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@cbbarber cbbarber tagged this 04 Sep 02:43
CMake builds
- CMakeLists.txt: Fixed /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig for debug builds
- CMakeLists.txt: Remove qhull_SHARED and qhull_SHAREDP from 'make all'
  Remove qhull_SHARED and qhull_SHAREDP from qhull_TARGETS_SHARED
  Use reentrant Qhull (libqhull_r) for user code
- CMakeLists.txt: If "MSYS Makefiles", change the default CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to "/usr/local"
  Remove WIN32 conditionals from MAN_INSTALL_DIR and DOC_INSTALL_DIR
- CMakeLists.txt: Add 'uninstall' to delete the files listed in install_manifest.txt
- CMakeLists.txt: If LINK_APPS_SHARED, link qhull applications to [S. Bruens #69]
  If BUILD_STATIC_LIBS=OFF or BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF, exclude those libraries [S. Bruens #69]
  libqhullcpp and user_eg3 are built only if BUILD_STATIC_LIBS is true
- CMakeModules/CheckLFS.cmake: Moved CMakeModules to the build/ directory
- CMakeLists.txt: Replace rbox_SOURCES(etc.) with a source file, either reentrant or non-reentrant
- CMakeLists.txt: Add deprecated libqhull and qhull_p to "# Additional build targets"
  If not MSVC, add qh_QHpointer to user_egp_DEFINES and qhullp_DEFINES (otherwise qh_lib_check fails)

Other builds
- build/README-build.txt: Add description of build/ directory
- build/qhull*.sln: Remove qhull_p and qhull_p.dll, retain the corresponding DevStudio project files
  Remove libqhull and qhull.dll, retain the corresponding DevStudio project files
- Makefile: Add libqhull_r/libqhullstatic_r.a to 'cleanall'
- Makefile: Add note about installing debug libraries (e.g., libqhull_rd)
- Makefile,libqhull*/Makefile: Copy README.txt,...,Changes.txt and html/* to ABS_DOCDIR
- Makefile,libqhull*/Makefile: Add target 'uninstall' to delete installed Qhull files
- libqhull/qhull-exports.def,qhull-nomerge-exports.def: Add qh_nextfacet2d

- html/qh-code.htm: Add request for Doxygen documentation of the C++ interface
- html/index.htm,etc: "Contents" instead of "Table of Contents"

- eg/ Redo help prompt
- eg/ Create src/qhull_qh/_QH_CONVERTED_FILES as a safety check
- eg/ Require destination directory and _QH_CONVERTED_FILES for 'sed-only'

Qhull Github

C++ interface
- libqhullcpp/qt-qhull.cpp: In toQList(), use count() to avoid a type error
- libqhullcpp/qt-qhull.cpp: In toQList(), use nullptr instead of NULL
- libqhullcpp/QhullSet.h: Declare 'QList<T> toQList() const' to avoid a prototype error

- Qhull build systems: Add wiki page on build systems to GitHub
- CMakeLists.txt: Use same target name for Debug and non-Debug builds [Spacelm #76]
- CMakeLists.txt: Remove functional documentation from /usr/local/include/libqhull*
  Most of the links are broken.
- CMakeLists.txt: Move Qhull html documentation to /usr/local/share/doc/qhull/html/
  Otherwise index.htm is overwritten and README links are broken
- CMakeLists.txt: Add /usr/local/share/doc/qhull/src/Changes.txt
- Makefile, make install: Remove functional documentation from /usr/local/include/libqhull
  and /usr/local/include/libqhullinclude/libqhull_r.  Most of the links are broken.
- Makefile, src/libqhull/Makefile: Add DEPRECATED.txt to /usr/local/include/libqhull
- Makefile, src/libqhull*/Makefile: Add 'make install' to the welcome prompt

- index.htm: Balance the top-page 'URL:' and 'To:' links
- index.htm: Send the top-page 'Functions' link to (better 'src' links)
- index.htm: Make the bottom-page 'URL:' and 'To:' links the same as the top-page links
- index.htm: "please use rentrant Qhull (libqhull_r or libqhullstatic_r)"
- html/index.htm: Add rbox.txt to Contents and rename "Table of Contents"
- html/index.htm,qh-code.htm,qh-eg.htm,qh-impre.htm: Remove 'please wait while loading'
- README.txt/Installing Qhull with Qt: The shadow build directory should be at the same level as 'src'
- README.txt/Compiling Qhull with Qt Creator: Copy steps from 'Installing Qhull with Qt'
Assets 2