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Reactive Relational Database Driver MySQL Implementation

Sonatype Nexus (Snapshots) Maven Central Apache 2.0 Java support

This project contains the MySQL client protocol implementation of the JDBD SPI. This implementation is not intended to be used directly, but rather to be used as the backing implementation for a humane client library to delegate to.

How to run jdbd-mysql test use cases ?

  2. CREATE USER army_w@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'army123' ;
  3. GRANT ALL ON army_test.* TO army_w@'localhost' ;
  4. GRANT XA_RECOVER_ADMIN ON *.* TO army_w@'localhost';
  5. If meets MySQL 8.0.26 ,then INSTALL COMPONENT "file://component_query_attributes" ;
  6. mvn test

the persistence frameworks that use jdbd-spi :

  1. Army

more jdbd-spi document see jdbd

How to start ?


    <version>0.11.9</version><!-- jdbd-mysql maven version-->

Java code

@see io/jdbd/mysql/simple/ ,java class url

How to use native transport ?


        <classifier>osx-x86_64</classifier>  <!-- here,just for mac os  -->
        <classifier>osx-x86_64</classifier>   <!-- here,just for mac os  -->

How to use unix domain socket ?

public class UnixDomainSocketTests {
    public void unixDomainSocket() throws Exception {
        //  select @@Global.socket;  // default is  /tmp/mysql.sock
        final String mysqlSocketPath = "/tmp/mysql.sock";
        final String hostAddress = URLEncoder.encode(mysqlSocketPath, "utf-8");
        // hostAddress result is  /%2Ftmp%2Fmysql.sock
        final String url = "jdbd:mysql://%2Ftmp%2Fmysql.sock/army_test";

        final Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
        map.put(Driver.USER, "army_w");
        map.put(Driver.PASSWORD, "army123");
        // properties will override the properties of url.
        final DatabaseSessionFactory domainSocketSessionFactory;
        domainSocketSessionFactory = Driver.findDriver(url).forDeveloper(url, map);

        final ResultRow row;
        row = Mono.from(domainSocketSessionFactory.localSession())
                .flatMapMany(session -> Flux.from(session.executeQuery("SELECT current_timestamp AS now")))

        Assert.assertNotNull(row.get(0, LocalDateTime.class));


Properties config

@see io.jdbd.mysql.env.MySQLKey class

Core properties

name default description
factoryName unnamed DatabaseSessionFactory name
factoryTaskQueueSize 18 The task queue size of each session.
factoryWorkerCount 30 session factory netty worker count.
factorySelectCount same with factoryWorkerCount session factory netty select count if use java NIO,if native ignore.
connectionProvider ConnectionProvider::newConnection reactor netty ConnectionProvider
shutdownQuietPeriod 2 * 1000 milliseconds DatabaseSessionFactory's EventLoopGroup after n milliseconds shutdown, if you invoke DatabaseSessionFactory.close()
shutdownTimeout 15 * 1000 milliseconds DatabaseSessionFactory's EventLoopGroup shutdown timeout milliseconds,if you invoke DatabaseSessionFactory.close()
tcpKeepAlive false
tcpNoDelay true
connectTimeout 0 session connect timeout
sslMode PREFERRED ssl mode

more jdbd-spi document see jdbd