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React front end with Nodejs + Passport.js backend


  • Write your single page application in ReactJS
  • Add authentication provider of your choice: Facebook, Google or Microsoft's Corporate ADFS
  • Record users in MS SQL database in Azure


Clone repository:

$ git clone


All project configuration is stored in two config.js files - one for back end and one for front end.

var config = {
  databaseConfig: {
    // MS SQL database config
    user: "",
    password: "",
    server: "",
    database: "",
    options: {
      encrypt: true // Use this if you're on Windows Azure
    requestTimeout: 60000
  databaseTable: "", // Database table name to register users e.g. [dbo].[users]
  azureApp: {
    // Azure Application details
    base: "",
    clientID: "",
    clientSecret: "",
    callbackUri: hostUrl + "/auth/cbAdfs",
    resource: "",
    tenant: ""
  facebookApp: {
    // Facebook Application details
    clientID: "",
    clientSecret: "",
    callbackUrl: hostUrl + "/auth/cbFacebook"
  googleApp: {
    // Google Application details
    clientID: "",
    clientSecret: "",
    callbackUrl: hostUrl + "/auth/cbGoogle"
  jwtSecret: "big Secret",
  serverPort: 8080


When all authentication sources and Azure SQL database is configured you should be able to start the server and test it.

Development mode

In the development mode any changes to the project are automatically re-compiled and server is restarted. To start project in development mode open two terminal windows in the root of the project.

In the first window run:

$ npm run bundle

That will start the webpack in the watch mode and generate the front end files.

In the second window run:

$ npm start

That will start up the nodeJS back end.

Production mode

In the production mode front end files are re-compiled and minified for production use. To start project in production mode open two terminal windows in the root of the project.

In the first window run:

$ npm run deploy

In the second window run:

$ npm start

That will start up the nodeJS back end.


React front end with Nodejs + Passport.js backend




