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Normal release

To create a release for both sn-listbox and sn-filter-pane, follow these steps:

  1. Click this GitHub action create-release
  2. Select the branch from which to create a release (always use main unless you are creating a patch release)

Note! Both sn-listbox and sn-filter-pane will be released

The script determines which digit in the version number to increment, based on the presence of fix: in the commmit messages' prefixes:

  • fix -> patch
  • other prefixes -> minor

Release action dialog

You need to be a Collaborator to run this workflow.


  • Branch – The branch to create a release from
  • Pre-release? – Only if you want to make a pre-releases, in which case you must choose the kind of pre-release
  • Dry-run – If dry-run is checked, packages will not be released – it is to show the commands it will execute and their outputs, upon release

Note! With the dry-run option, read-only commands are still executed (commands prefixed with $), while potentially writing/mutating commands are not (commands prefixed with ! below)

$ git rev-parse --git-dir  # executed in dry-run
! git add package.json  # ignored in dry-run
! git commit --message="Release 0.8.3" # ignored in dry-run

Patch release

A patch release means releasing a new version from a branch (i.e. not main). The convention says that a patch release should increment the last (third) digit in the version number: major.minor.patch. However, which number gets incremented is decided by the release script. Therefore, you must make sure to include merge commits which only contain fix: in the changes on your branch.

Follow these steps to create a patch release:

  1. Find out which version you want to patch (e.g. 0.13.7 and release a patched version 0.13.8)
  2. Find the corresponding branch, named release/0.13.x – otherwise create it from the release commit of the version mentioned before (0.13.7)
  3. Update the branch release/0.13.x with your fixes and prepare to release it
  4. Run the release GitHub action but make sure to select your release branch: release/0.13.x
  5. Use the Dry run option – and make sure it only bumps the last digit in the version number
  6. Finally – run the release GitHub action without the Dry run option

Current release branches:

Api governance check

For sn-filter-pane run the API-Governance workflow. To update the baseline select a release tag from the dropdown menu.