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Github Actions: Rust Clippy

MIT licensed

Github action to run clippy against a repository, this providers linting with the following features;

  • Globbing for repositories that have multiple rust projects in them
  • SSH key for projects that use cargo to pull private Git repositories
  • Error and Warning outputs that highlight specific lines on PR's and commits
  • Specify specific version of Rust to use
  • GitHub PAT use and SSH path rewriting

alt text

Workflow configuration

To use this action, define it in your workflow;

on: [push, pull_request]

    runs-on: self-hosted
    name: Lint package
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - uses: qernal/github-actions-rust-clippy@v2.0.2

Action parameters

Parameter Description Required
clippy_args Arguments for clippy configuration, space separated list as "--arg1 --arg2" N
path_glob Glob for path finding (when a repository has multiple rust projects) N
git_ssh_key Base64 encoded SSH key used for cargo when private git repositories are specified N
github_pat GitHub PAT (token) for PAT authentication when private git repositories are specified N
ssh_path_rewrite Rewrite SSH GitHub urls into HTTPS equivalent, only used with github_token N
threads Threads to run at once - for concurrency of functions used with path_glob (integer) N
rust_version Version of rust to use, e.g. 1.42 otherwise the latest at action compilation will be used N


      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - uses: qernal/github-actions-rust-clippy@v2.0.2
          args: "--verbose,--all-targets"
          path_glob: "**/src"
          git_ssh_key: "${{ secrets.base64_ssh_key }}" # Must be base64 encoded and a valid RSA key
          rust_version: 1.59

Manual runs

You can use the container without the context of the runner, and just run the container like so;

docker run --rm -v `pwd`:/github/workspace

Replace the pwd with your workspace if you're not running from the current directory


Building Locally

In the root of this repository, the following will buuld the container;

docker build -t -f ./Dockerfile ./

Running Locally

The GitHub action call can be simulated locally, an example of this is below;

# Glob example of multiple cargos
docker run --rm -e INPUT_PATH_GLOB=src/functions/*/*/ -e INPUT_THREADS=4 -e INPUT_GIT_SSH_KEY="$(cat ~/.ssh/my_key | base64 -w0)" -v `pwd`:/github/workspace

# Specifiying rust version
docker run --rm -e INPUT_RUST_VERSION=1.56 -e INPUT_THREADS=4 -e INPUT_GIT_SSH_KEY="$(cat ~/.ssh/my_key | base64 -w0)" -v `pwd`:/github/workspace