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Travel app with live travel information, chat & mini-games


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Chat & play mini-games with others travelling by train.

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Chat and play mini-games with others who are also taking the same train. Select the train you're taking and chat or play mini-games together. Get live information about delays and disruptions.

Concept sketch screens


  • Vue.js
  • Express

For dependencies on the server see package.json (server) and for the client see package.json (client).


  1. Clone the repository and navigate to the directories.

  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install

Run server

# To run the server
npm run start

# To run the development environment
npm run dev

Run client

# To run client in the development environment
npm run serve

# To build client app & copy to public folder on the server
npm run build

# To lint files
npm run lint


  • Chat with others
  • Play mini-games
  • Get live train information


For travel information about current trains I use the NS API. To see the available API's and how to get a API-key go to their starter's guide. The API's provide the following information:

  • Prices
  • Current departure times
  • Disruptions and engineering work
  • The station list, with all stations in the Netherlands including Geodata
  • Travel recommendations from station to station

You can make 50.000 request per day for each API, but the amount may vary per API. The API's I use are the Reisinformatie API & Virtual Train API.

Reisinformatie API

The Reisinformatie API has endpoints for current arrivals & departures, ticket prices, journey details and travel advice. I use the journey details & travel advice endpoints.

Journey details endpoint

With the journey details endpoint you can request the full journey details of a train based on the journeynumber (or trainnumber). I use this to give current information about each journey with information about disruptions and delays. Here is an example of the response data:

  "payload": {
    "notes": [],                  // notes journeys
    "productNumbers": [],         // journey number
    "stops": [{
      "id": "",                   // station id
      "stop": {},                 // station & location
      "previousStopId": [],       // previous station id
      "nextStopId": [],           // next station id
      "destination": "",          // name of destination
      "status": "",               // type of stop
      "arrivals": [],             // arrival detail
      "departures": [],           // departure detail
      "actualStock": {},          // train stock being used
      "plannedStock": {},         // planned train stock
      "platformFeatures": [],     // station platform information
      "coachCrowdForecast": []    // crowd forecast for train
    "allowCrowdReporting": true,  // status of crowd forecast
    "source": ""                  // source of information

Travel advice endpoint

With the travel advice endpoint you can request possible routes based on origin and destination. I use this to search for a train the user is possibly taking. Here is an example of the response data:

  "source": "",                         // source of information
  "trips": [{
    "idx": 0,
    "uid": "",                          // journey search id
    "ctxRecon": "",                     // journey search uri
    "plannedDurationInMinutes": 0,      // planned journey duration
    "actualDurationInMinutes": 0,       // real journey duration
    "transfers": 0,                     // amount of transfers
    "status": "",                       // search status
    "messages": [],                     // disruptions/constructions
    "legs": [{
      "idx": "",                        // journey id
      "name": "",                       // journey name
      "travelType": "",                 // travel type
      "direction": "",                  // name of destination
      "cancelled": false,               // if journey cancelled
      "changePossible": true,           // possible changes
      "alternativeTransport": false,    // other transport option
      "journeyDetailRef": "",           // journey uri
      "origin": {},                     // information of origin
      "destination": {},                // information of destination
      "product": {},                    // train type & number
      "messages": [],                   // disruptions
      "stops": [],                      // all train stops
      "crowdForecast": "",              // crowd forecast for train
      "punctuality": 100.0,             // train punctuality
      "shorterStock": false,            // if train is shorted
      "journeyDetail": [],              // journey detail
      "reachable": true,                // reachable in time
      "plannedDurationInMinutes": 0     // journey duration
    "crowdForecast": "",                // complete crowd forecast of route
    "punctuality": 100.0,               // complete punctuality of route
    "optimal": false,                   // if best route
    "fareRoute": {},                    // complete route
    "fares": [],                        // ticket prices
    "fareLegs": [],                     // complete route detail
    "productFare": {},                  // product types
    "fareOptions": {},                  // ticket options
    "type": "",                         // operator
    "shareUrl": {},                     // complete route url
    "realtime": true,                   // if current information
    "routeId": "",                      // route id
    "registerJourney": {}               // route url

Virtual Train API

The Virtual Train API has enpoints for information about a specific train. I use the getTreinInformatie_1 endpoint to get the current information of the train for a specific journey. With this information I can cross-reference where the train is and if it's delayed or cancelled. Here is an example of the response data:

  "bron": "",               // source of information
  "ritnummer": 0,           // journey number
  "station": "",            // current station
  "type": "",               // train type
  "vervoerder": "",         // operator
  "spoor": "",              // track
  "materieeldelen": [{      // train parts
    "materieelnummer": 0,   // train number
    "type": "",             // train type
    "faciliteiten": [],     // train facilities
    "afbeelding": "",       // train image url
    "breedte": 0,           // length of train
    "hoogte": 0,            // height of train
    "bakken": [],           // coaches of train with length, height and image
  "ingekort": false,        // if train is shorted
  "lengte": 0,              // complete length of train
  "lengteInMeters": 0,      // train length in meters
  "lengteInPixels": 0       // train length in pixels

Data Life Cycle Diagram

A Data Life Cycle Diagram shows how data flows through an application. The following graph shows how the data is transferred from the NS API and database to and from the server and from the server to the user:

Zugo data life cycle diagram

Socket Events

I use multiple socket events for real-time data transfer from server to client and vice versa. I have created the following socket events:

  • join room
  • all rooms
  • add message

Join room event

The join room event adds the client to a specific room that is tied to a journey and chat. A user is added to a room when they have given their name and have been added to the database. They will then get to join the room.

All rooms event

The all rooms event gives the current active rooms. It will send newly added rooms when a new room has been added to the database.

Add message event

The add message event will add the message to the database and send it to all clients of the specified room.


GNU General Public License v3.0


Travel app with live travel information, chat & mini-games








  • JavaScript 97.3%
  • Vue 2.6%
  • HTML 0.1%