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这是 qfuncs npm 包的源码,主要封装一些功能类方法,例如:deepAssign、deepCopy、isEqualObject、isEqualArray 等

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这是 qfuncs npm 包的源码,主要封装一些功能类方法,用于 nodejs 环境,例如:deepAssign、deepCopy、isEqualObject、isEqualArray 等

npm 包

  • 安装 npm 包: npm install --save @qiushaocloud/qfuncs
  • 使用示例
    import '@qiushaocloud/qfuncs';
    import qFuncs, {
    } from '@qiushaocloud/qfuncs';
    const obj = {};


  • CustomEventManager 接口定义

    /** 自定义事件类接口 */
    export interface ICustomEventManager{
      on(eventType:string, listener: IFnAnyArgs, markid?: string | number): void;
      once(eventType:string, listener: QFnAnyArgs, markid?: string | number): void;
      off(eventType:string, listener?: IFnAnyArgs): void;
      offAll(eventType: string): void;
      offByMarkId(eventType: string, markid: string | number): void;
      offAllByMarkId(markid: string | number): void;
      hasListener(eventType:string): boolean;
      hasListenerByMarkId(eventType:string, markid: string | number): boolean;
      trigger(eventType: string, ...args: any[]): void;
      clearAllEvent(): void;
      getAllEventTypes(): string[];
  • qFuncs(IQMethods) 接口文件: qfuncs.i.ts

