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This repository provides a boilerplate for you to fork to create franchise specific assets used by Squiz Matrix CMS and connects to matrix via Git bridge.

All JS and CSS assets in this repository will be compressed, minified or bundled and serve to the binary repository. Then the end user could use Git bridge to synchronise the assets to Squiz Matrix from the binary repository.

All files in the src folder will be copied to the binary repository in the same folder structure, as well as they will be compressed and minified.

To bundle the files you could follow the instructions below.

Each time you push or merge the branch, the building process will be triggered by the Github Action and automatically deployed to the binary repository matrix-assets-release.

Folder structure

  • src/css : Contains all scss partials related
  • src/js: Contains all script files
  • binary-repo: files that will be copied to the binary repository, such as the README file of that repository.

Git bridge branches

  • you could git bridge a feature branch for testing changes
  • main branch is used for production


This repository enable you to bundled a bunch of JS/CSS files and output a single minified bundled file.

There is no limitation of what you want to bundle in this repository:

  • You could create as many bundle files as you like in this repository.
  • You could choose whatever files you want to add to the bundle.

Create a bundle

  1. Defined a target item in the targets object in package.json. Such as:
      "targets": {
        "new-bundle": {
          "source": "src/New Bundle/index.js", // input file location
      "new-bundle": "dist/build/new-bundle.js" // output file location
  2. Create a index file in src/New Bundle/index.js.
  3. In the index file, import all the asset files you want to bundle. Such as:
      import "./js/script1.js";
      import "./js/script2.js";
      import "./js/script3.js";
      import "./css/style1.scss";
      import "./css/style2.scss";
  4. You could test the building process by running npm run build, you could see the bundled files will be output to the distDir, in dist/build it will contain:
  5. Each time you push or merge the branch, the building process will be triggered by the Github Action and automatically deployed to the binary repository.
  6. Then you could use Git bridge to synchronise the update in the binary repository to Squiz Matrix from the branch you are working on.

To fork this repository for a new franchise

You could fork this repository to contain franchise specific assets.

  1. Go to and click the fork button.
  2. In Create a new fork page, set Owner to qld-gov-au, you'll need the access of this organisation.
  3. You could set whatever in Repository name, such as matrix-assets-housing.
  4. You could set whatever in Description.
  5. Then press Create fork to create a new repository.
  6. In the new repository, go to Settings > Secrets > Actions.
  7. For details of the following steps, please refer to .github/workflows/
  8. Add a New repository secret.
  9. Set the name as TARGET_REPO, for the value, it will be the name of the new binary repository you are going to created, such as qld-gov-au/matrix-assets-housing-release. Save this secret.
  10. Add another New repository secret.
  11. Set the name as GH_PAT, for the value, it will be something like this: YourGithubUsername:YourPersonalAccessToken
  12. Follow this guide for getting YourPersonalAccessToken. You'll only need to enable the Repo access right for this token, and you could save this token in 1Password for future usage.
  13. Create a new binary repository in
  14. Use the binary repo name you've defined previously, eg. matrix-assets-housing-release, and check Add a READMEfile. Then submit.
  15. Now you've setup both franchise repository and binary repository, every push in the source repository will automatically build and publish to the binary repository. You could synchronise the binary repository inn Squiz Matrix Gitbridge now.
  16. Checkout the new source repository, try to replace any occurrence of matrix-assets-boilerplate to the new repo name you have defined. If you commit and push then you should see the Github action is running and deploys to the binary repository.


Provides a boilerplate repository to builds assets used by and connects to matrix via git bridge






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