The QALIPSIS Graphical User Interface (GUI) allows users, depending on their role, to configure and run load tests with capabilities including, but not limited to:

  • Start/Stop
  • Configure the Load Distribution
  • Increase/Decrease the Number of Simulated Users
  • View Reports
  • Schedule a Test

Automation friendly performance verification

Using the Command Line Interface (CLI) or the Gradle plugin, you can automatically and repeatedly verify the condition and performance of your system.

User-friendly operation

With QALIPSIS you are never far from setting up your next load, performance, and end-to-end test campaign.

Start with the creation of a pre-configured project from QALIPSIS bootstrap, then develop code in your IDE.

QALIPSIS provides a Gradle plugin to simplify the configuration, packaging and deployment of your scenarios to your on-premise installation or QALIPSIS Cloud.

You do not need to be a Kotlin expert or a master in the technology that you want to test. QALIPSIS DSL is a meta-language that most users can learn within minute and it provides the means to execute all of the operations in your scenarios.

Further documentation and examples guide you through your more advanced use cases.

Downloading a ready-to-use project for your IDE is easy with QALIPSIS and allows integration with popular DevOps tools to test your software and track the impact of recent changes.

Aggregated assertions

Aggregated assertions allow you to verify the overall results on a scenario. You can define thresholds to make a test succeed or fail and immediately get insights about the performance and consistency of your tested system.

Testing, performance, and geographical distribution

  • QALIPSIS can test distributed systems.
  • QALIPSIS can perform as a distributed system.
  • QALIPSIS can simulate load from several geographic locations to run comparisons based on location.

Live results, integration and monitoring

QALIPSIS events and meters provide extended details of load-test operations, providing users with various options for accessing the results. The results visualizations and dashboards, with details of each test-case execution, provide valuable insight for identifying the bottlenecks in your applications and uncovering the components and conditions of failures.

QALIPSIS Gradle Plugin integrates the automated execution of QALIPSIS scenarios with your CI/CD pipelines, in order to validate the performance and functionalities on a regular and frequent basis. This helps you to uncover the problems immediately after they were introduced in your system and save a lot of time and money in their resolution.

Alternatively, you can also use QALIPSIS for constant monitoring: a long-running campaign allows you to monitor the availability and responsiveness of your system over a long period of time. Even the statistics of running campaigns are accessible in real-time and you can observe their evolution and detect issues at their earliest occurrence. Time-to-solution is made faster by the ability to analyze the problem in real time and conditions.

Concurrent load simulations and data ingestion

Combining the double benefit of a lightweight architecture and a deployment as a cluster, QALIPSIS makes its possible to simulate the load from thousands to millions of users (e.g., website visitors, connected IoT devices, etc.).

You can execute load, performance and end-to-end test campaigns running several scenarios, and analyze how behaviors of certain personas affect the experience of others.

Finally, QALIPSIS does not only inject outgoing data to your system to test, but also ingests incoming data sources to compare their values with the ones generated by your tests. You can now cross-verify requests and responses with infrastructure metrics and messages and databases records.

Operating system independent

QALIPSIS load and performance testing can be performed from any operating system supporting Java with the same impressive results.


QALIPSIS was designed with distributed systems and current developer practices in mind. It provides a testing framework to allow developers to work in a real-world environment, writing and running load tests without a steep learning curve.

For developers

QALIPSIS empowers developers to:

  • Choose their own testing tools and preferred programming language for writing load-test scenarios.
  • Cross-verify data from different sources: bring responses to requests, infrastructure metrics, middleware events and database records in the same port to compare them and verify that they match your expectations.
  • Unlock the full power of the Java ecosystem by making use of any library, protocol or system.
  • Reuse pieces of their own software to faster develop scenarios.
  • Simulate users, third-party software and IoT devices.
  • Simulate real-user and device behavior to make load tests more relevant.
  • Generate detailed and relevant results by using distributed tracing markers to follow the complete execution workflow from end to end.
  • Customize reports and dashboards.
  • Perform tests on development machines, containers and virtual machines with excellent results.
  • Integrate their standard DevOps workflow for performance testing before the deployment of health checks on production environments.
  • Create a scenario in just a few minutes by enabling utilization of any Java library of choice (such as JUnit, Hamcrest, AssertJ) or pieces of software or proprietary libraries.
  • Test non-http technologies using numerous plug-ins, such as databases and messaging platforms.

For IT operations teams

QALIPSIS provides IT Operations teams solutions to:

  • Monitor how deployments and other IT operations can affect the availability and overall performance of the system.
  • Expose bottlenecks and find correlations between load and resource consumption by unifying the verification of load-test and infrastructure metrics.
  • Identify issues before users and customers do by verifying the size and configuration of the system's infrastructure.
  • Examine how the system performs during normal and peak loads by running load tests from different geographic locations at varying times.
  • Generate exceptional results on virtual engines, containers and conventional development machines.
  • Allow for implementation and integration of verifications in their standard DevOps workflow.

Official website

You can learn more about QALIPSIS under


The complete documentation of QALIPSIS is available under


QALIPSIS examples are distributed under the Apache License 2.0, the terms can be read here.


Examples of scenarios for QALIPSIS, a load, performance and E2E testing tool especially especially designed for distributed systems