    export interface IQCheckType {
      isNumber(num: any, isAllowNumStr?: boolean): boolean;
      isString(str: any): boolean;
      isBoolean(bol: any): boolean;
      isNullOrUndefined (arg: unknown, isConsiderStr?: boolean): boolean;
      isPlainObject(obj: any): boolean;
      isJson(json: any): boolean;
      isJsonString(jsonstr: string): boolean;
      // isArray(arr: any): boolean;
      isJsonOrArray(obj: any): boolean;
      isDate(date: any): boolean;
      isFunction(fun: any): boolean;
    export interface IQToType {
      toJsonStringify (json: Record<string, any>): string;
      toJsonParse (jsonStr: string): Record<string, any>;
      toParseBoolean (bol: unknown): boolean;
    export interface IQCompare {
      isEqualFunction(fun1: any, fun2: any): boolean;
      isEqualDate(fun1: any, fun2: any): boolean;
      isEqualArray(arr1: any[], arr2: any[], isSimpleCompare?: boolean): boolean;
      isEqualObject(obj1: any, obj2: any): boolean;
      isEqualObjectOrArray(obj1: any, obj2: any, isSimpleCompare?: boolean): boolean;
      isEqualJsonOrArrayByJsonStringify(obj1: any, obj2: any): boolean;
      isEqualAnyValue(val1: any, val2: any, isSimpleCompare?: boolean): boolean;
      /** 浅比较是否相等,相等情况:val1 === val2 | for(val1) === for(val2) */
      isShoalEqual(val1: any, val2: any): boolean;
    export interface IQDate {
      /** 获取当前时间戳,只支持 get */
      nowTimestamp: number;
      /** 返回校准后的当前时间戳,只支持 get */
      nowCalibrationTimestamp: number;
      /** 时间校准差值,支持 set / get */
      timeCalibrationDiff: number;
      getCurrDateSec (date?: Date | number | string): number;
      toDateSec (dateMsec: number): number;
      getCurrFormatDay (date?: Date | number | string): string;
      getCurrFormatTime (date?: Date | number | string, isGetMs?: boolean): string;
    export interface IQArray {
      isArrayIncludes<T=any> (arr: T[], searchElement: T, fromIndex?: number, isSimpleCompare?: boolean): boolean;
      arrayIndexOf<T=any> (arr: T[], searchElement: T, fromIndex?: number, isSimpleCompare?: boolean): number;
      removeArrayItem<T=any> (arr: T[], removeItem: T, count?: number, isSimpleCompare?: boolean): number[];
      removeArrayItems<T=any> (arr: T[], removeItems: T[], count?: number, isSimpleCompare?: boolean): number[];
      removeArrayItemsByIndexs<T=any> (arr: T[], removeIndexs: number[] | number): void;
      batchArrayPop<T=any> (arr: T[], count?: number): T[];
      batchArrayShift<T=any> (arr: T[], count?: number): T[];
      findArrayItem<T=any> (arr: T[], findItem: T, count?: number, isSimpleCompare?: boolean): number[];
      findArrayItems<T=any> (arr: T[], findItems: T[], count?: number, isSimpleCompare?: boolean): number[];
      findArrayOneItemByConditions<T=any> (arr: T[], conditionsFn: (item:T) => boolean, isReverse?: boolean): T | undefined;
      findArrayItemsByConditions<T=any> (arr: T[], conditionsFn: (item:T) => boolean, count?: number): {[itemIndex: number]: T};
      removeArrayItemsByConditions<T=any> (arr: T[], conditionsFn: (item:T) => boolean): {removeItemIndexs: number[], removeItems: T[]};
      isArrayIncludesByConditions<T=any> (arr: T[], conditionsFn: (item:T) => boolean): boolean;
      /** 正常数组去重 */
      uniqueArray<T=any> (arr: T[], isSimpleCompare?: boolean): void;
      /** 正常数组去重,返回新数组【即: 原数组不会被修改】 */
      uniqueNewArray<T=any> (arr: T[], isSimpleCompare?: boolean): T[];
      /** 通过规则进行数组去重,且返回删除的下标集
      * @param arr 数组
      * @param rule [可选] 1:去重且位置不变 2:去重且更新位置,默认为1
      * @return 删除的数组下标集
      uniqueArrayByRule<T=any> (arr: T[], rule?: number, isSimpleCompare?: boolean): number[];
      convertSet2Arr<T=any> (set: Set<T>): T[];
      /** 去重 arr2 相对 arr1 而言,多了哪些 items,少了哪些 items */
      diffUniqueArrayItems<T=any> (arr1: T[], arr2: T[], isSimpleCompare?: boolean): {more: T[], less: T[]};
      /** 当 for(items) 不在数组中时 push 到数组中 */
      pushArrayItemsNX<T=any> (arr: T[], items: T[], isSimpleCompare?: boolean): T[];
      /** 当 item 不在数组中时 push 到数组中 */
      pushArrayItemNX<T=any> (arr: T[], item: T, isSimpleCompare?: boolean): T | undefined;
      /** 当 for(items) 不在数组中时 unshift 到数组中 */
      unshiftArrayItemsNX<T=any> (arr: T[], items: T[], isSimpleCompare?: boolean): T[];
      /** 当 item 不在数组中时 unshift 到数组中 */
      unshiftArrayItemNX<T=any> (arr: T[], item: T, isSimpleCompare?: boolean): T | undefined;
    export interface IQObject {
      deepAssign (sourceObj:QJson, destObj:QJson): QJson;
      deepCopy (obj: QJson, isUseRecursive?: boolean): QJson;
      hasObjKeys (obj: QJson, keys: string[] | string): boolean;
      getObjVals (obj: QJson, keys: string[] | string): QJson;
      getObjVal<T=any> (obj: QJsonT<T>,  key: string): T | undefined;
      getObjValWhenEmptySetDef<T=any> (obj: QJsonT<T>, key: string, defaultVal: T): T;
      delObjItems (obj: QJson, keys: string[] | string): QJson;
    export interface IQNetwork {
      getIPAddressByNetworkInterface (networkInterface: string, defaultVal?: string, regExpStr?: string): string;
      getNetworkInterfacePrivateIPAddress (networkInterface?: string, defaultVal?: string, regExpStr?: string): string;
      getNetworkInterfacePublicIPAddress (networkInterface?: string, defaultVal?: string, regExpStr?: string): string;
      /** ipv4格式化为数字字符串,例如: 转为 192168003133 */
      ipv42NumberStr (ipv4: string): string;
    export interface IQFileOrDir {
      delFile (filePath: string, opts?: {isDelEmptyDir?: boolean}, onCb?: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException) => void): void;
      delFileAsync (filePath: string, opts?: {isDelEmptyDir?: boolean}): Promise<NodeJS.ErrnoException | void>;
      isDirAddr (url: string): boolean;
      getFileName (filePath: string): string;
      getFileSuffix (filePathOrFileName: string): string;
      isExistsFileOrDir (filePathOrDir: string, onCb: (isExists: boolean) => void): void;
      isExistsFileOrDirAsync (filePathOrDir: string): Promise<boolean>;
      deleteIfEmpty (directory: string, onCb?: (err?: Error) => void): void;
      deleteIfEmptyAsync (directory: string): Promise<Error | void>;
      getFileSize (filePath: string, onCb: (err?: NodeJS.ErrnoException, fileSize?: number) => void): void;
      getFileSizeAsync (filePath: string): Promise<number>;
      mkdirsSync (directory: string): boolean;
      mkdirsAsync (directory: string): Promise<boolean>;
    export interface IQTimer {
      /** 延迟执行,需要用 async 和 await 组合实现 */
      sleep (ts: number): Promise<void>;
      /** 添加到定时队列
      * @param queueId 定时队列 id
      * @param callback 定时器回调函数
      * @param intervalTs 定时器间隔时间,单位:毫秒
      addIntervalQueue (queueId: string, callback: QFnEmptyArgs, intervalTs: number): void;
      /** 从定时队列移除
      * @param queueId 定时队列 id
      removeIntervalQueue (queueId: string): void;
      /** 是否有定时队列任务
      * @param queueId 定时队列 id
      hasIntervalQueue (queueId: string): boolean;
      /** 获取所有定时队列 id
      * @returns 返回所有定时队列 id
      getAllIntervalQueueIds (): string[];
    export interface IQFunc {
      /** 防抖函数
        * @description 防抖函数,当一个事件频繁触发时,防抖技术确保在事件触发后的特定时间段内只执行一次相应的操作。如果在此时间段内事件再次触发,则重新计时。
        * @param func 原函数
        * @param delay 延迟时间
        * @param immediate 首次触发时是否立即执行
        * @returns 返回防抖后的函数
      debounce(func: QFnAnyArgs, delay: number, immediate?: boolean): QFnAnyArgs;
      /** 节流函数
        * @description 节流函数,节流技术确保在一定时间间隔内只执行一次操作,即使事件频繁触发。
        * @param func 原函数
        * @param delay 延迟时间
        * @param [trailing] 是否在延迟结束后执行【当 trailing 为 true 时,节流函数在延迟结束后会再次执行一次原函数。如果有连续的函数调用,且时间间隔小于延迟时间 delay,则仅在最后一次调用后的延迟结束时执行原函数】
        * @returns 返回节流后的函数
      throttle(func: QFnAnyArgs, delay: number, trailing?: boolean): QFnAnyArgs;
    export interface IQMethods extends
    IQFunc, IQCheckType, IQCompare, IQToType, IQDate,
    IQTimer, IQArray, IQObject, IQNetwork, IQFileOrDir
      getPlatform(): string; // return Windows | Linux | Mac | ?UnsupportedPlatform
      /** 随机获取范围内 count 个值 */
      randomRangeValues (start: number, end: number, count?: number): number[];
      loadJsonFile<T=QJson> (filePath: string): T | undefined;
      generateUuid (): string;
      generateRandomNumberId (): number;
      generateRandomId (isUseNumAndDate?: boolean): string;
      formatError (error: string | Error): QJson;
    declare global {
      const qFuncs: IQMethods;
      // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-namespace
      namespace NodeJS {
        interface Global {
          qFuncs: IQMethods;


  • main.ts 代码,根据代码能知道导出了哪些东西
// eslint-disable-next-line spaced-comment, @typescript-eslint/triple-slash-reference

import {IQMethods} from '@src/qfuncs/qfuncs.i';
import qFuncs, {QMethods} from '@src/qfuncs';
import CustomEventManager, {moduleEventInstance, ICustomEventManager} from '@common/custom-event-manager';
import {VERSIONS, VERSIONSTIME} from '@enum/version';

export {

export {

export default qFuncs;


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这是 qfuncs npm 包的源码,主要封装一些功能类方法,例如:deepAssign、deepCopy、isEqualObject、isEqualArray 等






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